Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 the warmest year on record..but only 38% sure we were right


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
If you are confused then I suggest you go to this site and do a search on the data supplied by NOAA. I think you will find it interesting. Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest year on record... but we're only 38% sure we were right

  • Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed ‘2014 was the warmest year on record’
  • But it emerged that GISS’s analysis is subject to a margin of error
  • Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all

Read more: Nasa climate scientists We said 2014 was the warmest but we re only 38 sure Daily Mail Online
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I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.
It's all bullshit. Taxes on people for being people and wanting energy has nothing to do with global warming. It's a lie for the stupid to take up. Only the retarded still believe global warming is happening.
None of their claims have been proven. Their biggest argument is that the earth's core is maybe 1 degree warmer than it was ages ago, but what would be the margin of error for that estimate?
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture

Do not ask them to post AGW religious propaganda:


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

Then again let us take a look back even further:

I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.
Reconstructed temperture ? Lmao you believe in the tooth fairy to ?
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.
Reconstructed temperture ? Lmao you believe in the tooth fairy to ?

They also voted twice for Obama, so what do you expect:


Although if you notice they completely ignore the mann propaganda: The good ol Hockey stick..

I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

Could you provide a citation for this claim?
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

Could you provide a citation for this claim?

Go to Google and look at Michael Mann Hickey stick..

Do you your own research. Quit being lazy!
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.
Reconstructed temperture ? Lmao you believe in the tooth fairy to ?

Then all the 'Medieval warming period' claims fall to the wayside and we're left with nothing but the measurements we've actually made.

And they show a massive increase.
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.

That's version two of the Hocky Stick graph. It's just as flawed as version #1. In other words, it's a fraud.
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.
Reconstructed temperture ? Lmao you believe in the tooth fairy to ?

Then all the 'Medieval warming period' claims fall to the wayside and we're left with nothing but the measurements we've actually made.

And they show a massive increase.
The only temperture measurements that our accurate are the ones taken the past 20 years eveything else is gustamations,

Why didnt you mention the great Sahara dessert flipping from tropical to dry according to core soil samples in only a 100 years? Because you think a lousy 1/2 degree is worse in 100 years?
The last 20 years there was no massive increase, if I remember old rocks post, 2008 was as warm as 1998 in other words no trend, need a couple hundred years hence, 20 years is nothing when dealing with a planet 4.5 billion years old
dimocraps live in the world of Confirmation bias

They'll be happy to tell you that Republicans are the party of the rich and then supply you with all the data you need in order to prove their point.

Minutes later, they'll be happy to tell you how much better educated liberal scum are than their Republican opposition. Then supply you with the appropriate data to prove their point.

They'll also be happy to inform you that College Graduates, which the dimocrap party is evidently mostly made up of, earn geometrically more than us unedumucated Republican, Tea Party Hatriots.

And supply us with the data to back their point up.

dimocraps are lying scum. Period. It's what they do, it's ALL they do.

From their lying sack of shit in the White House down to the lowliest form of the all -- The dimocrap voter. They lie. Every last one of them.

I don't post arguments in here to try to change the minds of dimocraps. Not interested. They're too stupid, too dogmatic, too hateful and generally too worthless..... I post arguments in here for the sole purpose of keeping good men and women from falling prey to their lies.

It's all they got. It's all they do.

dimocraps lie.
I don't think most lie on purpose just most of the ones on these forums, they just continue to say to say they same dishonest stuff and repeat it enough and hope it sticks
I have yet to see an explanation why they keep forgetting the mid-evil warm period, they have found evidence of crocodiles as far north as New England, but what we have now is record setting, give me a break.

The 'mid-evil' warm period was a slow and gradual change that took about 450 years. We've surpassed it. And have done so in about 50 years.
Prove it, what was the temperture


And that's only until 2004. With the temperature anomoly in 2014 now nearly 0.6.

Where is that temperature depicted in the chart? Is it land, ocean, land and ocean?? What? So what if the anomaly is 0.6 deg C for 2014 why is that bad?

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