Never to be forgotten

Start your own anti-American thread, douche.

Anti American? Being against war and the killing of ANY innocent human beings is anti American?

Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.
General Douglas MacArthur

Our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in...war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.
General Douglas MacArthur

War: A wretched debasement of all the pretenses of civilization.
General Omar N. Bradley

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.
General Smedley Butler
Shut up, fuckchop. This was a thread about Pearl Harbour. Take your anti American bullshit and shove it up your ass with the rest of your belongings.

No, this is not a thread about Pearl Harbor. That was 71 years ago. Maybe you should READ before you open your pie hole?

OP...Agony endures 75 years after Nanjing Massacre
No, bfgrn is anti-American. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. It has to do with posting reams of anti-American propaganda and attacking our war veterans every chance he gets. If anybody comments on anything, he sees that as an excuse to post anti-American bullshit about our military. He's well known for it.

I wouldn't hitch myself to his star, if I were you.
No, bfgrn is anti-American. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. It has to do with posting reams of anti-American propaganda and attacking our war veterans every chance he gets. If anybody comments on anything, he sees that as an excuse to post anti-American bullshit about our military. He's well known for it.

I wouldn't hitch myself to his star, if I were you.

It is called freedom of speech

Some of these wars can be called Anti-American if you do not look at them in a nationalistic mindset
Yes, it's called freedom of speech. It's also called thread hijacking and propaganda. Legal, to a point...but also obvious, so fair game for attack.
Oh so it's about Japanese atrocities against the Chinese.

Which makes your anti-American bullshit

The best way to honor the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis, the firebombing of Dresden, Abu Ghraib or any atrocity is to prevent them from happening again. The only way to do that is to contemplate and recognize what could possibly cause one human being to commit such atrocities against another human being. As jhc1983 pointed out, extreme nationalism is a vital ingredient. It brainwashes a soldier into viewing his own nation as so righteous that people from another culture or country are less than human.

It has happen in America. After Pearl Harbor some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

The Islamophobia that occurred here after 9/11 is another example. It created the blood lust that allowed a president to lead us into an immoral war in Iraq against a country and people who had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. And many Americans cheered when Bush said "Bring 'em on" and "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists". It is fuel for atrocities. It is not how the president of the United States should lead, it is irresponsible leadership. The last leader to use those words was Benito Mussolini, who declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.
A sad story, but maybe you and other Americans would be better served remembering THIS...

Ex-U.S. soldier found guilty in Iraqi rape, deaths

Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi (عبير قاسم حمزه الجنابي) (February 28, 1992 - March 12, 2006) was an Iraqi girl who, at the age of 14 years, was gang-raped and murdered together with her 5-year-old sister, mother and father, in their home, by U.S. soldiers who then set fire to the building before decamping.


Abeer Qassim Hamza at the age of seven.

Abeer means "fragrance of flowers." She was 14 years old.

When four American soldiers, two dressed in Iraqi mufti and not uniforms, appeared at the Al-Janabi farmhouse on the afternoon of March 12, 2006, they were not entirely unexpected. Abeer had told her mother that some of the Americans at the checkpoint were being sexually aggressive toward her and her mother, fearing for her safety, had been making her stay home.

Among the soldiers entering the house was Private First Class Steven Green, a 21-year-old boy-man and petulant loner with a history of drug and alcohol problems and a petty criminal record back in Midland, the titular home of the Bush family in Texas oil patch country.

Green had been in Iraq for only a few weeks when he was found to have "homicidal ideations" when he was sent to an Army Combat Stress team on December 21, 2005. Nevertheless, he was sent back into combat.

In February 2006, Green matter-of-factly told a reporter for Stars & Stripes that he had come to Iraq "because I wanted to kill people" and bragged that he had "shot a guy who wouldn't stop when we were out at a traffic checkpoint and it was like nothing. Over here, killing people is like squashing an ant. I mean, you kill somebody and it's like 'All right, let's go get some pizza'."

Green was being medicated with small doses of Seroquel, a mood-altering drug, to control his demons, and still was sent back into combat. Bravo Company's commander, Captain James Goodwin, later said that conditions were so bad and his men so numbed from months of combat that he "almost had a nervous breakdown" and had to spend a few days chilling in the Green Zone in Baghdad before resuming command of the beleaguered unit.

