NBC/WSJ Poll Shows 64% Dissatisfied With Economy, 79% Dissatisfied With Direction

Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

"weighing" the data, often means discounting the data that doesn't support your position.

First of all, it's WEIGHTING with a T.

Second of all, you couldn't pass Economics 101 with that level of ignorance.

That doesn't mean you can't intuitively know like many entrepreneurs for example know.....but trust me, you don't know.
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

So...64% knew the DOW had plummeted 700 pts, 36% had no earthly idea? :)

When the markets were at their record highs, predictably, no one sang the President's praises. But when it started to tank, he got all the blame. It's fairly obviously hypocritical.

Actually, most 'OWS' Communist/Progressive wankers have been boasting about record Wall Street profits for several months on this Board. But aren't 'OWS' wankers supposed to despise Wall Street? And they also blamed DA BOOOOSH every time the Stock Market went down. Pretty shocking dishonest hypocrisy, no?
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So...64% knew the DOW had plummeted 700 pts, 36% had no earthly idea? :)

When the markets were at their record highs, predictably, no one sang the President's praises. But when it started to tank, he got all the blame. It's fairly obviously hypocritical.

Delta 4, I think you have insight when we talk foreign policy, but on economics, this statement clearly shows you're way in over your head.

The stock market is not the economy for starters. Secondly this poll has to do with about 50 things more than the stock market. Thirdly, the stock market has been artificially propped up.
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.
Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.

Translation: "I flunked out."

So...64% knew the DOW had plummeted 700 pts, 36% had no earthly idea? :)

When the markets were at their record highs, predictably, no one sang the President's praises. But when it started to tank, he got all the blame. It's fairly obviously hypocritical.

Delta 4, I think you have insight when we talk foreign policy, but on economics, this statement clearly shows you're way in over your head.

The stock market is not the economy for starters. Secondly this poll has to do with about 50 things more than the stock market. Thirdly, the stock market has been artificially propped up.

Yes, and all the 'OWS' Communists/Progressives have been singing the President's praises on record Wall Street profits. They're here on this Board doing that everyday. And we know who they are. 'OWS' peeps boasting about Wall Street profits? Still cracks me up. Such dishonest hypocrites.
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Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.

LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

An honest person can see that the President and his party have passed legislation to benefit the many (The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009), the PPACA (Obamacare) and both were opposed by the Republican Party by nearly every elected member of that caucus in Congress.

Here's the problem with your post.

I started out as a liberal thinking of doing things that were "better for the overall good." And I even got taught by the best liberal economic thinkers in the country.

But any independent minded person finally figures out that what people mean to do with their policies and the actual UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of those policies are totally two different things.

If you want the best for the common good, get government out of as much as you possibly can, especially the federal government.

I see the Libertarian Model as dystopian, not because big government is necessarily good, but human nature left unfettered is self serving and will lead to (at best) chaos.

For the sake of argument, let's presume there is such as thing as "liberal thinking". I would agree there is, but such thought is framed by a sense of fairness, and a never ending effort to make things better. Beyond that, some liberal thinkers are pragmatic, some dogmatic and others self serving.

I would further argue, that conservative thinkers rarely think out of the box and are mostly dogmatic (at least those who post on this and other political message boards), rarely pragmatic, generally believe things were better in the past and seriously self serving.

As for Libertarians, I will leave that to you to define, my best guess is some are pragmatic, some idealistic, some progressive/liberal and others conservative, and many self serving.

Then we have the fans of Ayn Rand, clearly members of the idiot fringe who have not an ounce of pragmatism in their ideology.
Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.

LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.

Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.
Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

Most on this Board are Entitlement-demanding meatheads, with absolutely no clue on economic affairs. Most probably don't even have jobs, let alone running a business. So it is hilarious watching them fail miserably as 'Economic Experts.' Great entertainment. :)
Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.

LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.

Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I am curious though. Why do you embrace something as flawed as libertarian economics?
Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.
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An honest person can see that the President and his party have passed legislation to benefit the many (The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009), the PPACA (Obamacare) and both were opposed by the Republican Party by nearly every elected member of that caucus in Congress.

Here's the problem with your post.

I started out as a liberal thinking of doing things that were "better for the overall good." And I even got taught by the best liberal economic thinkers in the country.

But any independent minded person finally figures out that what people mean to do with their policies and the actual UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of those policies are totally two different things.

If you want the best for the common good, get government out of as much as you possibly can, especially the federal government.

I see the Libertarian Model as dystopian, not because big government is necessarily good, but human nature left unfettered is self serving and will lead to (at best) chaos.

For the sake of argument, let's presume there is such as thing as "liberal thinking". I would agree there is, but such thought is framed by a sense of fairness, and a never ending effort to make things better. Beyond that, some liberal thinkers are pragmatic, some dogmatic and others self serving.

I would further argue, that conservative thinkers rarely think out of the box and are mostly dogmatic (at least those who post on this and other political message boards), rarely pragmatic, generally believe things were better in the past and seriously self serving.

As for Libertarians, I will leave that to you to define, my best guess is some are pragmatic, some idealistic, some progressive/liberal and others conservative, and many self serving.

Then we have the fans of Ayn Rand, clearly members of the idiot fringe who have not an ounce of pragmatism in their ideology.

As I've stated numerous times in various threads, I've done the whole gambit, meaning I started with the liberal idealism in college but after much much real world experience and intense additional formal econ training, I've come down very solidly as a limited government type.

Kinda fits the saying, "if you're not a liberal before your 30 you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative after you're 30 you have no head."
Cue the Obamabot 'OWS' wankers boasting about record Wall Street profits. That's all they got at this point. Such pathetically dishonest hypocrites. Anyway, i'm out. See ya. Have a good one. :)
None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.

Dude, you're in an economic thread where I could run circles around your economic statements. The only bull shitter between the two of us is YOU pal.
None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.

Also, I have no idea what you are. I don't think you know either. But I know you keep making some really inept posts that show you lack critical thinking skills.

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