National Security Agency Violating US First Amendment Establishment Clause


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" National Security Agency Violating US First Amendment Establishment Clause "

* Religious Affiliation As A Criteria For Government Employment *

When was the last time anyone completed an employment application with a check box for religious affiliation , or for sexual orientation , anywhere , much less at a government affiliate ?

Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Federal Regulations mandate Special Emphasis programs to promote equal employment opportunity. In the spirit of championing awareness and fully supporting every member of our workforce, NSA offers the following Employee Resource Groups (ERGs):
  • African American
  • American Indian/Alaska Native
  • American Veteran
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Islamic Cultural
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Allies
  • NextGen
  • People with Disabilities
  • Women

* Protected Class By Government GOONS *

When their receptionists were asked why the US security agency was violating the US first amendment establishment clause , they became hostile and argumentative - fucking evil .

Where are hindus or buddhists on the list , who have been - literally subjects of unprovoked violence by the fictional ishmaelism adherents for 1400 years ?
" Personality Complexities "

* Appreciated Cautioning Of Potential Future Policy Abuse As Organizations Adapt *

Fred Optical Engineering Software - Wikipedia
FRED Software | Photon Engineering

* Some Want Government Informed *

Is information in this thread opening post something us government watchdogs should contest through tort as policy in violation of us constitution establishment clause ?

* Espionage Lobby To Normalize Acceptance Of Fictional Ishmaelism *

The only merit potentially garnered from the designation as employee resource group is to track fictional ishmaelism adherents , while affirmative action would be egregious against us constitution and classification allows one to leverage political correctness as bias for advancement .

* Uncompromising Injunction Supremacist Indoctrination *

There is not a difference between religion and creed and advancing fictional ishmaelism which includes edicts and tenets of creed to violate non violence principles through illegitimate aggression against the core principles of individualism that are self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intentions - contracts ) , and that lauds democracy for its tyranny by majority , is deleterious to the integrity of public policy and national security .

Hisbah - Wikipedia
Hisbah (Arabic: ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is an individual or collective duty (depending on the school of law) to intervene and "enjoin good and forbid wrong" in order to maintain the norms of sharia (Islamic law). The doctrine is based on an expression from the Quran ().
The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[3]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib was appointed by the caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as "inspector". See hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.
For example, in Saudi Arabia, the state establishment responsible for hisbah is the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, or hay'a.[4]

In a minority of Islamic states, namely Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Aceh province of Indonesia, and Iran, there is an establishment of Islamic religious police. In some places, it is state-established; in others, it is independent of the state.

Hisbah doctrine has been invoked by Islamic prosecutors in cases of apostasy and acts of blasphemy. For example, in Egypt, Nasr Abu Zayd, a Muslim scholar "critical of old and modern Islamic thought" was prosecuted under the doctrine when his academic work was held to be evidence of apostasy.[5][6]
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" Personality Complexities "

* Appreciated Cautioning Of Potential Future Policy Abuse As Organizations Adapt *

Fred Optical Engineering Software - Wikipedia
FRED Software | Photon Engineering

* Some Want Government Informed *

Is information in this thread opening post something us government watchdogs should contest through tort as policy in violation of us constitution establishment clause ?

* Espionage Lobby To Normalize Acceptance Of Fictional Ishmaelism *

The only merit potentially garnered from the designation as employee resource group is to track fictional ishmaelism adherents , while affirmative action would be egregious against us constitution and classification allows one to leverage political correctness as bias for advancement .

* Uncompromising Injunction Supremacist Indoctrination *

There is not a difference between religion and creed and advancing fictional ishmaelism which includes edicts and tenets of creed to violate non violence principles through illegitimate aggression against the core principles of individualism that are self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intentions - contracts ) , and that lauds democracy for its tyranny by majority , is deleterious to the integrity of public policy and national security .

Hisbah - Wikipedia
Hisbah (Arabic: ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is an individual or collective duty (depending on the school of law) to intervene and "enjoin good and forbid wrong" in order to maintain the norms of sharia (Islamic law). The doctrine is based on an expression from the Quran ().
The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[3]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib was appointed by the caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as "inspector". See hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.
For example, in Saudi Arabia, the state establishment responsible for hisbah is the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, or hay'a.[4]

In a minority of Islamic states, namely Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Aceh province of Indonesia, and Iran, there is an establishment of Islamic religious police. In some places, it is state-established; in others, it is independent of the state.

