Navy officer did shoot at muslim terrorists with personal weapon...

Chattanooga Shooting Hoax - Twice-Dead Soldiers

I enjoyed that. Here are the actual guys, not a picture mix-up: Here are the 5 military personnel who died in the Chattanooga shooting - LA Times

I guess the longer you keep him at his keyboard...he isn't doing something else more dangerous........
By Joe Wright | Activist Post

The Chattanooga shooting inspired an influential former general to call for internment camps for thought radicals. Pretty outrageous, I know. Imagine how sinister that agenda would be if the Chattanooga shooting is proven to be a scripted hoax?

YouTube researchers MattyD 4 Truth and PROVE ME WRONG have uncovered records that appear to show at least one of the Chattanooga victims died years before the latest “mass shooter” media event. (See video below)

The establishment media is running dramatic stories of Lance Corporal Skip Wells’ last words to his girlfriend, but perhaps those last words were spoken in 2004.

A strikingly similar looking Marine Lance Corporal Larry L. Wells was reported to have been killed in Iraq in 2004, according to Washington Post’s Faces of the Fallen. Screenshot saved below in case they remove the page.

Even creepier, the guy in the photo identified as Larry Wells in 2004 and Skip Wells in 2015 also seems to be a guest with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the event! Maybe they’re just lookalikes?

Close, but no cigar since we have Larry Wells and Skip Wells.

"Lance Cpl. Squire K. 'Skip' Wells
Lance Cpl. Squire K. Wells, 21, a native of Georgia, joined the Marine Corps on Feb. 10, 2014, following in the footsteps of other family members with military backgrounds. Wells was on active duty as part of the Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment in Tennessee and served as a field artillery cannoneer."

Well, there goes that tinfoil hat theory of the day.

Because the media that has to hire crisis actors is just SOOO credible? LOL

The corporate media was immediately on script for the Chattanooga shooting event like many others that follow the exact same plot line. Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

A lone wolf radicalized on the Internet, hopped up on SSRIs but still somehow an expert marksman not seen since Rambo (seriously there are never any survivors).

Shooter has almost no social media trail except convenient manifestos that highlight all of the ideologies the controllers want to snuff out. And don’t forget the emotionless actors…

Then the solution meme is always the same: “You’re in danger, give up your rights, give us more authority and resources to protect you, you need us, you really need us, more arms for authorities less for free people.”

An official figure goes on national TV to provide the detailed agenda, like General Wesley Clark did by announcing the national policy solution that he hopes other nations will adopt too:

If these people are radicalized, and they don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle, fine, that’s their right, but it’s our (the government’s) right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.

This phony shooting story has already resulted in orders to arm the National Guard in various states and more hysterical calls to crack down on online radicalization. Probably much more to come too.

YouTuber MattyD also points to a 2009 Washington Post story featuring an image of the grave site sharing the same name of another alleged Chattanooga victim, Marine Sergeant Thomas J. Sullivan.

The story refers to his family starting a D.C. area nonprofit called Sergeant Sullivan Center in his honor. But the ages and images of the 2009 Thomas Sullivan don’t match with the Chattanooga victim, and it’s quite a common name.

Nevertheless, it’s becoming obvious to anyone who pays attention to the news that many of these hyped shooting events appear to have the same shady characteristics and the same results — politicians clamoring for more authority to act against thought criminals.

More research is needed, but don’t be the last one to realize how badly you’ve been duped.

Chattanooga hoax Victim reported dead years before shooting Intellihub

1) I always enjoy this point....should they simply get on their knees as they are executed or do you prefer for them to lie completely prone.....should they keep their eyes open or closed as they are executed......

2) Or do they fire back and try to kill the fucker.....and possibly succeed as many people at the draw the mohammed contest, 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills saving all those lives......

I take the second apparently like the choices in the first would you like to be executed?
While sleeping
By Joe Wright | Activist Post

The Chattanooga shooting inspired an influential former general to call for internment camps for thought radicals. Pretty outrageous, I know. Imagine how sinister that agenda would be if the Chattanooga shooting is proven to be a scripted hoax?

YouTube researchers MattyD 4 Truth and PROVE ME WRONG have uncovered records that appear to show at least one of the Chattanooga victims died years before the latest “mass shooter” media event. (See video below)

The establishment media is running dramatic stories of Lance Corporal Skip Wells’ last words to his girlfriend, but perhaps those last words were spoken in 2004.

A strikingly similar looking Marine Lance Corporal Larry L. Wells was reported to have been killed in Iraq in 2004, according to Washington Post’s Faces of the Fallen. Screenshot saved below in case they remove the page.

