National Review: Trump "Profoundly Undemocratic"


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
I don’t think so. Didn’t he allow the governors to deal with the virus?

He is profoundly dumb, though.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.

The strategy was always electors.

Was clear the day after the election

All this talk about courts is nice but this is just about getting the base to put pressure on legislators and senators.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.
patients, lol.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Joe biden is not a commie

Almost no one on the American left is

Unless they're advocating for the dissolution of private property they're probably not a commie

We have no real commies in 2020. These people have a different set of beliefs. Marx didn't give a fuck about race
You are Communist, evil, anti-Christ
Your words nothing but vile lies and deception.

Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Joe biden is not a commie

Almost no one on the American left is

Unless they're advocating for the dissolution of private property they're probably not a commie

We have no real commies in 2020. These people have a different set of beliefs. Marx didn't give a fuck about race

Can you read?
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

marx didn't give a shit about race. he was a german living in a homogenous society

anything race conscious is inherently not marxist

feminism is consistent with marxism, that's true. I wouldn't exactly call it a marxist idea tho.

Communism is an economic system Joe biden nor anyone else wants to substantively change. A few more or less public utilities isn't going to make us commie. We already have many heavily subsidized industries and public utilities.

Absurd concern.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Joe biden is not a commie

Almost no one on the American left is

Unless they're advocating for the dissolution of private property they're probably not a commie

We have no real commies in 2020. These people have a different set of beliefs. Marx didn't give a fuck about race

Can you read?
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

marx didn't give a shit about race. he was a german living in a homogenous society

anything race conscious is inherently not marxist

feminism is consistent with marxism, that's true. I wouldn't exactly call it a marxist idea tho.

Communism is an economic system Joe biden nor anyone else wants to substantively change. A few more or less public utilities isn't going to make us commie. We already have many heavily subsidized industries and public utilities.

Absurd concern.

You have never lived under Communism.
You are not qualified to make that call.
What's absurd is how Communists have snowed so many people.
The Bible speaks of the great's Communism....not a single person

Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Yea but i have lived under exactly the same regime joe bidne will give us

this is not communism

it's a mixed economy

Much more concerned about the patriot act than old joe and his green new deal

This is America we aren't going to become commies you dolt. We again don't even have any. You may have lived under something. It wasn't inherent to communism or marxism if it wasn't directly related to the economic system.

Authoritarian policies are not inherently communist
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism
And here I was thinking we were on the same side ?
Ive posted many times about what I believe to be a massive influence from China, among other things, ever since I joined this forum, and I understand the seriousness of this, and I dont like it anymore than you. But, you getting your panties in a twist isnt going to help either. If you want to start a revolution, might I suggest a different forum ???
I do regret not saving all the articles and posts Ive made without having to go back through them.
Maybe you should take some yoga classes and focus on your family this Thanksgiving.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

Joe biden is not a commie

Almost no one on the American left is

Unless they're advocating for the dissolution of private property they're probably not a commie

We have no real commies in 2020. These people have a different set of beliefs. Marx didn't give a fuck about race
Some cons think Joe’s a commie and Kamala is a Marxist. Proof propaganda works.
Yes, he is.

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. ...​
If there’s serious evidence for any of this, Giuliani and co. need to produce it immediately. Waving around affidavits at a press conference without allowing anyone to examine them doesn’t count. ...​
The claims by the Trump team and its allies in court have been as far-reaching as possible and still haven’t come close to supporting the kind of feverish charges made yesterday afternoon. These cases have been dismissed or were whittled down until, as Andy McCarthy has noted, in Pennsylvania the Trump team isn’t even challenging enough ballots to come within hailing distance of overturning Joe Biden’s 83,000-vote lead — although we understand that the team is now attempting to file yet another amended complaint that would revive previously abandoned fraud charges and add still more. ...​
As for the Dominion voting machines that Powell has been inveighing against, Georgia used them this year, and there’s no indication whatsoever that they contributed to significant mistakes, let alone that they were part of a vast plot to steal the election. Voters use the machine to register their choices, then a paper copy of the votes is printed and scanned. This paper record is what was used in Georgia’s hand recount, which has now been completed. It found no major discrepancies (Trump picked up several hundred votes owing to errors in several localities but still trails by more than 12,000). A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed a Republican suit to block the certification of Georgia’s election.​
Getting nowhere in court, the White House appears to be shifting to a political strategy based on blocking the certification of results and getting state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in states Trump lost. This is a profoundly undemocratic gambit that, if it were to enjoy any success, would precipitate a major constitutional crisis. The Constitution gives state legislatures the power to appoint electors, but it has been the norm for legislatures to appoint those electors on the basis of state elections for about 200 years. For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy. It’d also be legally dubious, at best, to bypass state laws establishing elections as the mechanism for selecting presidential electors.​

Trump is trying to steal the election. He and his coterie have nothing but contempt for the people of this country, it's history, it's institutions, and it's norms.

And unlike the spineless cowards in the Republican Party leadership who won't do what's right for the country, there are conservatives will to tell the would-be tin-pot third world autocrat to stop.
Patients grasshopper.
Just give it one more week. If nothing significant is presented this week, then the pressure on Trump would be unsustainable imo.

Like most, you have no clue what's actually at stake here.
It definitely isn't "Trump's loss"
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

You actually believe that shit? Well God Bless You. Pitiful.
That's funny... I would have thought massive voter fraud is profoundly undemocratic.

It would be.

If it happened.

But so is lying about it because one's snowflake feelings can't take losing and then setting this gigantic embarrassing shit show upon the nation over the past three weeks.

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