National Security Agency to release records about Americans illegally spied on by FBI

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As you may recall, Admiral Mike Rogers tried to shut down FBI access to the NSA database in 2016 (while he was serving as NSA director) after learning that FBI contractors were illegally searching the database. Over at The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance has built a solid case that FBI contractors were exploiting the NSA database for opposition research on political enemies (also see here and here and here). One of the contractors with access to the NSA database, for example, appears to be Fusion GPS, which helped Christopher Steele produce the infamous “Russian collusion” dossier.


Given the history of animosity between the FBI and NSA over misuse of the database, I cannot help but wonder whether the NSA is taking a shot at the FBI by preemptively producing the records that the FBI refused to produce, i.e., records of the FBI’s ongoing illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens. The FBI is downright dangerous, and perhaps some patriots at the NSA recognize that. Consider, for example, the growing evidence that the FBI not only infiltrated but helped orchestrate the January 6, 2021 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.

In a separate FOIA request, I have asked for records of illegal surveillance dating back to the beginning of the Obama Administration. It is widely known that the Obama Administration used government resources to spy on the Trump campaign, but sources have told me for several years that Obama & Co. were spying on every candidate in the 2016 election, from Ted Cruz to Bernie Sanders, all for the purpose of helping Hillary Clinton. If you go all the way back to 2008, the number of Americans illegally surveilled could be far higher than 16,000.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Sharyl Attkisson has personal experience with FBI spying.

FBI/DOJ are corrupt. But I wouldn’t trust the NSA, either. Interagency squabbles may cause one agency to expose another. Briefly. But it is likely that they will close ranks before too much info is released.
FBI/DOJ are corrupt. But I wouldn’t trust the NSA, either. Interagency squabbles may cause one agency to expose another. Briefly. But it is likely that they will close ranks before too much info is released.
Yes for one thing the penalties for disclosing classified information are too high, and there is no possibility of any defense in court for such criminal charges.

Child pornography charges are often substituted for civilians who publish or disclose information of a similar nature, but cannot be charged under classified information or espionage codes because they have never had any clearance or access to classified information.

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