Even creepier, the guy in the photo identified as Larry Wells in 2004 and Skip Wells in 2015 also seems to be a guest with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the event! Maybe they’re just lookalikes?

Close, but no cigar since we have Larry Wells and Skip Wells.

"Lance Cpl. Squire K. 'Skip' Wells
Lance Cpl. Squire K. Wells, 21, a native of Georgia, joined the Marine Corps on Feb. 10, 2014, following in the footsteps of other family members with military backgrounds. Wells was on active duty as part of the Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment in Tennessee and served as a field artillery cannoneer."

Well, there goes that tinfoil hat theory of the day.

Because the media that has to hire crisis actors is just SOOO credible? LOL

The corporate media was immediately on script for the Chattanooga shooting event like many others that follow the exact same plot line. Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

A lone wolf radicalized on the Internet, hopped up on SSRIs but still somehow an expert marksman not seen since Rambo (seriously there are never any survivors).

Shooter has almost no social media trail except convenient manifestos that highlight all of the ideologies the controllers want to snuff out. And don’t forget the emotionless actors…

Then the solution meme is always the same: “You’re in danger, give up your rights, give us more authority and resources to protect you, you need us, you really need us, more arms for authorities less for free people.”

An official figure goes on national TV to provide the detailed agenda, like General Wesley Clark did by announcing the national policy solution that he hopes other nations will adopt too:

If these people are radicalized, and they don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle, fine, that’s their right, but it’s our (the government’s) right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.

This phony shooting story has already resulted in orders to arm the National Guard in various states and more hysterical calls to crack down on online radicalization. Probably much more to come too.

YouTuber MattyD also points to a 2009 Washington Post story featuring an image of the grave site sharing the same name of another alleged Chattanooga victim, Marine Sergeant Thomas J. Sullivan.

The story refers to his family starting a D.C. area nonprofit called Sergeant Sullivan Center in his honor. But the ages and images of the 2009 Thomas Sullivan don’t match with the Chattanooga victim, and it’s quite a common name.

Nevertheless, it’s becoming obvious to anyone who pays attention to the news that many of these hyped shooting events appear to have the same shady characteristics and the same results — politicians clamoring for more authority to act against thought criminals.

More research is needed, but don’t be the last one to realize how badly you’ve been duped.

Chattanooga hoax Victim reported dead years before shooting Intellihub
From your post:

"The story refers to his family starting a D.C. area nonprofit called Sergeant Sullivan Center in his honor. But the ages and images of the 2009 Thomas Sullivan don’t match with the Chattanooga victim, and it’s quite a common name."

Well, that's two of the dead your paranoid morons have been wrong about. Must we do all five?

1) I always enjoy this point....should they simply get on their knees as they are executed or do you prefer for them to lie completely prone.....should they keep their eyes open or closed as they are executed......

2) Or do they fire back and try to kill the fucker.....and possibly succeed as many people at the draw the mohammed contest, 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills saving all those lives......

I take the second apparently like the choices in the first would you like to be executed?
While sleeping

Even at work?
The Smiley Faces of the Arch-Zionist Chattanooga Shooting Hoax


What are people doing laughing it up, smiling and smirking, over the corpses of four Marines who were shot dead by a crazed gunman? Moreover, how could certain purported witnesses smile intensively when asked about the dead and wounded of the arch-fake Chattanooga, Tennessee, shooting hoax? Why would anyone find it laughable, even comical, when represented with words referring to the wounded, dead, and dying? Moreover, why would anyone do so right before the camera? Wouldn’t the average person be embarrassed to smile and smirk in the national TV circuit in regarded to the wrongly killed and murdered?

They’re all dead, right, all killed in a hail of bullets:


Then, why is no one to the least degree suffering anguish over the loss of these men? Instead, people are smiling and smirking continuously. Who can explain how this is possible if this was a real event where these men were suddenly and senselessly killed?

A plethora of smiley faces always means there’s a hoax. It cannot be both, a real shooting and people abounding who are grinning, laughing, and acting in a virtual comical fashion. Nor can people be absolutely calm who have just experienced a shooting incident, especially an incident where people have been wounded or killed.


The lady in blue had this to say:

“Initially, I…saw him coming to the door, and I was telling her (the other woman pictured) to go back…”

The woman, below, said: “I heard a loud pop and so the owner of the salon and I went to the window to see what was going on, and when we got to the window to see what was going. We saw the silver convertible Mustang and he was just unloading some type of large rifle,” adding in respect to the woman in blue, “Lenice is my client, and she was sitting in the car waiting to come in for her appointment. She saw and heard everything.”


