My two cents on todays political campaigns

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I WILL NOT be voting in today's primary in Missouri. All sides seem obsessed with race and accusations of racism. If you can not articulate why YOU are the right person for the job then I won't be articulating a vote for you. Since BOTH sides seem obsessed with negative advertising against their opponents NEITHER deserve my vote. Growing tired of participating in elections whos participants act like children running for school king/queen.
I WILL NOT be voting in today's primary in Missouri. All sides seem obsessed with race and accusations of racism. If you can not articulate why YOU are the right person for the job then I won't be articulating a vote for you. Since BOTH sides seem obsessed with negative advertising against their opponents NEITHER deserve my vote. Growing tired of participating in elections whos participants act like children running for school king/queen.
Has Trump articulated why he is the right person for the job?
I don't care who articulates what, to politicians lying is the same as breathing. It's what they do. I think what you have to do is look at what they've done and what are their policies going to be if they get elected. In Trump's case, you pretty much know what you're going to get, he ain't going to change. In Biden's case you're kinda guessing cuz he doesn't really stand for much of anything; he's been one side and then the other for just about any issue you care to look at. And then there's the question of who would really be in charge if Biden is our next president. Who would be driving the bus, him or Pelosi, Schumer, and the Far Left.

At the state and local level it ain't that hard to tell the difference between the Repubs and the Dems. Take a look at Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis to name a few.
I WILL NOT be voting in today's primary in Missouri. All sides seem obsessed with race and accusations of racism. If you can not articulate why YOU are the right person for the job then I won't be articulating a vote for you. Since BOTH sides seem obsessed with negative advertising against their opponents NEITHER deserve my vote. Growing tired of participating in elections whos participants act like children running for school king/queen.
Thanks, Gramps. Now that you have bowed out, you will be leaving the election to those who are NOT sick of divisive campaigns based on non-issues.

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