Myers-Briggs Types

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
56 33 67 11

You are:

* moderately expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* distinctively expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is the contingency planning or entailment organizing role that reaches the highest development in Masterminds. Entailing or contingency planning is not an informative activity, rather it is a directive one in which the planner tells others what to do and in what order to do it. As the organizing capabilities the Masterminds increase so does their inclination to take charge of whatever is going on.

It is in their abilities that Masterminds differ from the other Rationals, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other Rationals: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population. Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. They are the people who are able to formulate coherent and comprehensive contingency plans, hence contingency organizers or "entailers."

Masterminds will adopt ideas only if they are useful, which is to say if they work efficiently toward accomplishing the Mastermind's well-defined goals. Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however, Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. In a sense, Masterminds approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff, and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity. To the Mastermind, organizational structure and operational procedures are never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and can be changed, improved, streamlined. In their drive for efficient action, Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. Masterminds are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them. They are also alert to the consequences of applying new ideas or positions. Theories which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the Masterminds. On the other hand, Masterminds can be quite ruthless in implementing effective ideas, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Click here and click the link after "The Myers-Briggs Type test site I recommend is:"

As for me...

Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
56 22 78 89

Weird took the written version at schoo, same headings, but extreme scores:

Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 44 56 22
TADA! This is me!

Your Type is
Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
1 1 11 22

ESTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ESTJ type description by J. Butt

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
slightly expressed extrovert

slightly expressed sensing personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality
Your Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
67 44 33 11

ENFP type description by D.Keirsey
ENFP type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

distinctively expressed extrovert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed perceiving personality
Originally posted by HGROKIT
Can anyone explain the % numbers? You all seem to have #'s in the 20's and above, mine are well, kinda weak. wasssssuuuuupp with that?

The numbers fall into categories:

Moderately, distinctively, slightly, and probably a fourth as well.

The numbers fall into one of these according to %.

1-25 = slightly
26-50=moderately......and so forth.

How the numbers are generated?

Must be the weight of each question specifically as balanced against the list.
Your not alone Hgrokit;

Your Type is
Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
1 11 33 11

* slightly expressed extrovert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed perceiving personality
Originally posted by Unknown
Your not alone Hgrokit;

Your Type is
Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
1 11 33 11

* slightly expressed extrovert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed perceiving personality

Well, that just means we are nice people that are not overly aggressive about being nice!
Yes... 75-100% is "strongly" whatever it is.

I'm a strong T and a strong J. Weak S though, but that fits because I read about INTJs and I feel like that describes me pretty well also.
ENTJ - I'm a Fieldmarshal :cof:

"Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioning systems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-range objectives well in mind."

I don't know about that, however, I do have the tendancy to sound like a drill sergent at times. Oh well, it's a reflex. :D
Originally posted by Said1
ENTJ - I'm a Fieldmarshal :cof:

"Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioning systems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-range objectives well in mind."

I don't know about that, however, I do have the tendancy to sound like a drill sergent at times. Oh well, it's a reflex. :D

heh-heh, heh-heh, ........You organize UNITS.

:D :p:
Originally posted by NewGuy
heh-heh, heh-heh, ........You organize UNITS.

:D :p:

Yes, as a matter of fact I do organize units. I am in charge of a highly organized unit of 6 - ages 2-7 soooo :p: to you too. :D

"Tell me why you forgot your towel Private, when you knew we were on our way to the pool?". :D Then I pull out a spare I ALWAYS bring.....just in case, but not before I mumble something about it not happening again OR ELSE. :D

56%: moderately expressed extrovert

44%: moderately expressed intuitive personality

44%: moderately expressed thinking personality

56%: moderately expressed judging personality

Palindromic percentages. How about that?

I am und Feldmarchal too. Achtung schweinhunt!

I knew I should have gone to West Point.....
This is what I got:

Your Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 44 22 33

You are:
moderately expressed extrovert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality

The Portrait of a Fieldmarshal (eNTj)
Copyrighted © 1996-2003 Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.

Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is marshalling or situational organizing role that reaches the highest development in Fieldmarshals. As this kind of role is practiced some contingency organizing is necessary, so that the second suit of the Fieldmarshal's intellect is devising contingency plans. Structural and functional engineering, though practiced in some degree in the course of organizational operations, tend to be not nearly as well developed and are soon outstripped by the rapidly growing skills in organizing. But it must be said that any kind of strategic exercize tends to bring added strength to engineering as well as organizing skills.

As the organizing capabilities the Fieldmarshal increase so does their desire to let others know about whatever has come of their organizational efforts. So they tend to take up a directive role in their social exchanges. On the other hand they have less and less desire, if they ever had any, to inform others.

Hardly more than two percent of the total population, the Fieldmarshals are bound to lead others, and from an early age they can be observed taking command of groups. In some cases, Fieldmarshals simply find themselves in charge of groups, and are mystified as to how this happened. But the reason is that Fieldmarshals have a strong natural urge to give structure and direction wherever they are -- to harness people in the field and to direct them to achieve distant goals. They resemble Supervisors in their tendency to establish plans for a task, enterprise, or organization, but Fieldmarshals search more for policy and goals than for regulations and procedures.


ENTJ Profile
Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging

by Joe Butt

Profile: ENTJ
Revision: 2.4
Date of Revision: 20 Jul 03

"I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?"
ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct. This may be expressed with the charm and finesse of a world leader or with the insensitivity of a cult leader. The ENTJ requires little encouragement to make a plan. One ENTJ put it this way... "I make these little plans that really don't have any importance to anyone else, and then feel compelled to carry them out." While "compelled" may not describe ENTJs as a group, nevertheless the bent to plan creatively and to make those plans realiity is a common theme for NJ types.

ENTJs are often "larger than life" in describing their projects or proposals. This ability may be expressed as salesmanship, story-telling facility or stand-up comedy. In combination with the natural propensity for filibuster, our hero can make it very difficult for the customer to decline.

TRADEMARK: -- "I'm really sorry you have to die." (I realize this is an overstatement. However, most Fs and other gentle souls usually chuckle knowingly at this description.)

ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.

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