Nationalize Retirement Accounts


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
WASHINGTON, February 3, 2013 ― The $19.4 trillion sitting in personal retirement accounts like the 401K may be too tempting an apple for a government that is quite broke, both monetarily and morally. The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray recently mentioned these accounts in a recent interview, stating “That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in, in terms of whether and what authority we have.”

This agency, created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank-Act, is very concerned about how safe your retirement savings are. They are apparently concerned that retiring baby boomers may become victims of financial scams.

If the government takes control of retirement accounts, it will not be called "nationalization." There will most likely be an indecipherable document that provides an opt-out option (initially), but why would you want to do that? The US government only wants to ensure the safety of your retirement funds; they did after all create a new bureaucracy for that specific purpose. And what could be a safer investment than US bonds?

China’s premier Wen Jiabao recently made a very polite, but very pointed statement to the US concerning its continued policy of debt monetization (printing money to pay the bills).

“We have made a huge amount of loans to the United States. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I’m a little bit worried. I would like to call on the United States to honor its words, stay a credible nation and ensure the safety of Chinese assets.”

It is estimated that of the roughly $2 trillion China holds in currency reserves, about half is in U.S. Treasuries. While that may not seem significant, you would not want to know what would happen should they put even half of those treasuries on the open market. While that is certainly not expected, an escalation of Japan-China tensions in their ongoing (and worsening) argument over East and South China Sea islands, with the U.S. firmly behind Japan, means anything is possible.

Assuming that the island dispute does not turn into open warfare, there is still the matter of addressing the very serious concerns that China has voiced, and many other countries echo: We are devaluing our currency, which they are heavily invested in, at a rapid pace and with no indication of ever stopping.

This brings us back to that juicy apple hanging from the tree of our life's work. Nationalizing the personal retirement accounts would allow our government to borrow even more from its largest debtor (U.S. citizens) without further devaluing the currency. While this may seem far-fetched, as international pressure mounts to maintain the value of the dollar, you will hear more about this.

If at some date we find ourselves at a tipping point in international relations, it may very well come down to nationalizing our 401K’s or going to war. Many Americans are choosing to take their penalties and withdraw their 401K funds while they still can.

I have to think that our "leaders" (cough) have more sense than this.

If they tried it, and this happened on a massive scale...

Many Americans are choosing to take their penalties and withdraw their 401K funds while they still can.

... you would see a financial catastrophe that could make the 2008 Meltdown look like a picnic.

Please tell me you folks in DC have more sense than this. Please.

That's a great idea: Let the Alcoholic raid your Liquor cabinet. :cuckoo:

Must be why the Gov't is so eager to take our guns!

I have to think that our "leaders" (cough) have more sense than this.

If they tried it, and this happened on a massive scale...

Many Americans are choosing to take their penalties and withdraw their 401K funds while they still can.

... you would see a financial catastrophe that could make the 2008 Meltdown look like a picnic.

Please tell me you folks in DC have more sense than this. Please.


Sure hope your right because if those Clowns can find a way to grab more of our money they will certainly take it.

Hell. Most folks thought SS was safe and it was till LBJ put it in the General Fund because he needed money for the Viet Nam war. The Clowns proceeded to rob it blind.

You can bet they aren't concerned with anyones retirement but their own which we taxpayers pay for. They have their own fund which you know they don't rob.
A follow up in the Washington Times: 'The WT feels the consumer of investment strategies would best be suited investing with Bernie Madoff, the WT has learned Mr Madoff has sufficient time today to handle numerous clients now that he has lots of free time. Plus free room and board. The Washington Times has also learned the Tooth Fairy pays big dividends should the market sink or go under or something like that. We at the WT are always concerned our readers, being such astute readers they is, will follow our advice and not go with any reputable investment firm for we knows from experience that that just don't work two good.'

PS 'Anyone who takes seriously anything at all from our Moonie paper needs Ann Landers or a reasonable facsimile. Just kidding. Whatsoever you do don't read this here paper cause they are communists or maybe even satan or some other really bad persons.'

Notice:' The Washington times ain't responsible for the contents or the authors or any opinions they has in our paper.'
On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?

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This is a birther-esque rightwing conspiracy theory that's been passed around for a long time now.

This is one more example of the intellectually bankrupt paranoid cult that the Right has become.
On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?


