Netanyahu to with hold millions from UN

I did not like obama before, but now I DETEST him. That fucking whore bastard has set up Israel in a bad situation, where only Trump/the US might be able to get them out of it by taking some major actions that will require a major shakeup of the current political order, all because obama the c-nt had to settle a personal score with Netanyahu.

At this point, if I EVER saw obama in person I'd spit on him; this was an unforgivable outrage and crime against the jews. I pray he, kerry, rhodes and every other fucking dog responsible for this vote, including the bastards in the UK, Ukraine - who should fucking know better, Japan, Spain, France, and New Zealand drop dead today.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.

It was totally his choice. It pissed Congress off because they were cut out of it.
Congress can't be cut out of a deal that involves the budget.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
"Ted Cruz


Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in Congress. No US $ for UN until reversed.

6:35 PM - 24 Dec 2016"

Ted Cruz: Cut US funding to UN until reversal of Israel vote
This goes to show how little failed presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, understands how the United Nations Security Council works and what an inflated ego the Canadian-born Republican Latino has. Unlike the United States which can be paralyzed by Ted Cruz, the windbag has no standing with the world body. Just what is this nobody up to, one must ask.
If they didn't need it they wouldn't have their hands out every year begging for coin.

Scumbag, they DO NOT WANT your money, that is a fact. Israel would make TEN TIMES as much as this package selling their expertise on the open market; the US buys them off so it doesn't end up in the hands of some country the US might want to obliterate one day. The US DD and Darpa KNOW the IDF has many of the best weapons tech minds in the world, and doesn't want them operating where the US cannot keep a lid on them. The US did the same thing with ex-USSR scientists, amazing how only working with the jews gives fucking racist trash like you a chance to complain about it, showing your absolute ignorance and utter stupidity.

That's am interesting way to describe them begging for help. "They don't REALLY need it".

And although your creative on making up the thoughts and motivations of others that doesn't change the fact every year they have their hands out. You can SAY it's for good reasons but that would just be an admission with a spin.
That's am interesting way to describe them begging for help. "They don't REALLY need it". And although your creative on making up the thoughts and motivations of others that doesn't change the fact every year they have their hands out. You can SAY it's for good reasons but that would just be an admission with a spin.

Idiot, go look up Lavi fighter. So many stupid fucking people in this thread.
That's am interesting way to describe them begging for help. "They don't REALLY need it". And although your creative on making up the thoughts and motivations of others that doesn't change the fact every year they have their hands out. You can SAY it's for good reasons but that would just be an admission with a spin.

Idiot, go look up Lavi fighter. So many stupid fucking people in this thread.

That's doesn't address what I said so why would I go on an Easter egg hunt?
What a Jew. Leave the Palestinians alone! Stop terrorizing them. 2 state solution.

You like having the Arabs to kick around. You need a boogie man. That's why Republicans didn't like killing osama

You're mentally ill. 5 MM jews are "terrorizing" 400 MM arab muslims. Read the news about syria the last 5 years, retarded idiot? Were jews there? Fucking kill yourself already.
Then run them out and have a 2 state solution you stupid jews

Jordan should give the palestinians some land then. Israel owes them nothing.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
"Ted Cruz


Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in Congress. No US $ for UN until reversed.

6:35 PM - 24 Dec 2016"

Ted Cruz: Cut US funding to UN until reversal of Israel vote
This goes to show how little failed presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, understands how the United Nations Security Council works and what an inflated ego the Canadian-born Republican Latino has. Unlike the United States which can be paralyzed by Ted Cruz, the windbag has no standing with the world body. Just what is this nobody up to, one must ask.
Apparently, it is you who doesn't understand how the UN works. If Obama wanted to see the US defund the UN, this is exactly what he would have done. There are many members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, who are so outraged by Obama's clear break with US foreign policy on Israel, they are threatening to end or greatly reduce US contributions to the UN and its many agencies.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.

It was totally his choice. It pissed Congress off because they were cut out of it.
Congress can't be cut out of a deal that involves the budget.

They were. Legally.
Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history?

You mean the package approved by a bi-partisan CONGRESS?

Are you unaware that 'Moderator' is derived from the root 'moderate'?

Are you aware that moderators on USMB are allowed to post as MEMBERS? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and I am under no obligation to be non-partisan or, as you put it "moderate". Now that we've cleared the air, let's move on to topical content.

Congress was not happy with the deal: ANALYSIS: $38B Israel Aid Deal Is Political Boon for Benjamin Netanyahu — and Barack Obama

It was the "anti-semitic" President Obama that negotiated and secured the deal with Israeli PM Netanyahu. People should have the cajones to give credit where it's due instead of flinging around accusations of anti-semitic whenever Israel doesn't get what it wants.
Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history?

