Name 3 Reasonable Republicans

James Comey
Sally Yates
Jeff Flake
Sally Yates is a Republican? That's news to me. The other two are establishment RINO douchebags. Comey admitted he voted for Hillary.

All intelligent people voted for Hillary, or a second tier (Green, Libertarian); only fools and bigots voted for Trump.

That's a contradiction in itself. If you voted for Hillary, then by definition, you are a mindless idiot.
I can name many Dems who hate:
and who are HYPOCRITES

...politicians that are reasonable/American/sensible?? you mean like accepting a fair/LEGAL/American election??--that rules out most of the Dems AND Dem voters
Susan Collins

Jon Huntsman

Mitt Romney
James Comey
Sally Yates
Jeff Flake
Sally Yates is a Republican? That's news to me. The other two are establishment RINO douchebags. Comey admitted he voted for Hillary.

All intelligent people voted for Hillary, or a second tier (Green, Libertarian); only fools and bigots voted for Trump.

Yates is a radical left progressive who was an adjunct for the ACLU.

You made shit up, and stepped in your own pile of shit. You joined the STASI because you're a thug with no integrity, not because you have the ability to think or reason.

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