Nancy Pelosi: "I'm so proud" Democrats blocked coronavirus relief aid from reaching the American people

She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.

Typical liberal, goes right on repeating the narrative 100 times. Be gone from my sight talking points bot. :eusa_hand:
I gave you facts about what’s in contention. You repeating bullshit about ice cream.

You’re not very well informed.
No dumbass, what's in contention is the massive amount of Dimwinger pork Nazi stuffed in the bill that I have outlined. I thought you were informed.
Hope she choaks on her false teeth and gets covid at the hair salon.

Ya mean like this?

But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.
Then go read the Rep bill and tell me other then the 300 dollar unemployment thing where is there that is a pure non starter? What is there that could not be negotiated on.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.

Typical liberal, goes right on repeating the narrative 100 times. Be gone from my sight talking points bot. :eusa_hand:
I gave you facts about what’s in contention. You repeating bullshit about ice cream.

You’re not very well informed.
You are giving facts in the bill that have not a god damn thing to do with why the bill is in contention. Go show me a single thing you would call a a non starter in the Republican bill? And do not say the 300 dollar unemployment because Trump and other reps have even said they were willing to negotiated that.
The dem bill is obviously a fuck you to president Trump and they made it way to obvious that it was never was meant to pass.
Republicans won’t consider a larger bill. Hard to negotiate on increasing the unemployment from 300 to 600 when you refuse to pass a larger relief bill.

The HEROES act is a starting point for negotiation. Pelosi offered to meet in the middle. Republicans refused to budge.
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

Thats a fucking lie too. You know damn well most of those funds are for New York and Illinois and not for Virus relief but for Democrat shit policy relief. Both states been buying votes with non existent money for years and they trying to bail themselves out of their pyramid scheme.
And their bill includes protections for banks that deal with cannabis dealers. And all kind of other weird democrat shit.
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

Thats a fucking lie too. You know damn well most of those funds are for New York and Illinois and not for Virus relief but for Democrat shit policy relief. Both states been buying votes with non existent money for years and they trying to bail themselves out of their pyramid scheme.
And their bill includes protections for banks that deal with cannabis dealers. And all kind of other weird democrat shit.

All the Left has are lies.
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

If you read it, why are you so ignorant of what is actually in it colfax_m
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

Thats a fucking lie too. You know damn well most of those funds are for New York and Illinois and not for Virus relief but for Democrat shit policy relief. Both states been buying votes with non existent money for years and they trying to bail themselves out of their pyramid scheme.
And their bill includes protections for banks that deal with cannabis dealers. And all kind of other weird democrat shit.

If not make a deal then all 50 states get 2 percent of the fund. No favorites. That is 20 billion dollars per state. No? Did not think so.

Which is kind of funny since Democrats making all the laws they want to be a one size fits all for the entire country but funding no way.
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

Since it is obvious you are a lying sack and have not read Nazi's pork bill, I will go ahead and post a link showing all the bullshit she put in it.

Here ya go....

And just so you know colfax_m before you start whining and crying about the source, let me give you a little tip..............don't whine and cry because they include a link to the actual bill. I figured after the beatdown I just gave you I would throw you a bone so you didn't humiliate yourself even more.
She's been given power to represent and protect the people and she uses that power to harm those same people.

Welp...ya get what ya vote for!
Who's harming people..McConnell unexpectedly rejects Democrats' funding bill, leaving U.S. on the verge of government shutdown
Democrats are supposed to be for the little guy, not their political slush funds. Mitch did good.
What 'slush funds' are we talking about exactly.
But her hair is perfect.....

These Democrats are enemies of our republic.

She's fighting for the people of the country. Why are Republicans trying to prevent the American people from getting help during the pandemic they so badly bungled?

No she isn’t. She is fighting for kick backs for political donors.

Dems want $600 per week in unemployment benefits. Republicans want $300.

Go read the proposed bill. There is a trillion A TRILLION dollars in it to bail out Democratic states. This is not about the 300 dollar unemployment crap.

Read it. You’re full of it. The state aid goes to every state. Not just Democratic ones.

And the unemployment benefit is absolutely part of it.

Since it is obvious you are a lying sack and have not read Nazi's pork bill, I will go ahead and post a link showing all the bullshit she put in it.

Here ya go....

