Nate Silver: Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

Dems tired of working, they want Bernie!

He'll be Obama for White America
People voting for Sanders aren't "tired of working". What they are tired of is 99% of the wealth generated by their work is ending up in the hands of 1% of the population.

You know that's crap, why do you say it?

What about the 40% of it that goes to government?
Not crap at all.

We have, in this country, some 500 billionaires.

Just counting to a billion would take over 3 decades.

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Not really sure what these folks have done to accumulate so much.

Maybe you can explain it.
Dems tired of working, they want Bernie!

He'll be Obama for White America
People voting for Sanders aren't "tired of working". What they are tired of is 99% of the wealth generated by their work is ending up in the hands of 1% of the population.

You know that's crap, why do you say it?

What about the 40% of it that goes to government?
Not crap at all.

We have, in this country, some 500 billionaires.

Just counting to a billion would take over 3 decades.

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Not really sure what these folks have done to accumulate so much.

Maybe you can explain it.

I love reading the Forbes 400 to see what they've done and it's always fascinating to me. There's almost no commonality between the 400 today versus 20 or 30 years ago, it's constantly changing and evolving

I worked for a guy who started with no money, but had an unshakable belief in himself and his mission and he's firmly in the Top 100 on Forbes List. That's what should be taught in schools

Forbes 400
Go back and read your link and show me where he screwed anybody other than rich bankers (the ones you liberals hate so much) out of anything. It's not like he lost a trillion dollars of stimulus money and stuck the taxpayers with the bill the way Obama did.

Defrauding banks is illegal. But no big surprise that you support someone who had to file bankruptcy 4 times because he couldn't operate a legitimate business successfully.
Where was the indictment? Maybe because he didn't defraud anybody?

Right here!

Firms, Trump Targeted In $1B Row Over Investment Losses - Law360

Firms, Trump Targeted In $1B Row Over Investment Losses

Law360, New York (May 13, 2013, 8:01 PM ET) -- Real estate magnate Donald Trump and big law firms including Nixon Peabody LLP and Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP were targeted Monday in a $1 billion battle by Holocaust survivors and others over an investment scheme by the former promoter of a failed Trump hotel in Florida.
In a summons filed in New York state court, the plaintiffs claimed the defendants helped hide the 1998 conviction of Felix Sater, who had been involved in a $40 million racketeering scheme and had previously also admitted to his role in a pump-and-dump stock fraud that defrauded investors, including the Holocaust survivors bringing the current claims.

The plaintiffs lobbed claims including fraud, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and negligent misrepresentation, among others, according to the complaint.

Bayrock Group has developed other Trump Hotels including TrumpSoho, which in 2011 moved to settle a lawsuit over the condominium units brought by a group of buyers who claimed they were duped into purchasing them based on exaggerated sales data.

Buyers had claimed Trump and his hotel promoted that building as “30, 40, 50, 60 percent or more sold,” when in fact the true number was 16 percent — just 1 percent more than the minimum necessary to start an offering plan, according to court documents.
I said "indictment", not "civil suit". Fraud is a crime, where is the criminal indictment?

Patience, grasshopper!

These things take time to unfold. The discovery process in underway. Once the paperwork comes to light they will proceed accordingly. Either T-Rump will be forced to make restitution or he will be indicted. The odds are he will pay up rather than face jail time.
Wishful projection. Come back and talk shit after the indictment (that will never come).

Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.


Bernie likes to talk about how he wants to take from the rich....and Donald says "I'm so rich....I have so much money."

Bernie appeals to brainwashed idiots and Trump appeals to everyone else.
Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Personally, I think he's a total and complete failure who's spent his entire life in government. He is the exact opposite of what we need.

I don't expect Sanders to have a "hoard of wealth", but this turkey has basically nothing at age 73! His net worth is less than 500K after a 55 years of working? That takes a special kind of recklessness and stupidity. If he can't take care of his own finances how can he manage ours?

Because I respect your intelligence and reasoning skill I am utterly baffled by your assessment of Bernie Sanders. It implies your values hold that accumulation of exceptional wealth is the only valid measure of success, which is the fundamental ideology of pathological greed.

I have no idea what Sanders' net worth is. I believe it is not exceptional, which is one important reason why he is my first choice in the coming election. But I'm wondering why you've depicted his situation as verging on homeless destitution.

Bernie Sanders is best described as an unusually successful public Representative, both in the Congress and the Senate, whose constituents are sufficiently satisfied to repeatedly re-elect him. Yet you denounce him as a failure -- in spite of the fact he is a front-runner in the coming nominations.
One can only wonder how you define the conditions of greed and success.

I would be interested in your response.
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Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.


Why not--they're both liberals.
Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Personally, I think he's a total and complete failure who's spent his entire life in government. He is the exact opposite of what we need.

I don't expect Sanders to have a "hoard of wealth", but this turkey has basically nothing at age 73! His net worth is less than 500K after a 55 years of working? That takes a special kind of recklessness and stupidity. If he can't take care of his own finances how can he manage ours?

Because I respect your intelligence and reasoning skill I am utterly baffled by your assessment of Bernie Sanders. It implies your values hold that accumulation of exceptional wealth is the only valid measure of success, which is the fundamental ideology of pathological greed.

I have no idea what Sanders' net worth is. I believe it is not exceptional, which is one important reason why he is my first choice in the coming election. But I'm wondering why you've depicted his situation as verging on homeless destitution.

