
Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
More on LENR at NASA: Bushnell and Zawodny Speak | E-Cat World

Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook
by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell

Center Innovation Fund Projects

SPAWAR Space and Naval Warfare – LENR Proof | Musings from the Chiefio

In following up some videos of the Rossi E-Cat I found one that asserts his nickle powder at temperature method can not be patented due to a prior patent. That prior patent describes substantially the same absorption of hydrogen to inside the atomic radius and eventual fusion as I had described in my musings about how this might work; with two very important distinctions:

1) It has, rather than a direct nuclear fusion, the formation and expulsion of a modestly high energy Proton that then causes fusion when it impacts other parts of the electrode.

2) The physics is much more detailed and much more likely to be accurate.

Of particular note is that it asserts just about any transition metal ought to work. Even Lead.

What caught my eye was that the metal had to be heated to above a critical temperature to work (which explains why Rossi has heaters in the E-Cat) and that temperature varies by metal. The Debye limit.

Inspection of the table shows several metals with quite low limits, so ought to work at room temperature.
Aluminium 428 K
Beryllium 1440 K
Cadmium 209 K
Carbon 2230 K
Cesium 38 K
Chromium 630 K
Copper 343.5 K
Gold 170 K
Iron 470 K
Lead 105 K

Manganese 410 K
Nickel 450 K
Platinum 240 K
Silicon 645 K
Silver 215 K
Tantalum 240 K
Tin (white) 200 K
Titanium 420 K
Tungsten 400 K
Zinc 327 K

So anything below about 300 K ought to be fairly easy to ‘make go’. This also explains why the ones using, for example, Tungsten electrodes work best once they are glowing and / or steaming at the electrodes.

The need for lots of surface area, crystal defects, et. al. all imply that bulk metal powders, sponges, and irregular chemical depositions ought to be beneficial. I’d pondered using carbon fiber mats with an electroplate over them to get lots of surface area from not much metal. That would likely still work, but the range of metals usable is likely quite large.

In particular, using a chunk of Tin solder ( Debye Temperature point 200 K ) ought to make a readily available electrode material that is easily plated and / or deposited from solution ( i.e. poor / rough tin plate), cheap, and relatively low toxicity and that ought to start working at below room temperature.

IMHO, it looks like a simple electrolysis cell to make hydrogen and then an equally simple electrochemical cell to react it made from common metals ought to be “doable” as a test case.

But Wait, There’s More

The implication of that video and the patent is that there ought to be all sorts of unexpected places where a mix of hydrogen ions and metal atoms in a crystal might produce neutrons, protons, and fusions; including rocks in the Earth and potentially be part of the process of how the sun works. This could explain some of the “odd” occurrences of neutrons from various rock pressurization / electric discharge processes.

If, as some have proposed, the sun is an Iron Sun at some depth but with a hydrogen atmosphere, that hydrogen ought to be getting fused via the metal hydride formation process. That it would then spit out a load of protons and we have a high energy solar wind full of protons is curiously attractive…

The video states that one of the likely reactions (to make the neutrons vs heat work out) is likely a more direct fusion of Deuterium into Helium. That would depend on other processes in the metal crystal lattice. I found the physics a bit deep as it was discussing something discovered long after I learned the physics I know, but it looks like the vibration modes of crystals may be highly important. While I hate saying “crystals and vibrations make it work” as that sounds so “new age” ;-) the fact is that the Phonon theory looks to be well attested and important to making actual devices that do unexpected things. Like sound driven heat engines and heat pumps and gigahertz sound “lasers” called SASERS (which they talk about as important for a variety of benign uses and I immediately thought “Wouldn’t a sonic welding of your innards make a messy kind of weapon?…)

At any rate, it looks to me like defect heavy and small metal particles lets the H or D easily enter the crystal spaces. The application of an external electric field drives the ionized H or D into the metal crystals and into the metal ions and then vibrational modes of the crystal may cause some atoms to be smashed together while others get whacked with decent energy protons and the odd neutron. Part of “the deal” is heating the metal to the point where the metal crystals start to ‘get sloppy’ (above the Debye temperature) but many metals are at / below room temperature Debye Temps so ought to work better / easier in test cells.