By March 2006, the men of Bravo Company seemed to be near the breaking point. There was bitter complaining that they were being forced to spend up to 30 days straight working and sleeping at undermanned checkpoints instead of three- to five-day rotations back to Camp Striker, their barracks in an abandoned potato processing plant that had burned the previous month, adding to the unit's reputation as a "hard-luck" outfit.

With two of Bravo Company's respected and experienced senior NCOs away on leave, Green set about planning mischief.

According to an affidavit prepared by FBI Special Agent Frank Charles and other accounts, on the evening of March 11, Green talked up the idea of going to Abeer's house and raping her. Then, on the following morning, he and several buddies played cards and got drunk on black market Iraqi whiskey, a violation of war-zone policy.

After hitting some golf balls behind the checkpoint, an intoxicated Green again brought up the idea of raping Abeer, changed into Iraqi civilian clothing and made arrangements for a buddy to monitor the radio at the checkpoint so he and his confederates could go "kill and hurt a lot of Iraqis."

Once at Abeer's house Green herded her father, mother and Hadil, her 7-year-old sister, into a bedroom. Abeer’s brothers, Ahmad and Muhammad, were at school.

Green shot the father several times in the head, the mother several times in the abdomen and the sister several times in the head and shoulder with an AK-47 that the family was legally allowed to keep in the house, proudly announcing to his buddies, "I just killed them, all are dead."
Green then turned on Abeer, whom U.S. officials initially claimed was 20 or 25. As if that justified what happened next.

Abeer's dressing gown and bra were torn from her body and her legs tied. Green and two other soldiers then took turns raping her. By the time they had finished, blood was flowing from her vagina. Green then shot Abeer in the head two or three times, threw a blanket over her torso and set her body afire in a crude effort to cover up the atrocity.

Back at the checkpoint, Green burned his blood-drenched clothing and swore everyone to secrecy.


So you are comparing a psychotic out of control person who committed an admittedly horrible crime for which he was duly punished to the systematic raping and killing of more than 300,000 people condoned by the Japanese government?

Spare me the propaganda. So, you are condemning the evil Japanese soldiers, and making excuses for murdering and raping American soldiers?

What about the fucking VICTIMS?
Actually, he's calling you a moron - a classless one at that.

I concur.
A sad story, but maybe you and other Americans would be better served remembering THIS...

Why do you say that (besides your obvious desire to indulge in some anti-American schadenfreude)? It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, is in no way an apt comparison, and suggests that more than one terrible event cannot be remembered.

You just wanted to be a dick, and you accomplished your goal. How thoughtful and humanitarian of you to callously use the poor girl's death to play a smirky little game. Real classy.

This is exactly WHY I said but maybe you and other Americans would be better served remembering the atrocities committed by our own soldiers. I am not anti-American, I am anti WAR.

If you want to believe in fairy tales, good guy bad/guy bullshit and wave the flag go right ahead. But educate yourself first pea brain. Read about the firebombing of Dresden, the Biscari massacre and Abu Ghraib

Apparently you are anti-HUMAN. If you want to discuss another topic go start another thread, dick. Maybe you can find another young girl's death to use as a prop for your own smug self-satisfaction. What a low-life POS.
Spare me the propaganda. So, you are condemning the evil Japanese soldiers, and making excuses for murdering and raping American soldiers?

What about the fucking VICTIMS?

I feel for the victims. The difference you refuse to see is that the man guilty of the rape and murder of the girl in Iraq has been punished. No one was punished for what the Japanese soldiers did to the 300,000 victims in China. What about the victims?

What lesson do you want me to come away with? To hate Japan?

THE lesson should be to hate WAR. It is the scourge of mankind. We as citizens need to understand that war causes these atrocities. And we as citizens don't need to cheer despot presidents when they say 'Bring 'em on'

The real lesson is that war must always be the last resort.