Reporter: “How scary was it for you?,” when the following facial expression is exhibited nearly immediately:

By Joe Wright | Activist Post

The Chattanooga shooting inspired an influential former general to call for internment camps for thought radicals. Pretty outrageous, I know. Imagine how sinister that agenda would be if the Chattanooga shooting is proven to be a scripted hoax?

YouTube researchers MattyD 4 Truth and PROVE ME WRONG have uncovered records that appear to show at least one of the Chattanooga victims died years before the latest “mass shooter” media event. (See video below)

The establishment media is running dramatic stories of Lance Corporal Skip Wells’ last words to his girlfriend, but perhaps those last words were spoken in 2004.

A strikingly similar looking Marine Lance Corporal Larry L. Wells was reported to have been killed in Iraq in 2004, according to Washington Post’s Faces of the Fallen. Screenshot saved below in case they remove the page.

Even creepier, the guy in the photo identified as Larry Wells in 2004 and Skip Wells in 2015 also seems to be a guest with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the event! Maybe they’re just lookalikes?

Close, but no cigar since we have Larry Wells and Skip Wells.

"Lance Cpl. Squire K. 'Skip' Wells
Lance Cpl. Squire K. Wells, 21, a native of Georgia, joined the Marine Corps on Feb. 10, 2014, following in the footsteps of other family members with military backgrounds. Wells was on active duty as part of the Mike Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment in Tennessee and served as a field artillery cannoneer."

Well, there goes that tinfoil hat theory of the day.

Even creepier, the guy in the photo identified as Larry Wells in 2004 and Skip Wells in 2015 also seems to be a guest with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the event! Maybe they’re just lookalikes?

Well, there goes your tinfoil hat theory of the day, PMH.


How about that for a smile, that is an extreme example of duping delight: about as extreme as is possible. Regardless, that kind of reaction to such a basic question is nothing other than absolute proof of the hoax. Who can prove otherwise? ‘Oh, yea, you can’t believe how scared we were.’ No one can believe that these two individuals were real witnesses to a horrific, fatal shooting.

‘Anyway, I thank God.’ And “Praise Jesus, come to Jesus” and all will be solved. “I’m born-again.” ‘You should be too, if you expect to be saved’ and also if you would wish to spew endless lies without concern of consequences.
Yep, obey the law, and DOD policy, or face the consequences...

"“Ladies and gents, resulting from the text message I received yesterday, I can confirm that the United States Navy is bringing charges against Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.

“The text message asked if it would be possible for Lt. Cmdr. White to reach out to me. To wit I replied, ‘Affirmative.’”

Following the attack, several military officials with knowledge of the internal investigation on the shooting reported White – the commanding officer for the Navy Operational Support Center – likely fired his personal weapon at Abdulazeez. Reports said one of the murdered Marines, armed with his own personal 9mm Glock, possibly engaged the shooter as well.

Killed were Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan, Staff Sgt. David Wyatt, Sgt. Carson Holmquist and Lance Cpl. Squire Wells, as well as Navy petty officer second class Randall Smith.

Department of Defense regulations prohibit most service members from being armed on U.S. soil, including most personnel at reserves and recruiting centers like the ones in Chattanooga. Only law enforcement or service members who are acting as military police are allowed to carry weapons on such properties."

Read more at Allen West Navy to prosecute Chattanooga hero

Honest to God, she was touting the born-again way while she was telling tall tales about this fake shooting. ‘We’re all born-again’s around here. We can lie and cheat without consequence or worry, as long as we believe in Jesus (as our savor).’


What does that man have to do with it? He would be against this, since holding false witness is a violation of the scriptures he represented.

Who would want to become a ‘born again’ after watching this woman in action? Yet, incredibly, there are people posting on this site, among other arenas, claiming it is real and contesting any proof otherwise, that is the hard proof that this is nothing other than a terminally corrupt arch-Zionist fake.

This man says that he knew one of the purportedly shot dead marines, Skip Wells, intimately. Does he look like he is grieving to any degree for the shot dead friend and compatriot? Surely, he is a crisis actor, like the others. Even so, no one could be so happy at the news of the sudden, violent death of a friend. Regardless, where do they get all these people? How could they all be fully in place to be interviewed by CNN, among others? Furthermore, how much were they paid to participate in such an arch-scam?


By no means can anyone believe that this is a real shooting with such a legion of crisis actors smirking and smiling, while making all manner of supercilious gestures.

This evil regime is just horrified that someone stopped this muslim. He was supposed to kill more people.

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