Just get over the vision of a crystal as a static lattice and visualize it more as a mini-destruction derby and it all makes sense ;-) Oh, and the smallest lightest cars get crushed together by the big “cement truck” metal ions ;-)
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Assertions by Bushnell from the article at
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell

The Strong Force Particle physicists have evidently been correct all along. "Cold Fusion" is not possible. However, via collective effects/ condensed matter quantum nuclear physics, LENR is allowable without any "miracles." The theory states that once some energy is added to surfaces loaded with hydrogen/protons, if the surface morphology enables high localized voltage gradients, then heavy electrons leading to ultra low energy neutrons will form-- neutrons that never leave the surface. The neutrons set up isotope cascades which result in beta decay, heat and transmutations with the heavy electrons converting the beta decay gamma into heat.

The theory indicates several key issues/circumstances are required to enable-to-optimize LENR and explains the various experimental observations, including the often long initiation times required in some experiments. If the theory is experimentally validated in detail, it provides the understanding to shift LENR research from discovery into engineering development. The theory indicates energy densities, some several million times chemical. The current experiments are in the 10's to hundreds range. However, several labs have blown up studying LENR and windows have melted, indicating when the conditions are "right" prodigious amounts of energy can be produced and released. There are some six or so groups claiming device outputs in the 100 watt range and three others claiming kilowatts. Efforts are ongoing within NASA and other organizations to validate (or not) these claims. It should be noted that these devices are essentially "Edisonian," the result of attempts at experimental "discovery" vice ab initio design from the weak interaction theories per se.

Therefore, the LENR situation and outlook is the following:
•Something real is happening.
•The weak interaction theories suggest what the physics might be.
•There are efforts ongoing to explore the validity of the theories.
•There are continuing Edisonian efforts to produce "devices" mainly for heat or in some cases transmutations.
•There are efforts to "certify" such devices.
•NASA LaRC has begun LENR design studies guided by the Weak Interaction Theory

We are still far from the theoretical limits of the weak interaction physics for LENR performance and are in fact inventing (in real time) the requisite engineering, along with verifying the physics. When we concentrated upon nuclear engineering beginning in the 1940's we "jumped" to the strong force/ particle physics and leapt over the weak force/condensed matter nuclear physics. We are going "back" now to study and hopefully develop this arena.

This new energy source, if NASA's lead scientist at Langly is correct, is going to completely change our society, and it is already too late to put this genie back in the bottle.

LENR is here to stay and is getting better every day.
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What exactly vets this information back to Bushnell?

If it's that f-ing important -- he's under employment agreement at NASA and they ought to be releasing PR CELEBRATING this widely. Or at least loan him to Los ALamos or Livermore for a week to get debriefed.
What exactly vets this information back to Bushnell?

That it is posted/published at NASA's web site?
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell

If it's that f-ing important -- he's under employment agreement at NASA and they ought to be releasing PR CELEBRATING this widely. Or at least loan him to Los ALamos or Livermore for a week to get debriefed.

The technology is going to be used primarily by NASA to develop a new genration os space ships that can launch directly into deep space from take off on Earths surface. Going to Mars would be quickly done in a few days due to the energy densioty allowing for constant 1G acceleration then deceleration.

But this is very disruptive technology and NASA is not blowing trumpets lest they gain too much attention from those who would not want this technology. The Navy's SPAWAR research, for example, has been shut down once the news got public notice.
Now, that kind of energy source would change the world, and put all of our solar system within our reach. I hope they can sort this out in my lifetime.
What exactly vets this information back to Bushnell?

That it is posted/published at NASA's web site?
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell

If it's that f-ing important -- he's under employment agreement at NASA and they ought to be releasing PR CELEBRATING this widely. Or at least loan him to Los ALamos or Livermore for a week to get debriefed.

The technology is going to be used primarily by NASA to develop a new genration os space ships that can launch directly into deep space from take off on Earths surface. Going to Mars would be quickly done in a few days due to the energy densioty allowing for constant 1G acceleration then deceleration.

