Near 200MPH Hurricane.Anyone Wanna Guess What They Will Be Talking About On CNN/MSNBC This Week?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
Tell us what makes hurricanes stronger.....
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
Tell us what makes hurricanes stronger.....
The blowhards on the left?
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.

I guess the the Odessa/Midland Texas shooter story was put on the back burner, even though the MSM kept describing him as the "white gunman" or "white shooter."

Isn't it strange how they never mention the race when a black guy goes off the rails?
They'll connect it to Trump and try to impeach it.
Actually, this is going to be a good learning experience for Trump, who said today, "I have never heard of a category 5 hurricane!"
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.

They will link to to Russia, Trump and Putin somehow. They might even suggest Trump is working with Russia to take attention from the trade war and new China tariffs on Sunday.
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
Tell us what makes hurricanes stronger.....
AR15's and global cooling.
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
She is so right it hurts. The Crazy folks are loose. :dig:
Pretty Obvious? Wanna guess what all of our lovable far left loonies will be talking about all next week in regards to Dorian?
Will Al Gore finally drop into MSNBC and explain why global warming created Dorian?
Will John Kerry go onto CNN and start up his "The Argument Is Over" debacle over this record Hurricane thats at at least 185mph as we speak?
Looks like CNN/MSNBC will now have something else to talk about this week being the last few things turned out to be a lie.
Tell us what makes hurricanes stronger.....
The fact we have had no hurricanes and a warm surface temp... This stored up heat is what makes this one so strong... But fear not, the high pressure over the south is pushing it back out to sea and the upper level wind shear will cut it down quickly as it nears the coast.
Actually, this is going to be a good learning experience for Trump, who said today, "I have never heard of a category 5 hurricane!"
Neither have I.
The curse of living in NY.

Well, I've heard of it, but he could have meant he's never heard of it's existence, all theory.
No. There are quantifiable categories of hurricanes and their development. Like the Fugita Scale measuring tornadoes, the scale for hurricane rating spell out factors like atmospheric pressure, wind speed, movement etc.

Once this denial of science starts, is it a progressive disorder? Deny climate change is a gateway denial. Soon you might find yourself denying meteorology.
Actually, this is going to be a good learning experience for Trump, who said today, "I have never heard of a category 5 hurricane!"
Neither have I.
The curse of living in NY.

Well, I've heard of it, but he could have meant he's never heard of it's existence, all theory.
No. There are quantifiable categories of hurricanes and their development. Like the Fugita Scale measuring tornadoes, the scale for hurricane rating spell out factors like atmospheric pressure, wind speed, movement etc.

Once this denial of science starts, is it a progressive disorder? Deny climate change is a gateway denial. Soon you might find yourself denying meteorology.
Since most meteorologists SUCK at forecasting you may be on to something.
Actually, this is going to be a good learning experience for Trump, who said today, "I have never heard of a category 5 hurricane!"
Neither have I.
The curse of living in NY.

Well, I've heard of it, but he could have meant he's never heard of it's existence, all theory.
No. There are quantifiable categories of hurricanes and their development. Like the Fugita Scale measuring tornadoes, the scale for hurricane rating spell out factors like atmospheric pressure, wind speed, movement etc.

Once this denial of science starts, is it a progressive disorder? Deny climate change is a gateway denial. Soon you might find yourself denying meteorology.
So you think this hurricane was caused by global warming? It sure was but not man made global warming.. The sun had everything to do with this storms formation and when the upper level wind-shear left the Atlantic basin it allowed this storm to form. The High pressures are building back in already so I dont know how many more significant storms were going to get this year.
Russia, Russia Russia

Racist, Racist, Racist.

Dorian, Dorian, Dorian.

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