Apparently, you think the lesson should be that everything is always about YOU and your partisan politics.
Anyway, before dickless there decided it was all about him, the direction I had hoped this thread would take was to discuss how these two great nations could possibly move forward in the future with this very difficult history and animosity still festing between them. That might have led to a discussion of historical perspective in general and how nations and peoples do or do not put past grievances behind them while never forgetting those who have fallen or failing to learn the lessons of the past. Something like that.

Instead, it is all about Bfgrn. Great.
Anyway, before dickless there decided it was all about him, the direction I had hoped this thread would take was to discuss how these two great nations could possibly move forward in the future with this very difficult history and animosity still festing between them. That might have led to a discussion of historical perspective in general and how nations and peoples do or do not put past grievances behind them while never forgetting those who have fallen or failing to learn the lessons of the past. Something like that.

Instead, it is all about Bfgrn. Great.

There is a lot of hate between the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans and the Japanese, much of it justified, on both sides. I'm not sure how to get past something like that. I think the Japanese government has apologized. I'm not sure they should be required to do any more than that, after all, those soldiers responsible for that atrocity were following orders and those responsible for their orders are no longer in power and are probably dead, or very likely to be soon. Perhaps time is what is needed?

Did you know that Korea kidnapped many Japanese victims and hold them hostage to this day? In a move I found very confusing, they allowed those people to visit Japan but not to stay. You would think that after all those years, if they get to go home, they'd get to stay home.
Anyway, before dickless there decided it was all about him, the direction I had hoped this thread would take was to discuss how these two great nations could possibly move forward in the future with this very difficult history and animosity still festing between them. That might have led to a discussion of historical perspective in general and how nations and peoples do or do not put past grievances behind them while never forgetting those who have fallen or failing to learn the lessons of the past. Something like that.

Instead, it is all about Bfgrn. Great.

Anyway, the direction this thread was heading was oblivion.

You originally posted it yesterday at 2:34 pm.................................nothing, no replies, zero interest...

So, anyway, after almost 9 hours of oblivion, nothing, no replies, zero bumped the thread at 11:07 pm after nothing, no replies, zero interest...

I saved your post from oblivion, and this is the thanks I get?

BTW, you are welcome!

your thread would have been exorcized from view
Anyway, before dickless there decided it was all about him, the direction I had hoped this thread would take was to discuss how these two great nations could possibly move forward in the future with this very difficult history and animosity still festing between them. That might have led to a discussion of historical perspective in general and how nations and peoples do or do not put past grievances behind them while never forgetting those who have fallen or failing to learn the lessons of the past. Something like that.

Instead, it is all about Bfgrn. Great.

There is a lot of hate between the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans and the Japanese, much of it justified, on both sides. I'm not sure how to get past something like that. I think the Japanese government has apologized. I'm not sure they should be required to do any more than that, after all, those soldiers responsible for that atrocity were following orders and those responsible for their orders are no longer in power and are probably dead, or very likely to be soon. Perhaps time is what is needed?

Did you know that Korea kidnapped many Japanese victims and hold them hostage to this day? In a move I found very confusing, they allowed those people to visit Japan but not to stay. You would think that after all those years, if they get to go home, they'd get to stay home.

Japan has indeed apologized many times now. The animosity has remained fresh for many reasons, among them the fact that the Chinese government has found it too effective a tool for controlling public sentiment at will to let it go. Also, of course, it is understandable to say the least that people would never forget such a horror. And, the Chinese are world champions when it comes to holding a grudge anyway.

It was North Korea that abducted a number of Japanese citizens back in the 70s. It is a very serious issue to this day in that a number of these abductees are believed to still be alive in the North. Those few who were allowed to return of course stayed in Japan with the exception of one or two who had by then families back in the North that could be used by North Korea to compel their return (or else). North Korea denies that the remaining unaccounted for kidnap victims are still alive. The North Korean scum took these people - some of them just children at the time - in order to use them to teach future North Korean spies the Japanese language and culture. Some married and raised families in the North. It should be noted that North Korea has also abducted South Korean ciitzens in similar fashion.
All things considered, I find it remarkable that so many Chinese people are willing to extend a hand in friendship and move forward. It is generally just when the CCP wants to distract their people that passions become inflamed anew.

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