What money, there's no money in the SS Trust Fund, just IOU's written on the same accounts they stole the money from in the first place. Now not only do the taxpayers get to replace money they've already paid, but they get to pay the interest as well. Private business people are put in jail for schemes like that.
What money, there's no money in the SS Trust Fund, just IOU's written on the same accounts they stole the money from in the first place. Now not only do the taxpayers get to replace money they've already paid, but they get to pay the interest as well. Private business people are put in jail for schemes like that.
That must be ANOTHER one of those "birther-esque rightwing conspiracy theories" that's been passed around for a long time now. :lol:
I would like an opt out for SS. You can stay with the safety and simplicity of SS, or you can opt out and invest it to retire much more well off.
If only there werent a stock market...................and guns !!!

Then the adolescent conspirazoid occutards could sleep better at night.......

Well, maybe if their marxist communal utopia could be achieved, all dissent vanished, the earth was healed and world peace manifested itself.................Then maybe........
On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?


What money, there's no money in the SS Trust Fund, just IOU's written on the same accounts they stole the money from in the first place. Now not only do the taxpayers get to replace money they've already paid, but they get to pay the interest as well. Private business people are put in jail for schemes like that.

You ask, "What money?" The money coming out of every one of your paychecks for Social Security. That's what money.

If Wall Street had its way, that money would be going into their pockets by way of inverse floaters and CDOs-squared and other derivatives that are financial weapons of mass destruction.

I would like an opt out for SS. You can stay with the safety and simplicity of SS, or you can opt out and invest it to retire much more well off.

Um...have you noticed how stupid a lot of the people here are? The ones who talk about "gun grabbing EOs" and other idiotic stuff? The ones who parrot the manufactured bullshit they get from their masters and don't have a critical thinking bone in their bodies?

What makes you think they would have a penny to their names if they were left to their own devices investing in the market? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

They'd be broke and either come screaming to the government to provide for them in their old age or they would have to work until they died.

Just like the old days they wistfully daydream about.
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The only safe place for "critically thinking" leftists to keep their pittances are with some really smart bureaucrats or under their pillow.............
This is a birther-esque rightwing conspiracy theory that's been passed around for a long time now.

This is one more example of the intellectually bankrupt paranoid cult that the Right has become.

The board notes that once again, the liberals are evading the issue and making personal attacks.
On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?


It would still be there instead of being part of the national debt like it is today. Right now it has evaporated.

Funny thing is, you can trust private companies more than our government now. This is a fact.
On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?


It would still be there instead of being part of the national debt like it is today. Right now it has evaporated.

Funny thing is, you can trust private companies more than our government now. This is a fact.

BWA-HA-HA! Yeah. You can trust Lehman Brothers. And Bear Stearns. And Goldman Sachs. And Merrill Lynch. And Allied Irish Bank. And Bank of Scotland. And JP Morgan.

Holy shit, you people really do have the memory retention of goldfish. The government and Wall Street are holding hands. Wall Street is a thief with police protection.

To whom do you think your money manager hands over your hard-earned cash, the tooth fairy? No, the dumbshit hands it over to whichever of the above gifted him with the most hookers and blow and Super Bowl box seats. Your money manager thinks proximity to other people's money makes him intelligent. But he's not. He invested your money in fraudulent CDOs and bogus CDS and lost it by the truckload.

Social Security, on the other hand, is only allowed to invest in rock solid US debt. Nothing fancy.

The Social Security problem is very easily solved. You just need to elect politicians with some spine instead of the gutless brain dead you love so much.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors who created Social Security. We should not be retiring at the same age they did.

It's a safety net, not a paycheck.

You should be balancing your retirement nest egg with Social Security and your own personal investing. If you are an idiot and fuck up your investments and lose a large part of them, Social Security will be there to catch you, but it should not catch you until you are at least 70.
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What a horrifically bad idea.

On the flip side, the people on Wall Street who robbed investors around the world of trillions of dollars would like nothing more than the government to privatize Social Security so Wall Street can raid those funds, too.

It's a good thing Wall Street's attempt to get Bush to privatize Social Security was stopped. Can you imagine what would have happened to that money by the end of 2008?


If you had invested at the end of 2008 in stocks, you would have doubled your money.

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