Nest week may be a repeat of last year for Texas

Another asshole that wishes to lie about the primary cause of the power outages in Texas last year. It was the shut down of various power plants due to frozen gas valves and water lines, not downed power lines.
lol aka don't laugh at the solar panel field wiped out by hail......lmao
Well lets see yours.
That avatar picture is me on a mountain top just west of Alta Utah 5 years ago. Temp was in the low to mid-teens. There was 50 inches of snow. A good time was had by all.
This could well be the storm that makes Beto governor, for the GOP and Abbot did nothing about preparedness for this kind of storm. Cruz will probably head for Cancun again. LOL

Because Obama controls the climate and lowered the seas.

Dominion machines in TX were the CCPs best - and last- hope to turn Texas Communist. Sucks for you guys
This could well be the storm that makes Beto governor, for the GOP and Abbot did nothing about preparedness for this kind of storm. Cruz will probably head for Cancun again. LOL

Do you even weather forecast?

There's an app for that, you know. It's barely pushing into Texas.
Says the guy politicizing it.

That beanhead thinks the science dictates energy decision-making. He really thinks that.😆 This is an educated man, mind you.
But with a thinking issue. All the science guys with no clue about the difference between intelligence and thought processing.

Politics will ALWAYS drive energy policy. Always has....always will. No legislator wants to vote for legislation to nuke their constituents with mega- electric/energy prices. They....meaning none except the radicals....don't give a rats ass about the science. It's why I have won every single day in this forum for 12 years😂😂

The climate crusaders can't connect the dots on this....they play checkers while skeptics play 3D chess.

That beanhead thinks the science dictates energy decision-making. He really thinks that.😆 This is an educated man, mind you.
But with a thinking issue. All the science guys with no clue about the difference between intelligence and thought processing.

Politics will ALWAYS drive energy policy. Always has....always will. No legislator wants to vote for legislation to nuke their constituents with mega- electric/energy prices. They....meaning none except the radicals....don't give a rats ass about the science. It's why I have won every single day in this forum for 12 years😂😂

The climate crusaders can't connect the dots on this....they play checkers while skeptics play 3D chess.

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I see no signs that OldRocks is an educated man.
I see no signs that OldRocks is an educated man.

Many many intelligent people are whack as fcuk but have serious thought processing issues. Until recently, I was in the field of psychology for 36 years so saw it up close.

It's a struggle for these folks to incorporate idealistic thinking into practical realities. Actually, it's quite's a brain pathology. Seriously. OCD is very real...falls under the Depression umbrella as all thinking disorders do. The whole concept of doing things over and over despite getting the same result has become somewhat of a joke.....but it isn't. It's no different than the guy who can't leave his house without washing his hands 17 times. Or the guy obsessed with child moledtation. In some, the OCD just presents in a different thinking dynamic: an obsession with climate change. Information contrary to the prevailing thinking dismissed....immediately. Automatically. Won't change ever except with a phamalocical aid in the form of an SSRO or SSRI medication.....changes the setting screws at the serotonin uptake sites.

Such thinking is why these people routinely think the science debate on warming involves nothing outside the science as it equates to real world impact. It's a permanent view....psychiatrists refer to it as cognitive dissonance....thus, the "religion" stigma.
Many many intelligent people are whack as fcuk but have serious thought processing issues. Until recently, I was in the field of psychology for 36 years so saw it up close.

It's a struggle for these folks to incorporate idealistic thinking into practical realities. Actually, it's quite's a brain pathology. Seriously. OCD is very real...falls under the Depression umbrella as all thinking disorders do. The whole concept of doing things over and over despite getting the same result has become somewhat of a joke.....but it isn't. It's no different than the guy who can't leave his house without washing his hands 17 times. Or the guy obsessed with child moledtation. In some, the OCD just presents in a different thinking dynamic: an obsession with climate change. Information contrary to the prevailing thinking dismissed....immediately. Automatically. Won't change ever except with a phamalocical aid in the form of an SSRO or SSRI medication.....changes the setting screws at the serotonin uptake sites.

Such thinking is why these people routinely think the science debate on warming involves nothing outside the science as it equates to real world impact. It's a permanent view....psychiatrists refer to it as cognitive dissonance....thus, the "religion" stigma.
Which is why i just put them on ignore. It's pointless to engage them.
Another asshole that wishes to lie about the primary cause of the power outages in Texas last year. It was the shut down of various power plants due to frozen gas valves and water lines, not downed power lines.
Lol, you dont have a clue as to why. All you do us parrot others.
Which is why i just put them on ignore. It's pointless to engage them.

Oh way. The AGW nutters are what keeps me around this forum. Constantly ridiculing them is a hoot! The head explosions are priceless. For me, it's like going out to work every day and right outside my front door is a big old fresh pumpkin on a tee to whack the shit out of with my Louisville Slugger.

Making these bozos look profoundly dumb in a public forum is the draw. :popcorn:
Oddly enough the wind turbines work just fine in Wyoming and Idaho. The companies just have to pay the money to have them winterized when they are built.

That is because winters there are commonly loaded with Snow and Ice, not in South Texas which suffered from a RECORD cold wave at the time.
That is because winters there are commonly loaded with Snow and Ice, not in South Texas which suffered from a RECORD cold wave at the time.

A record that is becoming some what common place though.
If we get another record freeze already what does that say about glowbull warming?
It's called Climate Change, not Global Warming. That being said, global warming IS part of climate change. Know you lack the mental capacity to get your head around the concept (as indicated by EVERY post you make on the subject), but hey, I live in hope of educating you. One day maybe...
It's called Climate Change, not Global Warming. That being said, global warming IS part of climate change. Know you lack the mental capacity to get your head around the concept (as indicated by EVERY post you make on the subject), but hey, I live in hope of educating you. One day maybe...

Man made Glowbull warming is complete bullshit.

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