Hisbah doctrine has been invoked by Islamic prosecutors in cases of apostasy and acts of blasphemy. For example, in Egypt, Nasr Abu Zayd, a Muslim scholar "critical of old and modern Islamic thought" was prosecuted under the doctrine when his academic work was held to be evidence of apostasy.[5][6]
Wrong thread Abdul.
" Perhaps Language Barriers "

* Confused Patrons *

Wrong thread Abdul.
Whom do you believe initiated this thread ?

This is not a thread in support of fictional ishmaelism , or any religion , as it is a thread contesting that NSA policy violates the establishment clause of us first amendment .
" Perhaps Language Barriers "

* Confused Patrons *

Wrong thread Abdul.
Whom do you believe initiated this thread ?

This is not a thread in support of fictional ishmaelism , or any religion , as it is a thread contesting that NSA policy violates the establishment clause of us first amendment .
I'm more concerned with the very existence of the NSA, and its violations of the 4th and 5th Amendments.
I don't see any connection between an application to apply with for a job with the NSA and the applicant's religion. These listed NSA employee resource groups don't seem to have anything to do with the application process, and they appear to be for employees who are members of groups that are afraid that they will suffer discrimination or have historically suffered from discrimination. I don't think that the NSA would refuse to set up another group for interested employees who are Hindu or Buddhist. Or Sikhs, who are beginning to come forward with their concerns. In the last day I have read an op-ed piece written by a Sikh whose brother was murdered (in Texas, of course) by someone who wanted to kill a "towel head." It is disgusting for anyone to kill anyone over religion, but his brother's killer was so damned ignorant that he did not know that Islam and Sikhism are two completely separate religions.

Where does this "Ishmaelism" thing come from? Really, I've never heard of it before. Islam? Yes. "Ishmaelism"? no. It appears to be an off-shoot of Islam that is not much practiced in the West.
" Leveraging Religion As A Ploy To Dominate By Hisbah Supremacists "

* Facilitating Tribute For Religious Vanity *

I don't see any connection between an application to apply with for a job with the NSA and the applicant's religion.
A private employer is not being challenged with statistical requirements to be unbiased towards demographics represented by the public , however government institutions are being challenged with statistical requirements to appear unbiased towards the demographic represented by the public .

Suppose the incidence of assigned positions does not reflect the statistical representation of a religious affiliation within the public demographic ; then coercion for position assignments are implicitly expected and culpable to becoming litigious actions as well .

The assignment of a government position based upon a religious affiliation violates the establishment clause as it subjects all to bias in favor or in dissent against the proclaimed creed of the individual and religion should not be a basis for affirmative action or diversification .

By deduction from antinomian prefaces " by no name will a law be invoked " and any government agency should not implement policy offering bias towards individuals based upon nomian affiliations of creed / religion , and the only way to do that is to not ever institutionalize it .

There is not a difference between religion and creed and advocacy to title groups is the beginning of sectarianism which exemplifies establishment of religion through pluralism , also noting that creed / religion are transient and may be justifiably subject to discrimination as opposed to elements which are intransigent such as sex or race .

In many circumstances , a designated employee resource group is extended the status as protected resource groups , which though it is supposed by employers to limit hostility in work environments , it also stipulates that such designated groups are entitled to special consideration based upon their association as members .

In deed , disclosing ones creed to an employer introduces a potential for deleterious consequences that may be well deserved as well as not deserved ; reasons being that there is not a religious exception within us constitution for creed with edicts or tenets to violate non violence principles against self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) expectations for individualism , which is asserted that fictional ishmaelism advocates by doctrine .

Those subject to illegitimate aggression are entitled to self defense up to and including not extending an offer for citizenship and access to voting booths , though cultural exchange is valued .

* Proselytizing At Work Over Keeping It To Yourself *
These listed NSA employee resource groups don't seem to have anything to do with the application process, and they appear to be for employees who are members of groups that are afraid that they will suffer discrimination or have historically suffered from discrimination.
I don't think that the NSA would refuse to set up another group for interested employees who are Hindu or Buddhist. Or Sikhs, who are beginning to come forward with their concerns.
None needs to hear or know about it , simply check your creed and religion at the door .

