Neo-Marxism is killer of the West.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.

The way the 'west' functions is suicidal. It will kill itself.
These terms have become meaningless. Inaccurate overuse destroys words.
These terms have become meaningless. Inaccurate overuse destroys words.
Generally true in many knee-jerk cases, but not in this instance for very evident reasons; ergo, far from inaccurate.


Just look at the source, ffs!
Materialism in the most basic sense of the term is the malady of humanity.
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Ask the German Prime Minister, Northglen Vagabond. Here, we are not quite back to that point in history. You guys however .....
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?

Nice try! Perhaps Vagabond would prefer to speak for himself and perhaps not. However "anotherlife", I can say with all confidence that until Europe cleans up it's policies and engages the problem on the African Continent, you are in serious danger. Since the end of WW1 you folks have owned and faced every problem by hiding your heads in the sand with regards to the mid east. The Muslim nations are your next door buddies to the south, not our's here in the USA. And you are absolutely correct, as Paris and Brussels will be chump change compared to what is in store for all of Europe. I absolutely agree on that point which is why I mentioned Germany to Vagabond. in England.
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?

Nice try! Perhaps Vagabond would prefer to speak for himself and perhaps not. However "anotherlife", I can say with all confidence that until Europe cleans up it's policies and engages the problem on the African Continent, you are in serious danger. Since the end of WW1 you folks have owned and faced every problem by hiding your heads in the sand with regards to the mid east. The Muslim nations are your next door buddies to the south, not our's here in the USA. And you are absolutely correct, as Paris and Brussels will be chump change compared to what is in store for all of Europe. I absolutely agree on that point which is why I mentioned Germany to Vagabond. in England.
Actually, I agree with this, but this is only a symptom, not the real problem. The real problem is, that the political and financial system of Europe can survive only by continuous expansion, which leads to the divide and concur policies that the Middle East and Africa are run by. To change this, would mean to change the power brokers that control Europe. And that is impossible because even their names are secret. We have even eliminated the pillar of all banking, bank secrecy, and still are no closer to ever finding out who are controlling Europe. I think it would be naive to postulate that the refugee import was Merkel's original idea.
The OP's argument appears to be "only overbearing fascist theocracy that abolishes any opposition can defeat overbearing fascist theocracy that abolishes any opposition".


A bathroom seems appropriate.
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?

Nice try! Perhaps Vagabond would prefer to speak for himself and perhaps not. However "anotherlife", I can say with all confidence that until Europe cleans up it's policies and engages the problem on the African Continent, you are in serious danger. Since the end of WW1 you folks have owned and faced every problem by hiding your heads in the sand with regards to the mid east. The Muslim nations are your next door buddies to the south, not our's here in the USA. And you are absolutely correct, as Paris and Brussels will be chump change compared to what is in store for all of Europe. I absolutely agree on that point which is why I mentioned Germany to Vagabond. in England.
Actually, I agree with this, but this is only a symptom, not the real problem. The real problem is, that the political and financial system of Europe can survive only by continuous expansion, which leads to the divide and concur policies that the Middle East and Africa are run by. To change this, would mean to change the power brokers that control Europe. And that is impossible because even their names are secret. We have even eliminated the pillar of all banking, bank secrecy, and still are no closer to ever finding out who are controlling Europe. I think it would be naive to postulate that the refugee import was Merkel's original idea.

I agree with the final sentence completely. The European Union could be workable were all concerned thinking in harmony. The problems associated with, and I use this term loosely, uniting several "tribes" under one constituency are unfathomable and unbearable. First and foremost, to the average European, the Capitol for such a Union still resides in their own State. Simply creating one monetary system does nothing but create a false sense of unity. Opening all borders simply allows other's to violate one's own homeland. Mother Russia, all things considered, is still Mother Russia. Western Europe cannot lay claim to the same fact. That is why I feel, Western Europe needs to take a stand, once for all, as a United Singularity against it's southern neighbors. As it is, Europe, in general, is too busy fighting Europe, in general. The same holds true for the Continent of Africa. Apartheid, for all of it's for all of it's faults, did portray a sense of unity. The idea of a State for all was genuine, it simply cannot function when set in the realm of a serfdom. Western Europe as well as greater Europe continue think in terms of "me" rather than "us". And that is where Merkel allowed her alligator mouth to overload her parakeet ass. Since Russia is not going to allow a unified Europe, then a unified Western Europe needs to stand up and be counted, assuming all concerned can relegate regional differences to a back burner of the stove, Britain included. Ultimately, as Greater Europe goes, so goes Africa and that is where the thinking should lie. China also faces the same problem. US President George Herbert Walker Bush, allied with the Bilderberg Group, were incredibly simple minded with the "New World Order" garbage. Never in this lifetime, period!
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.

