Need for a new Bill of Rights

Never before in American history has the enumerated rights been inverted the way it is now. The government has the freedom to do virtually anything it wants, like abusing women sexually like Cuomo. As a side line, if you call the DNC coercing Cuomo to resign justice for his secual abuse, then you have no concept of what justice really is. Conversely, the citizenry needs permission to do just about anything, like leave your house.

Sure, the citizenry still has such things as the right to free speech, but what the Left has done is taken over corporate America who then defiles that freedom via a myriad of ways of censorship.

Sure, we still have the right to assemble, but that window of assembly shrinks every day with new government regulations and edicts.

And technically we still have the right to decline medical treatments and a right to do with our body what we want, however, we are then also free to also starve to death if we refuse certain medical treatments as we lose our jobs and our businesses are ostracized and cancelled from society.

FDR and the Left came with a new Bill of rights in the 1940's, such as the right to work, the right to medical care, etc. that they wished to make Constitutional, but those rights merely empowered government to run our lives. The reason being is that those rights would then dictate to us how much we would pay for their services, and it would also dictate what rights those things actually entailed. Government would then tell you what medical treatments you need as dictate the quality of them, or lack thereof, with no recourse. Government would then later force you to take certain medical treatments that may be detrimental to you without any compensation if you were to die from it or have a serious side effect from the. In reality, FDR' s bill of rights, which have been slowly adopted via legislation over the years, were not rights at all, rather, they were merely a sneaky way to take over our lives and our freedoms.

But my proposal will not bring increased centralized political power and control for government, and it will not enrich corporate elites who controls government, so there is no voice for these Bill of Rights.

So what is to be done?
And who runs government? People like Cuomo

Thanks for playing

The problem, which you're apparently too stupid to understand, is that by equating "government" and "Cuomo", you essentially suggest that everyone in government has a predilection for that behavior, and that's just stupid.

You may go now...
The problem, which you're apparently too stupid to understand, is that by equating "government" and "Cuomo", you essentially suggest that everyone in government has a predilection for that behavior, and that's just stupid.

You may go now...
But is said poster wrong? Show us…
Orangecat's Bill of Right:
1. You have the right to say "no" to government edicts without being punished.
The end.
Exceptions could be made for murder, theft, etc...
These constitutional amendment threads are always amusing. Expecting the bastards who ignore, pervert, or denigrate the old rules to follow new ones is no more than mental masturbation.
These constitutional amendment threads are always amusing. Expecting the bastards who ignore, pervert, or denigrate the old rules to follow new ones is no more than mental masturbation.
Nothing is perfect. Save the scraps for the post collapse…
Yes, I believe he is, for the simple reason that he's not demonstrated that everyone who works for the government is predisposed to such behavior...
And if said individual is in service to said governing body? When then does his opinion matter? He has given his agency over…
Blaming "government" for the actions of Cuomo is stupid. It holds all government employees in contempt.

Only a fucking retard would do that...
While we are not supposed to condemn the inferm… choices have been made: and choises have conseqeunces…
Well said. Ben Franklin agreed

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

And as we see the DNC has created an ever increasingly amoral secular society that is at war with those of faith, it is no wonder that the Constitution has been subverted they exact way he predicted. Now the Left can do whatever it wants to us with impunity.

So it seems to me the focus should be making society moral again. Perhaps your church was always more important that the ballot box, it's just now people are figuring that out.
Ben franklin will be cancelled soon and his statues removed because he was a ladies man. me2 and blm, and the other alphabet people work together as an organized mob. They have already destroyed the democratic party in order to take its organizational underpinnings and they want to use that control to dissolve our country completely and remove all traces of it.

They are ripping down statues of Lincoln and Washington and Roosevelt, three fourths of those on Mt. Rushmore, which will likely be destroyed as soon as the wokest can gain enough control of the national parks system. It doesn't matter to those fools that Roosevelt basically built our national parks system and we wouldn't even have national parks to defend today had it not been for him. 150 national forests, 51 bird preserves, game preserves, 5 national parks and 230 million acres of public land. He was not the original founder of the parks system , but he had a million times more to do with creating it than al gore did with the fricking internet.

