NC has responded to the Feds

Good, it's TIME for the States to stand up to this Tyrant Federal Government Obama imposed on us. and it's time to vote out these progressives from every running our Federal Government ever again. NO to Hillary the Obama in a pantsuit
Maybe they can legislate blacks back into their own community..
Good, it's TIME for the States to stand up to this Tyrant Federal Government Obama imposed on us. and it's time to vote out these progressives from every running our Federal Government ever again. NO to Hillary the Obama in a pantsuit
Maybe they can legislate blacks back into their own community..
You think in a state who's restrooms consist of outhouses would not have a problem with this.
Standard conservative defense , disregard the facts.
and they are suing the Justice Dept.
Waiting for a link
It is breaking on reuters
It will be tossed out for lack of standing.
Weeellll, I think NC is a bit early to the game, because thus far the Justice Dept hasn't actually cut federal aid to NC schools, so NC hasn't been damaged by the fed govt ... yet. NC has damaged itself in that some private employers are going elsewhere, but that's nothing to do with the DOJ.

But, if the fed govt cuts aid over this, then yeah, I think they could sue in federal court to ask the courts to decide if the DOJ and Dept of Educ has the power to do this. I haven't researched it, but I think they do have that power if there are regulations that support the decision. Ultimately, it's up to the POTUS, whomever that is, to direct the Exec branch. Congress of course can pass a law, but it can be vetoed.

The poll I cited came out today. Did you look at it?

Most people don't care if transgendered people use the restroom of their choice. Ladies rooms have stalls around every toilet. Transgenderd men using the men's room will use stalls.

This is a loser for republicans unless your candidates fall in line with your presidential nominee. Fun stuff. many conservatives I no longer watch FUXS News.
You have to be mentally ill to support this nonsense and just look at the ones on this thread supporting it....the ones who are obviously suffering from the mental disease. Funny stuff

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