Bernie Sanders is best described as an unusually successful public Representative, both in the Congress and the Senate, whose constituents are sufficiently satisfied to repeatedly re-elect him. Yet you denounce him as a failure -- in spite of the fact he is a front-runner in the coming nominations.
One can only wonder how you define the conditions of greed and success. I would be interested in your response.

Thank you Mike, I feel the same way about you. :thup:

I dislike Sanders because he is a socialist loser. Socialism is an ideology based upon fear, envy, and theft. It is for losers and fools.

Anytime you give to government the responsibility and authority to provide government-made jobs, financial security in old age, “free” health care, and “free” education, it will control the lives of the people who live under its jurisdiction, and individual liberty and freedom of choice are sacrificed. Bernie Sanders either knows this and doesn't care, or he is a feeble minded imbecile.

Sure, security is important, but anyone can find security from a prison cell. Despite socialist promises of utopia, bureaucratic programs of the political state cannot guarantee security. Instead the socialist state uses its coercive powers to seize the wealth and properties of those who have earned financial security by their own hands. It is theft- plain and simple. Socialism does not help poor people; it makes people poor so that they have to become dependent on the socialist state and therefore beholden to those in charge of the government.

Bernie still believes in the Socialist fairy tale. That makes him a fool.

Does that help?
Bernie likes to talk about how he wants to take from the rich....and Donald says "I'm so rich....I have so much money."

Bernie appeals to brainwashed idiots and Trump appeals to everyone else.
Sanders has never said he wishes to "take from the rich," a statement which implies arbitrarily forceful and unreasonable acquisition. He has stated the intention to enable equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth resources, a process which will necessarily eliminate the kind of methodical theft perpetrated by certain segments of the financial sector.

If you don't know what I'm referring to, please take the time to educate yourself as to what's been happening to our Nation's economy and who's been doing it. Visit the Inside Job link available FREE at my signature line (below).

Learn who the "brainwashed idiots" really are.
I like Nate Silver. The guy is generally right on the money. And it's funny, because he says the "Blue Wall" is a myth. He's correct of course, but that doesn't stop the idiot Stat from claiming Hillary Clinton will win a massive victory due to the "Blue Wall."...(see my sig).

I guess the OP is like most libtards and selectively picks the "facts" he likes. :lol:

Poor, ignorant libtards. How typical. :D

Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.


The part I found most interesting was the existential crisis that Trump represents the Republican Establishment. And how much they are willing to sacrifice in this election to prevent his nomination. If the republicans are faced with a choice between throwing this election or nominating Trump....I think they'll pick former.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying they're identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

The only thing they've really got in common is that they're both manifestations of the same sort of populist ideal.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying they're identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

The only thing they've really got in common is that they're both manifestations of the same sort of populist ideal.

And neither will be their Party's nominee. I also find it interesting Sanders refuses to go after Hillary. It's like the Mafia code of silence. :) I think if Sanders really went after Hillary she would drop even more rapidly in the polls. you how any idea why the no punches policy on the Democrat side? Hillary is about as vulnerable as a candidate can be right now....yet nothing. Very strange.
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If Slow Joe Biden does not run, Democrats are facing the worst possible scenario- the choice between hiLIARy; an angry arrogant harridan that people view as untrustworthy, false, and insincere. Or Bernie: a crackpot socialist who sees nothing wrong with 90% tax rates, a ballooning national debt, and a "free" government program for every human problem.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying they're identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

The only thing they've really got in common is that they're both manifestations of the same sort of populist ideal.

And neither will be their Party's nominee.

I'd be very surprised if either ended up as the nominee.
If the republicans are faced with a choice between throwing this election or nominating Trump....I think they'll pick former.

Ummm, isn't that the same thing?

Not in terms of the long term viability of the republican party its not. If Trump can tell the Republican establishment to go fuck themselves and still get the nomination, the need for an RNC is immediately called into question. That will echo for decades.

If the republicans merely lose, they can try again in 4 years.
If Slow Joe Biden does not run, Democrats are facing the worst possible scenario- the choice between hiLIARy; an angry arrogant harridan that people view as untrustworthy, false, and insincere. Or Bernie: a crackpot socialist who sees nothing wrong with 90% tax rates, a ballooning national debt, and a "free" government program for every human problem.

I haven't seen bernie advocate a 90% tax rate.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying they're identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

The only thing they've really got in common is that they're both manifestations of the same sort of populist ideal.

And neither will be their Party's nominee. I also find it interesting Sanders refuses to go after Hillary. It's like the Mafia code of silence. :) I think if Sanders really went after Hillary she would drop even more rapidly in the polls. you how any idea why the no punches policy on the Democrat side? Hillary is about as vulnerable as a candidate can be right now....yet nothing. Very strange.

Don't know. If I were to guess, I'd say that the other candidates have the luxury of playing clean for now - as long as they're all basically looked at as background players, anything they could think of to attack Hillary about, someone else is already doing it. That means they can play a clean game for now, take the moral high ground, and watch Hillary fall apart (or fail to do so) from the sidelines.
If the republicans are faced with a choice between throwing this election or nominating Trump....I think they'll pick former.

Ummm, isn't that the same thing?

Not in terms of the long term viability of the republican party its not. If Trump can tell the Republican establishment to go fuck themselves and still get the nomination, the need for an RNC is immediately called into question. That will echo for decades.

If the republicans merely lose, they can try again in 4 years.

Ah, I see where you are going now.

So yes, I agree with your premise that they will pick the former for their own selfish long term interests.

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