None should be subject to company sponsored brainwashing through taqiyya , kitman , tawriya , muruna , by sycophants to normalize fictional ishmaelism .

NSA | Diversity | Intelligence Careers
Employee resource groups at NSA are designed to advocate who we are, as well as educate the NSA employee population through group-sponsored training events, presentations, demonstrations, displays, panel discussions and more.

Current groups include:

  • AA (African American)
  • AAPI (Asian-American/Pacific Islander)
  • AIAN (American Indian/Alaska Native)
  • AV (American Veteran)
  • ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • HLAT (Hispanic/Latino)
  • IC (Islamic Culture)
  • NG (Next Gen)
  • PRIDE (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Allies)
  • PWD (People with Disabilities)
  • W (Women)

* Antinomianism Applied To Nomian Creed *

Where does this "Ishmaelism" thing come from? Really, I've never heard of it before. Islam? Yes. "Ishmaelism"? no. It appears to be an off-shoot of Islam that is not much practiced in the West.
Torahnism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous isaac , where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( 613 mitzvot ) , as proposed in the torah , would only apply within israel .

Qurayshism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous ishmael, where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( sharia ) , as proposed in the qurayn , would only apply within hejaz .

Any pretense that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism .

#I_SLAM_A_PHOBIA is the paranoia and delusion invoked from surah 9 for over 1400 years to implement the supremacist , sectarian , intolerant , militant manifesto by doctrine to defend hejaz when it was not ever under duress .

The term " islam ( sic ) " is an infinitive meaning " to submit " , while the term " muslim ( sic ) " is a noun meaning " one who submits " ; the terms are generic and that one may practice islam in a bdsm dungeon by being a muslim to a dominatrix is grammatically correct .

There is nothing more orwellian double think than blind drone stupidity of any aspiring to submits to submission , and prostrating oneself under foot , in blind obedience before the lofted rears and baphomet ( the goat - see urban dictionary ) of those before themselves , in the direction to a diadem of a shiny anus ( black stone of kabba ) , all while disparaging others for their " idolatry " , is as ridiculous , hypocritical and asinine as it gets - in deed , ass holier than though .

There is no such thing as a religion of i slam or a muslim that follows it , there is only the genetic religion of qurayshism that does not apply outside of hejaz and fictional ishmaelism is a debase pretense that qurayshism does apply outside of hejaz ( the barrier ) .

Currently , hejaz is under adverse possession by the tribe of nedj ( saudi arabia ) who are not lineal descendants of ishmael , who deposed the hashemites soon after WWI ( though a hashemite - a lineal descendant of ishmael - had been sharif since 700 ad - largely sufi ) , and who have a monsterous us lobby and slush fund for terrorist facilitation that makes any russian involvement in us politics a farce by comparison .
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" Pursuant To Expunge Traitorous Agendas "

* Open Door Cages *

I'm more concerned with the very existence of the NSA, and its violations of the 4th and 5th Amendments.
The video in post #2 of this thread provided good information about NSA policy , as it related that while all information is gathered , the information is otherwise encrypted and restricted without just cause to investigate further with a warrant .

As with all secure information , quality assurance should ensure that safeguards are in place and procedures are followed and enforced through independent auditing .

Absolute collection is not within focus for this thread .

* Tirade On Four Criteria Fore Individualism Where Illegitimate Aggression Is Violence *

By definition , any implementation of legalism invoked by a name is a nomian legal system that constitutes actions denoted as nomian or as nomianism .

Alternatively , antinomianism ( non nomianism ) rejects nomian pretenses and is considered shirk by fictional ishmaelism - Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

There is not a technical difference between creed and religion each must remain a transient and not intransigent as a hue mammon quality .

A focus for this thread is to incriminate actors of government pursuing an implementation of religious pluralism within its institutions and to abate any further actions towards the establishment of religion by government that would violate the fist amendment of us constitution .

A covert perspective promoted by fictional ishmaelism proselytes - pretending to be contemporary - is that compulsion into the institutions of fictional ishmaelism should not be coerced ; however , history has demonstrated that if fictional ishmaelism cannot destroy pluralism outright , it pursues public policy actions to implement religious pluralism to establish itself as separate and distinct in efforts to eventually implement conformance with its supremacist tenets and edicts of creed as public policy .

