Netherlands: Public broadcaster pasted over with thousands of death notices. "Died suddenly", "Heart failure after punctures", "René is dead"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Interesting where all those Corona Fascists who mandated and enforced the deadly mRNA jabs where hide themselves from outraged death candidates after they finally grasp they had been cheated and are going to die?I'm afraid it will be the Lynch justice at any corner in all those countries where criminal governments mandated the Pfizer's 'jabs'.
I'm talking about MS presstitutes, cops, securities, grocery owners, physicians etc. ,about anyone who helped by the CONvid 1984 SCAMdemic.
Unfortunately and very sad but according to thousands leading scientists most of inoculated will die within few years
It looks like 'elites' badly need nuclear WWIII now to eliminate all inoculated victims before they take revenge on them

On Saturday morning, the NOS (Public Broadcasting Service) building was filled with 14,445 Post-its. Each post-it represents a death in 2022. In front of the building, people held banners with texts like "NOS = Fake News", "Honest investigation of excess mortality", "NOS, RTL, SBS, NRC, AD, Telegraaf, Trouw, we are tired of your lies", "Stop lying" and "Stop censorship".
... Between the post-its there were also A4 sheets of paper that read: "Media = virus", "Media stop lying" and "Bought journalists".
During Covid, every "Coronadode" was publicized with great fanfare and people were instilled with fear. When suddenly many more people died than expected after the introduction of the Corona vaccines, there was silence. Especially countries with high vaccination coverage suffered from excess mortality.

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