NC has responded to the Feds

Poll: 51 percent support legislature overturning Charlotte bathroom provision
Majority of NC citizens support that law
The poll question explained that “a new state law in North Carolina bans local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules, and overturns the Charlotte ordinance that would have allowed transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity.”
Asked whether “overturning the Charlotte ordinance” was a good idea, 51 percent said it was a positive step, while 40 percent said it was a bad idea. And 51 percent also said that transgender people should not be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.

You really are some kind of idiot.
So you agree with HuffingPaints poll? I would like to think that means you're coming around to the proper way of thinking....but I know better.

The poll I cited came out today. Did you look at it?

Most people don't care if transgendered people use the restroom of their choice. Ladies rooms have stalls around every toilet. Transgenderd men using the men's room will use stalls.

This is a loser for republicans unless your candidates fall in line with your presidential nominee. Fun stuff.
OMG, I always wondered why those "guys" use the stalls! By golly.
Charlotte ordinance that would have allowed transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity.”
I wonder if people that say this law is unnecessary said it about this one^^
I'm generally not for PC laws, but generally imo it's much better to just ignore college kids. They'll be old, jaded and disillusioned. It's fun to sit back and watch their idealism and spirits crumble. Then they get thankless and useless jobs like mine and suffer.
Charlotte ordinance that would have allowed transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity.”
I wonder if people that say this law is unnecessary said it about this one^^
I'm generally not for PC laws, but generally imo it's much better to just ignore college kids. They'll be old, jaded and disillusioned. It's fun to sit back and watch their idealism and spirits crumble. Then they get thankless and useless jobs like mine and suffer.
Reminds me of myself, before the world crushed my spirit..
and they are suing the Justice Dept.
Waiting for a link
It is breaking on reuters
I don't which is more pathetic; that Americans have become so infantile that we require government to tell us which bathroom to use OR that a state actually needs to sue the federal government over a law that tells citizens which bathroom to use.

Congratulations, we've officially become more decadent and servile than the plebeians of the Roman Empire.
The world is falling apart and it's estimated that about 1,000 citizens will be murdered in Chicago this year alone, we are supporting about ten million people who are illegally in the Country and they are releasing illegals from custody after they commit felonies and meanwhile the United States Department of Justice is busy suing North Carolina to allow men in the ladies room. Is the left going insane or what?

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