For example , fictional ishmaelism pursues religious pluralism to establish separate court systems , under pretenses for litigation of civil issues according to religious law such as inheritance ; however , insistence must remain that a civil contract be phrased in legal terms that any common law jury and non religious judges may decide without a requirement to be learned in or to reference religious texts .

An absurdity is that the nomain creed of qurayshism applies outside of hejaz and the contrary presumption of fictional ishmaelism is debase and rejected by a creed for antinomianism ; and , for government to safeguard fictional ishmaelism adherents , or to advance fictional ishmaelism adherents , or to punish adherents for edicts and tenets for an alternative creed of non nomianism on behalf of fictional ishmaelism under auspices of religious pluralism , is an act establishing religion by government .

Government institutions should conform with us first amendment and maintain a distinction between public matters and private matters with respect to religion and creed .

So as to comply with the us first amendment by not establishing religion , government should cease action that institutionalizes religion , by rejecting to acknowledge by register , or by documentation , or by employee resource group , any nomian creed or acts to establish religious pluralism within its institutions .

Be warned not to ever believe or be fooled by fictional ishmaelism deceit or ulterior motives for its nomian supremacy by noting a directive made to its adherents in surah 47 and named after its author " Muhammad " , " 47:35 So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; ... " .

Religious pluralism - Wikipedia
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" Pursuant To Expunge Traitorous Agendas "

* Open Door Cages *

I'm more concerned with the very existence of the NSA, and its violations of the 4th and 5th Amendments.
The video in post #2 of this thread provided good information about NSA policy , as it related that while all information is gathered , the information is otherwise encrypted and restricted without just cause to investigate further with a warrant .

As with all secure information , quality assurance should ensure that safeguards are in place and procedures are followed and enforced through independent auditing .

Absolute collection is not within focus for this thread .

* Tirade On Four Criteria Fore Individualism Where Illegitimate Aggression Is Violence *

By definition , any implementation of legalism invoked by a name is a nomian legal system that constitutes actions denoted as nomian or as nomianism .

Alternatively , antinomianism ( non nomianism ) rejects nomian pretenses and is considered shirk by fictional ishmaelism - Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

There is not a technical difference between creed and religion each must remain a transient and not intransigent as a hue mammon quality .

A focus for this thread is to incriminate actors of government pursuing an implementation of religious pluralism within its institutions and to abate any further actions towards the establishment of religion by government that would violate the fist amendment of us constitution .

A covert perspective promoted by fictional ishmaelism proselytes - pretending to be contemporary - is that compulsion into the institutions of fictional ishmaelism should not be coerced ; however , history has demonstrated that if fictional ishmaelism cannot destroy pluralism outright , it pursues public policy actions to implement religious pluralism to establish itself as separate and distinct in efforts to eventually implement conformance with its supremacist tenets and edicts of creed as public policy .

For example , fictional ishmaelism pursues religious pluralism to establish separate court systems , under pretenses for litigation of civil issues according to religious law such as inheritance ; however , insistence must remain that a civil contract be phrased in legal terms that any common law jury and non religious judges may decide without a requirement to be learned in or to reference religious texts .

An absurdity is that the nomain creed of qurayshism applies outside of hejaz and the contrary presumption of fictional ishmaelism is debase and rejected by a creed for antinomianism ; and , for government to safeguard fictional ishmaelism adherents , or to advance fictional ishmaelism adherents , or to punish adherents for edicts and tenets for an alternative creed of non nomianism on behalf of fictional ishmaelism under auspices of religious pluralism , is an act establishing religion by government .

Government institutions should conform with us first amendment and maintain a distinction between public matters and private matters with respect to religion and creed .

So as to comply with the us first amendment by not establishing religion , government should cease action that institutionalizes religion , by rejecting to acknowledge by register , or by documentation , or by employee resource group , any nomian creed or acts to establish religious pluralism within its institutions .

Be warned not to ever believe or be fooled by fictional ishmaelism deceit or ulterior motives for its nomian supremacy by noting a directive made to its adherents in surah 47 and named after its author " Muhammad " , " 47:35 So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; ... " .

Religious pluralism - Wikipedia

"We from da gubmint, and we here to help"

Not buying it, never will.

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