Nashville shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto to be released after official FBI review

Don't be an asshole lefty. Joe you are a grown man that votes left. You have a mental defect. Any man that votes left is retarded.
You asked a question.

I gave you an answer.

The FBI is normally involved in investigations of mass shootings.

I mean, it's weird that the FBI has become the enemy of the right now... but that's on you.
Why is the fbi involved in this?

Don't be an asshole lefty. Joe you are a grown man that votes left. You have a mental defect. Any man that votes left is retarded.
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I feel sorry for audrey.....if only she had one true friend to talk to.....I dont forgive her tho for what she did, those poor babies did not deserve an execution
She had plenty of friends. But she was in a lousy state because of whatever treatments she was taking. People on the medication she was taking are prone to mood swings. However....the reason she did what she did is predictable. That's why Biden and the media are doing what they're doing. They wanted another shooting. They wanted some weirdo to snap and take out their frustrations on innocent children. Reading the garbage they were saying in their speeches and broadcasts pretty much spelled it out.

That's why Sleepy Joe was so happy once he heard there was another shooting. 3 children and 3 adults shot in cold blood. Let's all have chocolate ice cream.
I don't know what she put on her 4473, but unless she was drawing pictures of herself shooting people in the margins, the gun industry still would have sold her a gun.

You mean the FBI would have approved her purchase ... :thup:

Classic head shot body position.....When I Get Her In My Sights....Boom, Boom, Out Goes The Lights!
The problem is, she wanted to be shot dead

They need to learn to shoot to paralyze so that she would have been fed through a straw for the next 60 years.

That would be the best deterrent for future shooters.
The problem is, she wanted to be shot dead

They need to learn to shoot to paralyze so that she would have been fed through a straw for the next 60 years.

That would be the best deterrent for future shooters.
Yeah, it's a shame that it did not hurt more....A lot more. 😐

That said rabid animals need to be put down quickly.
Yeah, it's a shame that it did not hurt more....A lot more. 😐
I'm serious.

If they start shooting these mass murderes to paralyze them for life, these shooting would probably stop.

Then to drive home the point, the media should periodically visit these vegetables eating their meals through a straw every year.

Imagine a lunatic, trapped inside their own body being forced to live with their lunatic mind.
I'm serious.

If they start shooting these mass murderes to paralyze them for life, these shooting would probably stop.

Then to drive home the point, the media should periodically visit these vegetables eating their meals through a straw every year.

Imagine a lunatic, trapped inside their own body being forced to live with their lunatic mind.
Nah, poor thinking. Then you would have the leftists going on about "shoot to wound".
I think it would have been great that instead of doing all this speculating about her mental health after the fact, someone had looked at her mental health before she was allowed to buy seven guns.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of making it hard to get mental health treatment and easy to get guns... let's make it EASY to get mental health treatment and HARD to get guns.
I have a better idea. Why don't you stupid American Liberty hating Moon Bats all move to a country that doesn't allow the right to keep and bear arms and then shut the fuck up?
Nope. As long as you gun fetishists love your guns more than you love your children, we are going to have more school shootings.
Why haven’t you come up with any ideas for legislation to keep guns out of the hands of dark and or weird Democrats? You claim you want to solve the problem…right?

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