But this is very disruptive technology and NASA is not blowing trumpets lest they gain too much attention from those who would not want this technology. The Navy's SPAWAR research, for example, has been shut down once the news got public notice.

Sorry man... Gotta doubt it.. That whole website is 2 pages as far as I can tell. One with the reported Bushnelll paper. The other with a TOTALLY BOTCHED and screwed-up meaningless atttempt to LOOK important..

There's just a history behind this of deceipt and disappointment. I could be wrong, but if that's a LARC/NASA website --- I'll eat bat excrement (with fudge sauce)..

I want to "hope and change" just like my challenged pal Ole Rocks. But I've got a sense of self-preservation. Poor Old Rocks apparently doesn't... :lol:
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Now, that kind of energy source would change the world, and put all of our solar system within our reach. I hope they can sort this out in my lifetime.

Yeah, you and me both.

Seeing the planets up close has always been a fantasy of mine.
What exactly vets this information back to Bushnell?

That it is posted/published at NASA's web site?
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell

If it's that f-ing important -- he's under employment agreement at NASA and they ought to be releasing PR CELEBRATING this widely. Or at least loan him to Los ALamos or Livermore for a week to get debriefed.

The technology is going to be used primarily by NASA to develop a new genration os space ships that can launch directly into deep space from take off on Earths surface. Going to Mars would be quickly done in a few days due to the energy densioty allowing for constant 1G acceleration then deceleration.

But this is very disruptive technology and NASA is not blowing trumpets lest they gain too much attention from those who would not want this technology. The Navy's SPAWAR research, for example, has been shut down once the news got public notice.

Sorry man... Gotta doubt it.. That whole website is 2 pages as far as I can tell. One with the reported Bushnelll paper. The other with a TOTALLY BOTCHED and screwed-up meaningless atttempt to LOOK important..

Dude, the site just launched in MArch of 2012. I conected/joined with my FaceBook account and got 18 seperate articles.

You're not exactly being Sherlock here.

There's just a history behind this of deceipt and disappointment. I could be wrong, but if that's a LARC/NASA website --- I'll eat bat excrement (with fudge sauce)..

Well, I hope you enjoy your meal. NASA would not let a site use its name without authorization nor would Bushnell let someonepost false claims using his name.

I want to "hope and change" just like my challenged pal Ole Rocks. But I've got a sense of self-preservation. Poor Old Rocks apparently doesn't... :lol:

You know sometimes things are really great.

It would be a sad life to reject such things due to irrational hyper-skepticism.
Getting articles dumped to you doesn't change my comments about the website. Only 2 pages? A homepage that looks like my Mom-in-law did it?

I'll put up a NASA logo right here if it makes you feel more comfortable. In fact, I've got several "thank-you" certificates from NASA that I could post on MY website. Used to work at Kennedy Space Center. If this the quality of TODAY'S NASA publishing -- I will eat that bat shit without the chocolate sauce..
Getting articles dumped to you doesn't change my comments about the website. Only 2 pages? A homepage that looks like my Mom-in-law did it?

I'll put up a NASA logo right here if it makes you feel more comfortable. In fact, I've got several "thank-you" certificates from NASA that I could post on MY website. Used to work at Kennedy Space Center. If this the quality of TODAY'S NASA publishing -- I will eat that bat shit without the chocolate sauce..

I hope this cold fusion becomes a reality soon! World would be a better place as energy would be very cheap.

Technically this is not cold fusion as Bushnell describes it. According to him and other LNR researchers, CF is the fusion of two hydrogen atoms into helium.

That is not what is going on with LENR. In the latter process the hydrogen is getting squeezed tight and with one proton and one electron it gets small enough that its over all charge is neutral like it were a Neutron instead. This allows it to slip into the nucleus past the Coulumb Barrier and then undergoes atomic decay, giving off energy in the form of gamma that converts quickly into heat or an electron is ejected from the nucleus.

That is as best I understand it, which is not very deep at all, being a total dilletante on the subject.

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