You mean the package approved by a bi-partisan CONGRESS?

Are you unaware that 'Moderator' is derived from the root 'moderate'?

Are you aware that moderators on USMB are allowed to post as MEMBERS? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and I am under no obligation to be non-partisan or, as you put it "moderate". Now that we've cleared the air, let's move on to topical content.

Congress was not happy with the deal: ANALYSIS: $38B Israel Aid Deal Is Political Boon for Benjamin Netanyahu — and Barack Obama

It was the "anti-semitic" President Obama that negotiated and secured the deal with Israeli PM Netanyahu. People should have the cajones to give credit where it's due instead of flinging around accusations of anti-semitic whenever Israel doesn't get what it wants.

You need to read what that resolution called Israel's settlements in Jerusalem, taken back in the Six Days War, ILLEGAL. That's absurd....Jews have been in Jerusalem for 2 thousand years. No, this was a carefully constructed arrow in Israel's back by the black muslim Obama and the rest of the anti-semites at the UN. He tried to get Netanyahu defeated in the election last year but failed so this was the follow-up. And so cowardly....having his Amb abstain...the same maneuver he used to avoid controversial votes in the Illinois legislature.
Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history?

You mean the package approved by a bi-partisan CONGRESS?

Are you unaware that 'Moderator' is derived from the root 'moderate'?

Are you aware that moderators on USMB are allowed to post as MEMBERS? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and I am under no obligation to be non-partisan or, as you put it "moderate". Now that we've cleared the air, let's move on to topical content.

Congress was not happy with the deal: ANALYSIS: $38B Israel Aid Deal Is Political Boon for Benjamin Netanyahu — and Barack Obama

It was the "anti-semitic" President Obama that negotiated and secured the deal with Israeli PM Netanyahu. People should have the cajones to give credit where it's due instead of flinging around accusations of anti-semitic whenever Israel doesn't get what it wants.

You need to read what that resolution called Israel's settlements in Jerusalem, taken back in the Six Days War, ILLEGAL. That's absurd....Jews have been in Jerusalem for 2 thousand years. No, this was a carefully constructed arrow in Israel's back by the black muslim Obama and the rest of the anti-semites at the UN. He tried to get Netanyahu defeated in the election last year but failed so this was the follow-up. And so cowardly....having his Amb abstain...the same maneuver he used to avoid controversial votes in the Illinois legislature.

It's making Israel accountable for it's settlement activities. They're one of the many obstacles to peace. It's about time.
Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history?

You mean the package approved by a bi-partisan CONGRESS?

Are you unaware that 'Moderator' is derived from the root 'moderate'?

Are you aware that moderators on USMB are allowed to post as MEMBERS? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and I am under no obligation to be non-partisan or, as you put it "moderate". Now that we've cleared the air, let's move on to topical content.

Congress was not happy with the deal: ANALYSIS: $38B Israel Aid Deal Is Political Boon for Benjamin Netanyahu — and Barack Obama

It was the "anti-semitic" President Obama that negotiated and secured the deal with Israeli PM Netanyahu. People should have the cajones to give credit where it's due instead of flinging around accusations of anti-semitic whenever Israel doesn't get what it wants.

You need to read what that resolution called Israel's settlements in Jerusalem, taken back in the Six Days War, ILLEGAL. That's absurd....Jews have been in Jerusalem for 2 thousand years. No, this was a carefully constructed arrow in Israel's back by the black muslim Obama and the rest of the anti-semites at the UN. He tried to get Netanyahu defeated in the election last year but failed so this was the follow-up. And so cowardly....having his Amb abstain...the same maneuver he used to avoid controversial votes in the Illinois legislature.

It's making Israel accountable for it's settlement activities. They're one of the many obstacles to peace. It's about time.

Tell the palis to stop lobbing rockets into Israel if they want "peace"...they don't.
That's doesn't address what I said so why would I go on an Easter egg hunt?

I see, lazy AND stupid. Must suck to be wrong so often. I can see why stupid people like you prefer not to do a little research; it upends your moronic Worldview that has no application to reality. Enjoy your safe place, buffy.

For those with intelligence, here's a good example of why the US buys Israel off:

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It's making Israel accountable for it's settlement activities. They're one of the many obstacles to peace. It's about time.

Riiiight idiot, because before 1967 and before the so-called "settlements" the arabs didn't come up with 1,000 other phony excuses to attack and murder jews, got it. Just as the coptics, maronites, assyrians, chaldeans, azeri, bahai, maneachans and kurds' settlements are also "forcing" the arab muslims to attack and ethnically cleanse them out of the mideast as well.

When John Wayne said life is really hard to get through when you're stupid, he was referring to people like you.
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