Radical Freedom
N.Y. judge backs Apple in encryption fight with government
(Reuters) - The U.S. government cannot force Apple Inc (AAPL.O) to unlock an iPhone in a New York drug case, a federal judge in Brooklyn said on Monday, a ruling that bolsters the company's arguments in its landmark legal showdown with the Justice Department over encryption and privacy.
I celebrate the ruling because it recognizes that Apple customers have a right to privacy and Apple must not be conscripted to assist "law" enforcement.
N.Y. judge backs Apple in encryption fight with government
(Reuters) - The U.S. government cannot force Apple Inc (AAPL.O) to unlock an iPhone in a New York drug case, a federal judge in Brooklyn said on Monday, a ruling that bolsters the company's arguments in its landmark legal showdown with the Justice Department over encryption and privacy.
I celebrate the ruling because it recognizes that Apple customers have a right to privacy and Apple must not be conscripted to assist "law" enforcement.