Nayib Bukele Says Death Of Drowned Father/Daughter in Rio Grande HIS Fault, Not the US'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For all of the Trump-hating Socialist Democrats and their loyal emotionally manipulated sheep who parrot their talking points - for all those who hate this country and have declared the deaths of those illegals trying to illegally make it into the United States are the fault of the United States, the President of El Salvador would like to straighten you out:

'The president of El Salvador says that it is his country that is to blame for the now infamous death of the migrant father and daughter who died in June while attempting to illegally cross the Rio Grande river from Mexico into the United States.

"People don’t flee their homes because they want to, people flee their homes because they feel they have to. Why? Because they don’t have a job, because they are being threatened by gangs, because they don’t have basic things like water, education, health. We can blame any other country but what about our blame? What country did they flee? Did they flee the United States? They fled El Salvador, they fled our country. It is our fault."'

-- El Salvador President Nayib Bukele

For Decades Democrats convinced minorities that their only hope to escape poverty, having no job, poor education, lack of adequate health care, etc... was to embrace the Democratic party, who in turn promised to help them. For decades Democrats handed out tax-payer-funded hand-outs / freebies - unemployment, welfare, cheese. Obamaphones, etc... Americans became dependent on those things to survive. It was similar to illegal drugs - the Democrats were the dealers, the minority / poor were the ones addicted...

Until not long ago blacks did not realize that everything being given to them was always 'just enough'...just enough for them to survive, just enough for them to hold on until the next month when they got more 'freebies', but it was never enough to help them to grow and become more independent, to one day make it on their own without being dependent on those handouts and the on the Democrats who continued to dole them out.

When Trump became President he brought new policies and experience that resulted in the strongest economy in decades, the lowest unemployment in decades / ever, the most Americans working at one time, more jobs, higher salaries, raises, bonuses,...and millions of Americans shedding their 'addiction' / dependency on unemployment...welfare...DEMOCRATS!

Having lost many of their 'customers' here at home, the Democrats have taken their 'economic slavery' traveling Snake Oil Medicine Show on the road abroad.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele is right - despite getting millions in foreign aide, he and other El Salvador leaders have failed the Salvadorian people. They have failed to provide better schools, better jobs / opportunities to work, more security from gangs and cartels, etc...

The Democrats, however, saw an opportunity to replenish their ranks of 'economic slavery' indebted / dependent VOTERS. So they began enticing, luring, & encouraging these poor, desperate foreigners to leave their countries behind, to trust coyotes . Cartels / with their children / families, to make the long dangerous trek towards the US border due to the promise of being welcomed straight into the country, being given *Free at health care, *Free education, *Free housing, work, and eventually US Citizenship.

President Bukele is right that El Salvador and other South American nations have done a poor job in providing for their people, in creating a safe, growing atmosphere that at least promises a better life for their people in hopes they will stay...but at the same time you can't ignore the 'big white panel van' with the license plate 'DNC-COMEw/ME', the side door slid open, and the strangers in the back telling them if they get in the van they can have some 'free candy'.

Salvadoran President Says His Country, Not United States, Is To Blame For Migrants' Deaths In Shocking Photo


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