It doesn't matter what our founding fathers like Franklin did or the risks they took to their own lives to found our free country. The morons on the far left want to judge their personal lives of almost 300 years ago by the perverted left wing standards of today and cancel our history and the truth of this country. Had it not been for those brave but imperfect human beings, the English monarchy would still rule over most of the world and slavery would still exist today just as it did when the nation was but a colony of the crown. Franklin, Washington and Jefferson, and others of their day, led the way for the world to become free from the abuses of kings and despots. They were not perfect and we still have work to do to become a more perfect Union of States, but those who want to destroy us from within cannot understand that they have benefitted most from what our founders have done.

As far as changing our constitution? I don't trust one person, or either party in Washington as far as I can throw Lincolns statue. Lest keep that document as is until we get rid of all of the extremists and return some sanity there. Even then lets leave it alone. Its good enough.
The thing that made America great was the idea that individual rights are superior to either ollective rights assigned by the majority or to rights assigned by a monarchy.

The Bill of Rights were created to codify what individual rights are protected from government oppression.

The Left hates individual rights over collective rights and will always fight to make the State all powerful.

The problem is not our existing Bill of Rights but the Left that doesn't want any individual rights.
Ben franklin will be cancelled soon and his statues removed because he was a ladies man. me2 and blm, and the other alphabet people work together as an organized mob. They have already destroyed the democratic party in order to take its organizational underpinnings and they want to use that control to dissolve our country completely and remove all traces of it.

They are ripping down statues of Lincoln and Washington and Roosevelt, three fourths of those on Mt. Rushmore, which will likely be destroyed as soon as the wokest can gain enough control of the national parks system. It doesn't matter to those fools that Roosevelt basically built our national parks system and we wouldn't even have national parks to defend today had it not been for him. 150 national forests, 51 bird preserves, game preserves, 5 national parks and 230 million acres of public land. He was not the original founder of the parks system , but he had a million times more to do with creating it than al gore did with the fricking internet.

It doesn't matter what our founding fathers like Franklin did or the risks they took to their own lives to found our free country. The morons on the far left want to judge their personal lives of almost 300 years ago by the perverted left wing standards of today and cancel our history and the truth of this country. Had it not been for those brave but imperfect human beings, the English monarchy would still rule over most of the world and slavery would still exist today just as it did when the nation was but a colony of the crown. Franklin, Washington and Jefferson, and others of their day, led the way for the world to become free from the abuses of kings and despots. They were not perfect and we still have work to do to become a more perfect Union of States, but those who want to destroy us from within cannot understand that they have benefitted most from what our founders have done.

As far as changing our constitution? I don't trust one person, or either party in Washington as far as I can throw Lincolns statue. Lest keep that document as is until we get rid of all of the extremists and return some sanity there. Even then lets leave it alone. Its good enough.
I’ll meet you open armed on the Dying Ground….
The problem, which you're apparently too stupid to understand, is that by equating "government" and "Cuomo", you essentially suggest that everyone in government has a predilection for that behavior, and that's just stupid.

You may go now...

For the last 20 years women have been sexually abused in various ways by those in Congress. So what Congress does is settle with these women out of court by paying them off using taxpayer funds

Now go hide back under your rock dingleberry.
The thing that made America great was the idea that individual rights are superior to either ollective rights assigned by the majority or to rights assigned by a monarchy.

The Bill of Rights were created to codify what individual rights are protected from government oppression.

The Left hates individual rights over collective rights and will always fight to make the State all powerful.

The problem is not our existing Bill of Rights but the Left that doesn't want any individual rights.
Most people can agree that individual rights are important. So the way government circumvents these feelings is to convince people that those individual rights are destroying the planet, thus they need to be done away with.

Or they convince people that those individual rights are spreading a deadly pandemic, etc, and also need to be done away with.

Fear is what powers the democrat party. Those who oppose them are either trying to destroy the planet, or democracy. In addition, those that oppose them are all white sumpremacists

Why without the democrat party, we would all be goose stepping and burning crosses.




For the last 20 years women have been sexually abused in various ways by those in Congress. So what Congress does is settle with these women out of court by paying them off using taxpayer funds

Now go hide back under your rock dingleberry.

Eat shit, fuckface.

Well, the discussion was about Cuomo specifically, as he was offered up as the example. But, even if we extrapolate (I'll wait while you look up that definition) that out as far as Congress, the reality is that it still represents a small fraction of a fraction of those who work in the government. The better argument would be to morph the discussion to one of elected officials, but you're a retard and obviously don't want to do that.

I've never said that the alleged conduct wasn't a problem. I'm simply smart enough to know that the number of non-politicians in government dwarfs the number of politicians in government.

Now fuck off...

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