Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
So now you're the second moron here who couldn't this idiocy. How does it feel?

It would actually be harmful and dangerous to Israel, but you are a hack who can only think in terms that make Obama a hero.
Then answer my question... who's stopping Iran if there's no deal? U.S.? Israel? Who?

You like make believe games?

The answer is whoever the situation dictates be involved will be involved.

I don't play make believe kid, I deal in reality and reality is not and can never be a hypothetical what if thing.

Again I know you think you are clever and I know you hate Jew's but everyone who has a stake in whatever happens should be involved.

It's cute that you think you questioning my manhood means anything ;)
You're a fucking imbecile. I've said nothing to indicate I hate Jews. That's just your demented imagination speaking.

And that you won't answer my question reveals you have no manhood. Clearly, you have an idea, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to state Obama's deal is bad for Israel. Since you think the deal is bad, who's fighting that fight if there's no deal? The U.S.? Israel? Who?

Man up.
The petulant child acts up in the White House....

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Humans are a disease. Try thinking beyond your tiny balls.

No, hate filled humans such as yourself are the disease....go kill yourself.

Whoa, that goes decisively too far. Way way way overboard.

Dude, this is a MESSAGE BOARD, where people are allowed to express their opinion. But to tell someone to kill himself.... no way.

You must be one really, really fucked-up person.

Now, back to your screwed-up OP title that lacks a foundation in reality:

Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

First, Obama was not on the ballot.

And second, Netanyahu's win is NOT historic. The Knesset elections of 1949, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1965, 1969 (30 seat majority between 1st and 2nd party) and 2003 were far more historic than this election: a much larger popular vote margin and a considerably larger Knesset seat margin.

It must really, really suck to be you, always lacking in hard facts. They tend to bite a person in the ass, you know.

Well, it's "historic" in that I think Netanyahu is now the longest serving Israeli prime minister. It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently. The only way to create a Palestine out of what used to all be Palestine is for the UN to what it already has done and "partition" off some territory. And that's not to call all Israelis horrible people, though there are some theocrats who are just as bad as the worst Iranian theocrats. But, with Isis and even Hamas about, the Israelis aren't going to give up the high ground of the west bank. The notion of having a Jordan controlled by some ISIS like group is not an impossibility.

So the true irony of the conflict is so long there's a real threat of terrorists controlling the West Bank, even decent Israelis won't make a peace deal. ISIS and terrorism are bigger enemies of the Palestinians that they are to even the Israelis.

Even if Bibi were not a near Nazi, who given the nod would go for ethnically cleansing than Moses in Exodus, it would be impossible for the Israelis and Pales to negotiate a two state solution with the US brokering the deal. That is HISTORIC. We've entered a new era. And it's because of our own allies funding ISIS.
America s Allies Are Funding ISIS - The Daily Beast
The only way to settle the Palestinian state solution rests with the UN, which can stop the funding of terrorists.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:
Obama sent money and resources to Netanyahu's opponent. You can't be that blind.
Riiiight. According to Faux News maybe. But who believes them?
Only a complete moron wouldnt.
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Humans are a disease. Try thinking beyond your tiny balls.

No, hate filled humans such as yourself are the disease....go kill yourself.

Whoa, that goes decisively too far. Way way way overboard.

Dude, this is a MESSAGE BOARD, where people are allowed to express their opinion. But to tell someone to kill himself.... no way.

You must be one really, really fucked-up person.

Now, back to your screwed-up OP title that lacks a foundation in reality:

Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

First, Obama was not on the ballot.

And second, Netanyahu's win is NOT historic. The Knesset elections of 1949, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1965, 1969 (30 seat majority between 1st and 2nd party) and 2003 were far more historic than this election: a much larger popular vote margin and a considerably larger Knesset seat margin.

It must really, really suck to be you, always lacking in hard facts. They tend to bite a person in the ass, you know.

Well, it's "historic" in that I think Netanyahu is now the longest serving Israeli prime minister. It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently. The only way to create a Palestine out of what used to all be Palestine is for the UN to what it already has done and "partition" off some territory. And that's not to call all Israelis horrible people, though there are some theocrats who are just as bad as the worst Iranian theocrats. But, with Isis and even Hamas about, the Israelis aren't going to give up the high ground of the west bank. The notion of having a Jordan controlled by some ISIS like group is not an impossibility.

So the true irony of the conflict is so long there's a real threat of terrorists controlling the West Bank, even decent Israelis won't make a peace deal. ISIS and terrorism are bigger enemies of the Palestinians that they are to even the Israelis.

