Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now'

Gee---min Trut agreed with this ^^^^^ islamo-nazi lie. Not unusual----
islamo nazi propaganda is parroted without a scintilla of THOUGHT----
all the time. For the record "netanfuckyou" is simply a shit mouth
fart----but the idiot statement "gazans can't leave without Israeli
permission" is hardcore filth islamo nazi LIBEL----something like the blood
libels of the pigs that instigated pogroms in christian lands in the past---
and in muzzie shit holes even now
What I said was true. Gaza is a prison! Israel just shut off electricity to Gaza. That is a war crime, you fucked up POS!
Israel needs to stop pussyfooting around. Kill them. No more surgical strikes, no more warnings, no more half measures. Wipe the fuckers out to the last man, woman, and child. 75 years of siege is more than enough.
Bull-fucking-shit! Fuck you! Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years. Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. Israel is a sick, disgusting, apartheid government that can go to hell!
But the Pales would have had their own state and a peace if they'd taken it when Slick was potus.

That's no excuse for apartheid or what Israel has become. But the vast maj or people being hurt now are .... civilians on all sides, including Iran
Bull-fucking-shit! Fuck you! Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years. Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. Israel is a sick, disgusting, apartheid government that can go to hell!

Hamas is so appreciative of you!!
They thank you for helping to spread the word! Hezbollah wants your address so they can thank you in person!
But the Pales would have had their own state and a peace if they'd taken it when Slick was potus.

That's no excuse for apartheid or what Israel has become. But the vast maj or people being hurt now are .... civilians on all sides, including Iran
That is true. And for the record, I do condemn the Hamas attacks!
If they were faithful, they never would have given Arabs control over the Temple Mount. That was the beginning of all this.
I hope that they can find a way to cancel out that idiot move (I believe it
can be attributed to Moshe Dayan) My plan---dismantle the yellow
pustule and ship it to Jordan
What I said was true. Gaza is a prison! Israel just shut off electricity to Gaza. That is a war crime, you fucked up POS!
The electric company turns off electricity in my house if I do not
pay the bill That is not a crime you. fucking POS (for those
who do not know---the acronym POS is PILE OF SHIT Nobody is stoping the Gazans from escaping THE PRISON
That is true. And for the record, I do condemn the Hamas attacks!
go to hell, fucking whore
What I said was true. Gaza is a prison! Israel just shut off electricity to Gaza. That is a war crime, you fucked up POS!
I hope they cut off Food & Fuel
I'm no fan of Hamas. I condemn their attacks. But they were provoked. Israelfired the first shot!
so does that justify executing almost 300 Concert goers then going into nearby homes and making Parents watch them execute their toddlers in front of them then raping the wife prior to executing the husband ?
This could end up being unprecedented in the history of Israeli conflicts.
We'll see, but I wouldn't want to have any association whatsoever with Hamas right now.

Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into 'rubble': Israeli PM tells Palestinians to 'leave now' and says Hamas will pay an 'unprecedented price' after they kidnapped grans and launched shocking attack that has left hundreds dead on both sides​

Israel is killing Israeli hostages with its blitzkrieg. How is that a good thing ?
I hope they cut off Food & Fuel

so does that justify executing almost 300 Concert goers then going into nearby homes and making Parents watch them execute their toddlers in front of them then raping the wife prior to executing the husband ?
the thrill that billo gets JUSTIFIES ALL
Israel is killing Israeli hostages with its blitzkrieg. How is that a good thing ?
for shit like you----A DELIGHT
I hope that they can find a way to cancel out that idiot move (I believe it
can be attributed to Moshe Dayan) My plan---dismantle the yellow
pustule and ship it to Jordan

The electric company turns off electricity in my house if I do not
pay the bill That is not a crime you. fucking POS (for those
who do not know---the acronym POS is PILE OF SHIT Nobody is stoping the Gazans from escaping THE PRISON

go to hell, fucking whore
I wish I was a whore! At least I'd get laid more!
I hope they cut off Food & Fuel

so does that justify executing almost 300 Concert goers then going into nearby homes and making Parents watch them execute their toddlers in front of them then raping the wife prior to executing the husband ?
No. There is no justification for that. Unless the group was Primus! I really fuckin' hate that band!

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