well thankfully the cross humping mutants are dying off in America, down to 46 percent a drop of 11 percent in 9 years , yep its a few more years til less than 20 percent!!! and by 2060 the pale face christian population will be less than 10 percent!!
If our Western Civilization wants to survive we must abolish Leftism ( Neo- Marxism ) of any kind and go back to Traditional Values, Bible Teaching and Moral.Otherwise Islam will run western countries in a couple of decades.


So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?

Nice try! Perhaps Vagabond would prefer to speak for himself and perhaps not. However "anotherlife", I can say with all confidence that until Europe cleans up it's policies and engages the problem on the African Continent, you are in serious danger. Since the end of WW1 you folks have owned and faced every problem by hiding your heads in the sand with regards to the mid east. The Muslim nations are your next door buddies to the south, not our's here in the USA. And you are absolutely correct, as Paris and Brussels will be chump change compared to what is in store for all of Europe. I absolutely agree on that point which is why I mentioned Germany to Vagabond. in England.
Actually, I agree with this, but this is only a symptom, not the real problem. The real problem is, that the political and financial system of Europe can survive only by continuous expansion, which leads to the divide and concur policies that the Middle East and Africa are run by. To change this, would mean to change the power brokers that control Europe. And that is impossible because even their names are secret. We have even eliminated the pillar of all banking, bank secrecy, and still are no closer to ever finding out who are controlling Europe. I think it would be naive to postulate that the refugee import was Merkel's original idea.

I agree with the final sentence completely. The European Union could be workable were all concerned thinking in harmony. The problems associated with, and I use this term loosely, uniting several "tribes" under one constituency are unfathomable and unbearable. First and foremost, to the average European, the Capitol for such a Union still resides in their own State. Simply creating one monetary system does nothing but create a false sense of unity. Opening all borders simply allows other's to violate one's own homeland. Mother Russia, all things considered, is still Mother Russia. Western Europe cannot lay claim to the same fact. That is why I feel, Western Europe needs to take a stand, once for all, as a United Singularity against it's southern neighbors. As it is, Europe, in general, is too busy fighting Europe, in general. The same holds true for the Continent of Africa. Apartheid, for all of it's for all of it's faults, did portray a sense of unity. The idea of a State for all was genuine, it simply cannot function when set in the realm of a serfdom. Western Europe as well as greater Europe continue think in terms of "me" rather than "us". And that is where Merkel allowed her alligator mouth to overload her parakeet ass. Since Russia is not going to allow a unified Europe, then a unified Western Europe needs to stand up and be counted, assuming all concerned can relegate regional differences to a back burner of the stove, Britain included. Ultimately, as Greater Europe goes, so goes Africa and that is where the thinking should lie. China also faces the same problem. US President George Herbert Walker Bush, allied with the Bilderberg Group, were incredibly simple minded with the "New World Order" garbage. Never in this lifetime, period!
And probably never in the future either. The very foundations of a politically united Europe are fraud, because it is trying to get constructed from new nation states, that were put on the map for the exclusive purpose of creating conflict in Europe.

If Europeans were really interested in uniting, then they would go back in history into an arrangement, where Europe was indeed United. Well almost, because was never fully United.

What you say will result in one or another single external force to take over Europe and unite it against its will, in blood, for a purpose that Europeans would not agree with.

In history, this happened in a smaller scale a few times before, most notably when Alexander the Great United the waring Greek city states, or when the Roman Church converted as many pagans as it could until the schism. Maybe now it's time to do it again, but it is not clear if the Muslims want to do this or are capable of doing this.
"Neo-Marxism is killer of the West."