Even if Bibi were not a near Nazi, who given the nod would go for ethnically cleansing than Moses in Exodus, it would be impossible for the Israelis and Pales to negotiate a two state solution with the US brokering the deal. That is HISTORIC. We've entered a new era. And it's because of our own allies funding ISIS.
America s Allies Are Funding ISIS - The Daily Beast
The only way to settle the Palestinian state solution rests with the UN, which can stop the funding of terrorists.

Netanyahu is not even close to being a Nazi.
The Muslim Jihadists actually worked with the Nazis in the 1930's because they both want the Jews annihilated.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:
Obama sent money and resources to Netanyahu's opponent. You can't be that blind.
Riiiight. According to Faux News maybe. But who believes them?
Only a complete moron wouldnt.
Then you can prove Obama donated money to Herzog. Let's see your proof...
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
...It also may be a cross roads for Israel since any negotiated two state "solution" is off the table, permanently....

I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
I think he's flip flopping in hopes Obama doesn't throw Israel to the security council
I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
I think he's flip flopping in hopes Obama doesn't throw Israel to the security council

What can Obama really do? He can certainly put political pressure on Israel and subject them to more meaningless condemnations. But if he actually did anything to destroy Israel that would be political suicide for the Democratic party. That's why I keep asking leftists what exactly he's going to do to them. So far I have he is going to put Obama in the Guinness book of records. I'm sure that scares Bibi whatever that means
I know you aren't stupid but that is one really stupid premise. In fact, Bibi has already said so but beyond that I promise you this ... Bibi will not be Israel's PM permanently.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
I think he's flip flopping in hopes Obama doesn't throw Israel to the security council
That ... and cut off U.S. funding to Israel.
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
I think he's flip flopping in hopes Obama doesn't throw Israel to the security council
That ... and cut off U.S. funding to Israel.

Wow, the Democrats would be toast in 2016. Yeah, that's going to happen
Why is it a stupid premise? IF I'm an Israeli who, unlike Bibi, would be open to a two state solution, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone who'd give up control of the West Bank so long as there was a possibility that some group like ISIS could take over Jordan.

If a two state solution is the goal, we have to find a way to solve the even greater problem. Again, the irony is the Palestinians biggest enemy is not Likud but rather radical jihadists.
Netanyahu's already backpedaling on his one-state campaign promise. :lol:
You believe him?
About a two-state solution? No. What I believe is he's just kissing Obama's ass.
I think he's flip flopping in hopes Obama doesn't throw Israel to the security council

What can Obama really do? He can certainly put political pressure on Israel and subject them to more meaningless condemnations. But if he actually did anything to destroy Israel that would be political suicide for the Democratic party. That's why I keep asking leftists what exactly he's going to do to them. So far I have he is going to put Obama in the Guinness book of records. I'm sure that scares Bibi whatever that means
Obama can allow the UN to recognize the state of Palestine, and let them into the UN. And that's the exact same thing the UN did with the state of Israel. It really doesn't change anything, because the only way the UN could possibly force Israel to do anything would be with the same kind of economic sanctions that are applied to Iran. And that's nowhere on the table.

I don't think that's necessarily a loser in American politics for two reasons. 1) Bibi just alienated the last of the liberal Jews, and most Jews are still voting D. 2) The real political danger in American politics would be alienating the right wing that already voted for W, Boom Boom McCain, and Mitt. And, there's a policy argument to be made that Israel can only accept a true Palestinian state that would not allow terrorist funding from places like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. You need the UN to get there, and getting there is in everyone's interests.
(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Humans are a disease. Try thinking beyond your tiny balls.

No, hate filled humans such as yourself are the disease....go kill yourself.

Whoa, that goes decisively too far. Way way way overboard.

Dude, this is a MESSAGE BOARD, where people are allowed to express their opinion. But to tell someone to kill himself.... no way.

You must be one really, really fucked-up person.

Now, back to your screwed-up OP title that lacks a foundation in reality:

Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

First, Obama was not on the ballot.

And second, Netanyahu's win is NOT historic. The Knesset elections of 1949, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1965, 1969 (30 seat majority between 1st and 2nd party) and 2003 were far more historic than this election: a much larger popular vote margin and a considerably larger Knesset seat margin.

It must really, really suck to be you, always lacking in hard facts. They tend to bite a person in the ass, you know.

You moron, Paint goes on and on about killing all humans, you really are an idiot.

As to your post, do a search and you'll find article after article telling of Bibi's "Historic" win.

It must really suck to be you to be so blinded by abject hatred.

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