Netanyahu to with hold millions from UN

But we shouldn't have those responsibilities. Its not our business. Who are our allies? What do they do for us? Do you realize that we give aid to like 90% of the countries on Earth? Do you realize how much we are in debt? And I am talking unfunded liabilities too. We have veterans sleeping in the street and kids starving but we can give billions worth of weaponry to Israel and give terrorist sponsors millions-billions of dollars EVERY YEAR? That's bullshit.

Can't fully disagree with you there, but if you include the hundreds of billions spent each year to support illegal aliens as aid towards the countries these mostly mass poor/uneducated come from, it actually dwarfs the foreign aid budget by FAR.

The two biggest wasters of US taxpayer money are the illegal aliens and public union employee benefits. Nothing else comes close - the $18 Trillion in debt would vanish in about ten years or less if both were massively curtailed.
But we shouldn't have those responsibilities. Its not our business. Who are our allies? What do they do for us? Do you realize that we give aid to like 90% of the countries on Earth? Do you realize how much we are in debt? And I am talking unfunded liabilities too. We have veterans sleeping in the street and kids starving but we can give billions worth of weaponry to Israel and give terrorist sponsors millions-billions of dollars EVERY YEAR? That's bullshit.

Can't fully disagree with you there, but if you include the hundreds of billions spent each year to support illegal aliens as aid towards the countries these mostly mass poor/uneducated come from, it actually dwarfs the foreign aid budget by FAR.

The two biggest wasters of US taxpayer money are the illegal aliens and public union employee benefits. Nothing else comes close - the $18 Trillion in debt would vanish in about ten years or less if both were massively curtailed.
Public union employee benefits include retirement and medical insurance as well as salaries. Is it really so awful to have a job with a retirement plan and insurance? I've worked for the state and I didn't get rich, even with a degree and two licenses/certifications I never made over $42,000 p/year and that was with overtime. So I'm wondering why you are targeting the little guys?
Fuck the UN
Fuck Israel
Im tired of being the nanny to the whole fucking planet. You guys should be too.
We're the big brother of the world right now (not as in 1984 Big Brother) and we have responsibilities. We can't hide our head in the sand and pretend our enemies don't exist. If we neglect our alliances we will not have friends to stand with us in times of need.
I'm not sure why WE need to be the ones that negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I'll agree with you there.
But we shouldn't have those responsibilities. Its not our business.
Who are our allies? What do they do for us?
Do you realize that we give aid to like 90% of the countries on Earth? Do you realize how much we are in debt? And I am talking unfunded liabilities too.
We have veterans sleeping in the street and kids starving but we can give billions worth of weaponry to Israel and give terrorist sponsors millions-billions of dollars EVERY YEAR? That's bullshit.
I know the reason we give them money is so our enemies won't. And so we can squat on their land for military purposes if we have to. It sure sounds like we are giving out too much money when we have folks here in need, I agree with you. We aren't as rich as we used to be and maybe the new administration will look into that.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
"Ted Cruz


Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in Congress. No US $ for UN until reversed.

6:35 PM - 24 Dec 2016"

Ted Cruz: Cut US funding to UN until reversal of Israel vote
This goes to show how little failed presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, understands how the United Nations Security Council works and what an inflated ego the Canadian-born Republican Latino has. Unlike the United States which can be paralyzed by Ted Cruz, the windbag has no standing with the world body. Just what is this nobody up to, one must ask.
Apparently, it is you who doesn't understand how the UN works. If Obama wanted to see the US defund the UN, this is exactly what he would have done. There are many members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, who are so outraged by Obama's clear break with US foreign policy on Israel, they are threatening to end or greatly reduce US contributions to the UN and its many agencies.
No doubt the Russians and Chinese would be happy to see the United States leave the Security Council and the UN. Perhaps the USA could join the Israelis and both leave. That would be something, a New Year's wish for many.
Only for idiots.
Public union employee benefits include retirement and medical insurance as well as salaries. Is it really so awful to have a job with a retirement plan and insurance? I've worked for the state and I didn't get rich, even with a degree and two licenses/certifications I never made over $42,000 p/year and that was with overtime. So I'm wondering why you are targeting the little guys?

Because no sane objective person thinks that people who work for the government need to be unionized; the purpose of the government is to provide services - it is not a job bank. And no one will consider these people the little guys:

SeeThroughNY :: Pensions

Yes, those are ANNUAL pensions, just fucking unreal. All paid for by taxpayers.

When you have lifeguards in CA and sanitation men in NY getting over $100K per year in salaries - a ploy by the scumbag democrats to buy votes like with the illegals - you no longer have a functioning government. If the Founding Fathers were still around most of the national democratic party leadership since the mid-1950s when white/native americans stopped voting democratic would have been hanged.
Public union employee benefits include retirement and medical insurance as well as salaries. Is it really so awful to have a job with a retirement plan and insurance? I've worked for the state and I didn't get rich, even with a degree and two licenses/certifications I never made over $42,000 p/year and that was with overtime. So I'm wondering why you are targeting the little guys?

Because no sane objective person thinks that people who work for the government need to be unionized; the purpose of the government is to provide services - it is not a job bank. And no one will consider these people the little guys:

SeeThroughNY :: Pensions

Yes, those are ANNUAL pensions, just fucking unreal. All paid for by taxpayers.

When you have lifeguards in CA and sanitation men in NY getting over $100K per year in salaries - a ploy by the scumbag democrats to buy votes like with the illegals - you no longer have a functioning government. If the Founding Fathers were still around most of the national democratic party leadership since the mid-1950s when white/native americans stopped voting democratic would have been hanged.
I guess I chose the wrong state and the wrong career. But I hear it costs twice as much to live in one of those states (well NYC anyway) as it does where I live, too.
I guess I chose the wrong state and the wrong career. But I hear it costs twice as much to live in one of those states (well NYC anyway) as it does where I live, too.

Americans are being totally raped by the high taxes of the national democratic party's vote buying scheme; you might think you are getting that taco for $5 less - but when you realize that 1/3 of your cell phone bill is fees/taxes, your income taxes, sales taxes (almost 10% in NY, CA, elsewhere) and RE taxes - which amazing grow for some reason when your home value increases, are so astronomically high - a smart person understands that the scumbag national dem party is stealing hundreds of billions of dollars from americans EVERY YEAR.

They are FINALLY beginning to get it, even if many of the less informed ones cannot put it together how they are being robbed, subconsciously they get that they are being fleeced so the dems can buy votes by flooding the country with illegals, and purchasing the votes of the various welfare/public union employee blocs needed to get them over the top.

$3B to Israel? Pffft, NY state alone spent FIVE FUCKING BILLION last year alone to educate illegal alien children/anchor babies.

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