No, it’s this sort of ignorance, stupidity, and demagoguery that threatens a free and democratic West.

The thread premise fails as both a straw man and slippery slope fallacy.
So does that include burning witches and Jews, making women chattle slaves and reversing 300 years of social progress?
Okay, so let me see, Jews make slaves and we don't want our women to become witches. What choice do we haven't?

Nice try! Perhaps Vagabond would prefer to speak for himself and perhaps not. However "anotherlife", I can say with all confidence that until Europe cleans up it's policies and engages the problem on the African Continent, you are in serious danger. Since the end of WW1 you folks have owned and faced every problem by hiding your heads in the sand with regards to the mid east. The Muslim nations are your next door buddies to the south, not our's here in the USA. And you are absolutely correct, as Paris and Brussels will be chump change compared to what is in store for all of Europe. I absolutely agree on that point which is why I mentioned Germany to Vagabond. in England.
Actually, I agree with this, but this is only a symptom, not the real problem. The real problem is, that the political and financial system of Europe can survive only by continuous expansion, which leads to the divide and concur policies that the Middle East and Africa are run by. To change this, would mean to change the power brokers that control Europe. And that is impossible because even their names are secret. We have even eliminated the pillar of all banking, bank secrecy, and still are no closer to ever finding out who are controlling Europe. I think it would be naive to postulate that the refugee import was Merkel's original idea.

I agree with the final sentence completely. The European Union could be workable were all concerned thinking in harmony. The problems associated with, and I use this term loosely, uniting several "tribes" under one constituency are unfathomable and unbearable. First and foremost, to the average European, the Capitol for such a Union still resides in their own State. Simply creating one monetary system does nothing but create a false sense of unity. Opening all borders simply allows other's to violate one's own homeland. Mother Russia, all things considered, is still Mother Russia. Western Europe cannot lay claim to the same fact. That is why I feel, Western Europe needs to take a stand, once for all, as a United Singularity against it's southern neighbors. As it is, Europe, in general, is too busy fighting Europe, in general. The same holds true for the Continent of Africa. Apartheid, for all of it's for all of it's faults, did portray a sense of unity. The idea of a State for all was genuine, it simply cannot function when set in the realm of a serfdom. Western Europe as well as greater Europe continue think in terms of "me" rather than "us". And that is where Merkel allowed her alligator mouth to overload her parakeet ass. Since Russia is not going to allow a unified Europe, then a unified Western Europe needs to stand up and be counted, assuming all concerned can relegate regional differences to a back burner of the stove, Britain included. Ultimately, as Greater Europe goes, so goes Africa and that is where the thinking should lie. China also faces the same problem. US President George Herbert Walker Bush, allied with the Bilderberg Group, were incredibly simple minded with the "New World Order" garbage. Never in this lifetime, period!
And probably never in the future either. The very foundations of a politically united Europe are fraud, because it is trying to get constructed from new nation states, that were put on the map for the exclusive purpose of creating conflict in Europe.

If Europeans were really interested in uniting, then they would go back in history into an arrangement, where Europe was indeed United. Well almost, because was never fully United.

What you say will result in one or another single external force to take over Europe and unite it against its will, in blood, for a purpose that Europeans would not agree with.

In history, this happened in a smaller scale a few times before, most notably when Alexander the Great United the waring Greek city states, or when the Roman Church converted as many pagans as it could until the schism. Maybe now it's time to do it again, but it is not clear if the Muslims want to do this or are capable of doing this.

In principle I have to agree with what you say. However, in many ways that is exactly what I meant when I stated that each nation still recognizes their individual State Capitol as the Capital of importance. It is claimed that Brussels is the center of West Europe. False! The Europeans problem is that they will not relinquish history. Their modern city's show that when viewed against the Middle Age architecture of the outlying towns. Quaint is the term used to describe it. In reality it is old, dated and dead and that is how the folks want it as they live for yesterday. The consideration as to the Muslim's in my mind is simply, if Western Europe is not willing to fight for it's existence, what is there to stop a take over? And I do not blame government for that failure. I blame the peoples obsession for the past on that matter. The past history is exactly that, a dead issue.

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