Netherlands – Muslim Utopia


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Islamization is deep in the Netherlands. There is much to say, from the broad daylight murder of Theo Van Gogh, to the branding of protectionist Geert Wilders, as a “bigot” and “Islamaphobe.” Wilders was even brought to trial by Dutch, multiculturalist, PC fanatics.

But one incident really stands out. After Dutch uber-tolerance cultivated Muslim intolerance to run rampant, pro-ISIS rallies were held publicly in the Hague (seat of the Dutch government). On July 4 and 24th, 2014, ISIS supporters waved the ISIS black flag, shouted Allahu Akbar, and called for the deaths of Jews, while marching.


The left-wing mayor, Jozias van Aartsen, was on vacation. His deputy saw no need to take action regarding this obvious treason. The stunning inaction by van Aartsen’s office prompted calls for his resignation. Back from vacation, the mayor responded by not taking action against the genocidal ISIS supporters, but instead, he banned a planned anti-ISIS rally, deeming it “too provocative.”

Simply incredible.
What a shame. It almost seems like there is an unnatural darkness that is taking over the world. Common sense is a thing of the past. The more Muslims slaughter, the more welcome they are.
Mass Insanity. Liberal lunacy. It would be laughable, if it were not so damn dangerous to us.
Islamization is deep in the Netherlands. There is much to say, from the broad daylight murder of Theo Van Gogh, to the branding of protectionist Geert Wilders, as a “bigot” and “Islamaphobe.” Wilders was even brought to trial by Dutch, multiculturalist, PC fanatics.

But one incident really stands out. After Dutch uber-tolerance cultivated Muslim intolerance to run rampant, pro-ISIS rallies were held publicly in the Hague (seat of the Dutch government). On July 4 and 24th, 2014, ISIS supporters waved the ISIS black flag, shouted Allahu Akbar, and called for the deaths of Jews, while marching.

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The left-wing mayor, Jozias van Aartsen, was on vacation. His deputy saw no need to take action regarding this obvious treason. The stunning inaction by van Aartsen’s office prompted calls for his resignation. Back from vacation, the mayor responded by not taking action against the genocidal ISIS supporters, but instead, he banned a planned anti-ISIS rally, deeming it “too provocative.”

Simply incredible.
The Dutch? Not Much.

They've been gutless doormats for over a century, relying on other countries to cover for their cowardice.

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