My Three Global Warming Fraud Websites

You mean like if Tyndall concluded there was a greenhouse gas effect of CO2 because the 100% CO2 gas composition test cooled down slower than the 100% air test why couldn't the delta between the two curves be used to quantify the associated temperature of CO2 due to the greenhouse gas effect?

Issues like that?
I began assembling these at least ten years ago and cannot begin to keep up with the avalanche of evidence against the Global Warming Fraud. If you have something HUGE and you can't find it in any of these, please post it here and PM me so I can pile on more.... as if it were needed.

Across America and around the world, sanctimonious pretenders of environmental piety tell everyone else to cut back, stop burning that evil fossil fuel, and save the earth. Then they slap each other on the back and do as they please, not as they preach. Take Al Gore, please. Or Barack Obama. Or United Nations bureaucrats. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger. As governor of California, he signed Executive Order S-03-5, which mandates an 80% reduction in greenhouse gases based on 1990 usage. Has he or any of these other eco-hypocrites cut back their own "carbon footprint" by 80%? Not remotely.

Here is a current schedule of some of the seminars run by eco-hypocrites around the world. Instead of videoconferencing, and practicing what they preach, they fly all over the place, no doubt largely at public expense, to wine and dine and shake hands and congratulate each other on how wonderful they all are.
Environment events | Conal Conference Alerts Topic Listing

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World leaders and organizations continue to enact legislation requiring citizens to cut carbon dioxide emissions 80% within the not too distant future, as a result of hysterical claims by biased researchers whose hands are deep into the pockets of government grants funding their work. Imminent doom and gloom is relentlessly predicted if we don't "do something now"!

The odd thing is that these pretend environmentalists don't practice what they preach to everyone else. Barack Obama flies Air Force One to Hawaii every Christmas, at profound public expense and carbon footprinting. He flew Air Force One to Ohio one Earth Day to plant a single tree in a kind of faux paean to the environment. Obama could have appeared on close-captioned television. He might have videoconferenced, but no, he had to appear in person, this Anointed One, to hear his fawning audience clap and cheer.

Al Gore flies around the world in his private jet, attracting many tens of thousands of adoring fans, who together burn hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel, to hear him repeat himself, yet again.

Rick Steves panders to scores of millions of travelers, ending every "evocative" program with the admonition to "keep on traveling." This is ecohypocrisy at its worst, since he's always preaching the human-caused climate change narrative. But then again, Rick is a far left-wing extremist, who never hesitates to remind his fawning audience about "right-wing fascism" when in fact the fascists were left-wing socialists. The very name of the Nazi Party was the National Socialists. "We find different truths to be self-evident and God-given." - Rick Steves The devil could not have put it better than that.

United Nations bigwigs fly around the world, proselytizing the horrors of global warming, recently renamed to climate change, since things have not been getting nearly as warm as their models have predicted. The liberal media turn a blind eye to these hypocritical actions of their fellow liberals. It's disgraceful of all of them. Disgraceful. It is disgraceful for the preachers of global warming to do exactly the opposite of what they demand of the rest of us. It is disgraceful of the media to ignore their hypocrisy. It is disgraceful for all those claiming to be saviors of the environment not to expose the widespread hypocrisy of their ideological brethren.

Numerous magazines feature articles in support of global warming / climate change. I just read the May 2015 issue of Smithsonian magazine. It is exactly like all the previous issues, that is, completely hypocritical.

Page 2 and 3 present an advertisement encouraging readers to burn, baby, burn. Fly or drive to the Mississippi River and ride a fossil-fuel powered paddlewheel boat with American Cruise Lines.
(Price not published)

The hypocrisy continues Page 7 invites Smithsonian readers to burn enough fuel to travel to Washington, D.C. for the May 15-17th The FUTURE IS HERE FESTIVAL.

Smithsonian could have sold CD roms of the festival. Smithsonian might have broadcast it live on television, or even on a webinair. But how much more absolutely fabulous it is to travel to D.C. and meet other wealthy hypocrites, who preach environmentalism while practicing anti-conservation on a grand scale.

Oh but the Smithsonian hypocrisy is just getting warmed up. Page 13:


The Smithsonian Collection by Smithsonian Journeys
Regent Seven Seas Cruises
(Prices not shown here either)

Page 15

From Africa to Asia, Australia to South America - we take you beyond the expected travel experience.. Audley Travel
(Prices not shown)

Page 19

"Request your Free Catalog and Book Your Trip Today!"

(Picture of the Eiffel Tower is shown, but no prices.)

Page 88 & 89

"Maine Windjammer Cruises"

Page 93

Sea Eagle inflatable kayak

(Drive out into the wilderness and have lots of fun. Global warming can wait a generation. Or so.)

Page 98 & 99

"Caravan Guided Vacations Since 1952"
$1095 to $1395 for 8 to 10 days

(Burning fuel and "poisoning the air" all the way)


The Global Warming Fraud

Posted on April 5, 2012
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”- Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in Physics
October 2021

It would be helpful if the media covered all sides of the climate issue.
September 2021
The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A
January 2021 Hanoi John Kerry has been appointed Climate Czar by Traitor Joe Briben.
Hanoi John Kerry created 365,967 pounds (166 metric tons) of carbon dioxide in 2020 just by flying his private personal jet. You sheep who follow and revere Hanoi John Kerry, ride your bicycles. Take the bus. Kerry travels in ultimate luxury while preaching something else to you.

October 10, 2006 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech by Al Gore
So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.
[Note: Carbon dioxide is NOT pollution. You exhale it with every breath and it promotes faster plant growth, as a fertilizer.]
We are what is wrong, and we must make it right.
[Says the guy who flies around in a private jet and takes limousines everywhere.]
Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is “falling off a cliff.” One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.
[Like so many other failed predictions, this one never happened.]
The BS Big Oil GOP is the only party in the world that denies GW.
The BS Big Oil GOP is the only party in the world that denies GW.

No even all the skeptics here knows that CO2 has some warm forcing effect thus you lied.

Meanwhile his post remains unchallenged which is typical because warmist/alarmists normally don't have the answers.
No even all the skeptics here knows that CO2 has some warm forcing effect thus you lied.

Meanwhile his post remains unchallenged which is typical because warmist/alarmists normally don't have the answers.
Scientists know and they all think you're nuts, only the GOP is so crazed. In the world.
Scientists know and they all think you're nuts, only the GOP is so crazed. In the world.

No even all the skeptics here knows that CO2 has some warm forcing effect thus you lied.

You are the one who keeps lying and refusing to discuss anything.

The big oil attacks are old and worn-out heck even Crick and Old Rocks don't use that crap anymore.

Which women do you consider more educated and reliable?

No even all the skeptics here knows that CO2 has some warm forcing effect thus you lied.

You are the one who keeps lying and refusing to discuss anything.

The big oil attacks are old and worn-out heck even Crick and Old Rocks don't use that crap anymore.

Which women do you consider more educated and reliable?

View attachment 657183
link lol? Wiki...Curry's position on climate change was much criticized by climate scientists,[17][15] and she became known as a contrarian scientist.[3][22][23] A 2013 Media Matters for America study found that Curry was among the "climate doubters" most frequently quoted by the press as spreading public doubts about climate science. