NBC Shows How a CBDC China-Style Social Credit Score Would Work, Being Opposed by DeSantis and RFK Jr 2024


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
LOL the media trying to say this is just conspiracy:

Coming soon: America’s own social credit system

"The new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.

China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think. "

Cashless Society and the End of Freedom​


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LOL the media trying to say this is just conspiracy:

Coming soon: America’s own social credit system

"The new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.

China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think. "

Cashless Society and the End of Freedom​


WHY would anyone short of the statist left groupies(herd mentality folks) want to give their up their right to govern themselves??? These narcissistic based wannabee gods are obviously entertaining delusional fantasy in the worst degree. Just say "no thanks" to these power & control kooks. In all fairness though I must say that kooks attract kooks just like cult leaders attract cultists so there may be a certain amount of folks that do desire their lives controlled by other folks. It just takes "followers" to create a leader.
WHY would anyone short of the statist left groupies(herd mentality folks) want to give their up their right to govern themselves??? These narcissistic based wannabee gods are obviously entertaining delusional fantasy in the worst degree. Just say "no thanks" to these power & control kooks. In all fairness though I must say that kooks attract kooks just like cult leaders attract cultists so there may be a certain amount of folks that do desire their lives controlled by other folks. It just takes "followers" to create a leader.


Because the state will make sure they get their participation trophies.
I've been stocking up on freeze-dried food, water, tangible items, trade items, gold, silver, survival goods, etc. Anyone who's paying any attention at all can see that digital currency coupled with government intrusion on our "digital" life (computers, internet, autopay, etc.) is knocking on our collective door. I, for one, plan on saying NO to "the mark."
George Orwell wrote 1984 in his waning years; it was actually his last accomplishment before he died.
The guy was either a time traveler, or a Prophet.
And here we are...


And, on a serious note: It is a fact that Animal Farm was a dissertation on the needless nihilistic destruction perpetrated by the communist Stalin regime.

So there's that.
LOL the media trying to say this is just conspiracy:

Coming soon: America’s own social credit system

"The new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.

China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think. "

Cashless Society and the End of Freedom​


Glen beck had a very good bit on social scoring and esg and how it will reach its way into America through Europe.

And he is absolutely correct because I've seen it. My wife and I work both in manufacturing at different companies. She sees it more than I do. Like her company manufactures products sold in America and other countries, companies they sell to come in and do audits on the company and give them standards they have to adhere to in order to keep doing business with them. That includes things like energy management, staff diversity and so on. But it goes beyond that because other companies her company does business with to make those products also have to adhere to those guidelines.

Make no mistake. Social credit scoring, esg, whatever will come to America where like the world economic forum will take ahold of our society from the business side outward to enforce their rules and laws at our core. That's why as soon as trump was out we saw a major shift towards this because he did not play ball with their agendas.

It's also why very soon after trump was out we saw our economy failing and continuing to fail, weakening of the dollar, banks failing, the fed rolling out their digital currency test, the fed rolling out Fed Now behind the scenes to get involved in payment systems behind the scenes because once they push a digital currency and have complete control of people's money then it's games over because then they can truly rule people because when they control your money they control you and if you do or say something they don't like they have their hand on your money.

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