And just so you know colfax_m before you start whining and crying about the source, let me give you a little tip..............don't whine and cry because they include a link to the actual bill. I figured after the beatdown I just gave you I would throw you a bone so you didn't humiliate yourself even more.

Lol like they going to actually read a fact. If MSDNC or CNN does not say it it is not true!!! Also your source needs to be anonymous because obviously that is more credible according to Dems.
God I wish i Could post on the left wing sites without getting banned every single post. You people that come here are too easy prey.
Democrats are lying scum.

They hate America and want their bio weapon to hurt Americans as much as possible. They think Americans pain will bring them power.

If Democrats weren't scum, they would pass the Republican bill, then pass theirs over the top of it and claim how much better they are but there goal is pain, not relief.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.
Link plz . Thx.
Democrats are lying scum.

They hate America and want their bio weapon to hurt Americans as much as possible. They think Americans pain will bring them power.

If Democrats weren't scum, they would pass the Republican bill, then pass theirs over the top of it and claim how much better they are but there goal is pain, not relief.
She really is a self absorbed class A bitch.
You must like her because you are way to kind to the sea hag. Calling her a bitch is at least 4 classes above her who clings on the bottom rung of the food chain. Only in San Francisco one caught red handed ripping off the people for millions in both money and property could be re-elected. A patriot's duty would be to mess up her hair with 180 grains of lead. You would think one that old with all the booze she puts away she would do something for the nation and die. She in human garbage that can't be recycled.


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She's been given power to represent and protect the people and she uses that power to harm those same people.

Welp...ya get what ya vote for!
Who's harming people..McConnell unexpectedly rejects Democrats' funding bill, leaving U.S. on the verge of government shutdown
Democrats are supposed to be for the little guy, not their political slush funds. Mitch did good.
What 'slush funds' are we talking about exactly.
Democrat party slush funds. Where is all the money going that BLM is raising?
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what tax giveways to wind and solar companies has to do with curing the Kung Flu?

Or funding for a pet Dem arts museum that's closed due to Covid. Dems packed these relief bills full of PORK spending, trying to extort money for PORK they could never get passed if not for people suffering due to Covid. Pretty clear Dems don't give a rats ass about the people who are suffering. The people who have lost their jobs and can't pay their bills. Pelosi and Dems repeatedly sacrifice the people on the alter of the Dem agenda.
Hey, colfax_m said you were poorly informed, so STFU while Colfax answers all my questions.............ya know, since he is so informed. :iyfyus.jpg:

He's a blithering idiot. Practice social distancing so you don't get any of his idiot on you.
Where did colfax_m go? He was so sure he knew WTF he was talking he is nowhere to be found.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what requiring internet access to same day register to vote has to do with the Kung Flu.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what allowing vote harvesting has to do with curing the Kung Flu.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what tax giveways to wind and solar companies has to do with curing the Kung Flu?
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what requiring corporations to send racial and diversity data to the Fed Govt has to do with curing the Kung Flu?
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what automatically extending non-immigration visas has to do with curing the Kung Flu?
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what restricting colleges from providing citizenship status to the census has to do with curing the Kung Flu.
She's fighting for the people of the country.

LMAO she's fighting for her elite privilege and $100 a gallon ice cream.
Pelosi ain’t getting shit out of her relief bill. Shoving goodies in bills for millionaires is what Republicans do while telling their useful idiots that it’ll “trickle down”, which is of course bullshit but the idiots have yet to catch on.

Pelosi wants more benefits for real Americans. McConnell’s reply is “let them eat cake”.

There's the facts and there's the BS you just made up ^^^.
Sorry you’re poorly informed. You must be one of McConnell’s useful idiots.
Hey colfax_m tell us what tax giveways to wind and solar companies has to do with curing the Kung Flu?

Or funding for a pet Dem arts museum that's closed due to Covid. Dems packed these relief bills full of PORK spending, trying to extort money for PORK they could never get passed if not for people suffering due to Covid. Pretty clear Dems don't give a rats ass about the people who are suffering. The people who have lost their jobs and can't pay their bills. Pelosi and Dems repeatedly sacrifice the people on the alter of the Dem agenda.
Hey, colfax_m said you were poorly informed, so STFU while Colfax answers all my questions.............ya know, since he is so informed. :iyfyus.jpg:

colfax_m seems to have run away from this one......

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