Neturei Karta-Jews Opposed To Israel and Zionism


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

They obtain funding from Arab groups and possibly even Arab governments (in the past they have had cordial relations with Yemen and Iran). Documents indicating that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat supplied Neturei Karta with more than $50,000 in late 2002 were obtained by the IDF and reported to the media.

They obtain funding from Arab groups and possibly even Arab governments (in the past they have had cordial relations with Yemen and Iran). Documents indicating that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat supplied Neturei Karta with more than $50,000 in late 2002 were obtained by the IDF and reported to the media.

So what?

Weird ... that's lawful here in the United States ... I thought it was lawful in Israel ... are you sure Yasser Arafat was helping to fund the IDF? ... frankly, that seems out of character even for Fatah ...

How does Zionism ... officially ... stand on forced emigration of Arabs out of Israeli territory (including Gaza and the West Bank)? ... there are some Zionists who advocate the murder of Arabs ... so, you know, there's a lot about Zionism that probably should be opposed ... the Jews are just normal people and some are racists, that's true for any population, how is Zionism keeping these racists out? ... or has the Zionist movement become just a meeting place for these racists ...

Why should Israel exist before the coming of the Messiah? ... before the Third Temple? ... Neturei Karta might be right, who are we to say? ...

They obtain funding from Arab groups and possibly even Arab governments (in the past they have had cordial relations with Yemen and Iran). Documents indicating that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat supplied Neturei Karta with more than $50,000 in late 2002 were obtained by the IDF and reported to the media.
Similar to today´s Germans who deny their own right to have a country.
Weird ... that's lawful here in the United States ... I thought it was lawful in Israel ... are you sure Yasser Arafat was helping to fund the IDF? ... frankly, that seems out of character even for Fatah ...

How does Zionism ... officially ... stand on forced emigration of Arabs out of Israeli territory (including Gaza and the West Bank)? ... there are some Zionists who advocate the murder of Arabs ... so, you know, there's a lot about Zionism that probably should be opposed ... the Jews are just normal people and some are racists, that's true for any population, how is Zionism keeping these racists out? ... or has the Zionist movement become just a meeting place for these racists ...

Why should Israel exist before the coming of the Messiah? ... before the Third Temple? ... Neturei Karta might be right, who are we to say? ...

They don't have enough guts to stand up to Bibi Netanyahu and do the right thing for once.
They don't have enough guts to stand up to Bibi Netanyahu and do the right thing for once.

What does guts have to do with it? ... if not them, then who's been riding Net'hu ass about judicial reforms? ...

It was just a month ago, the Israeli people were screaming at their government to protect them from terrorists ... looks to me Net'hu is complying ... isn't that the right thing to do? ... call it the tyranny of the majority, everyone else does ...

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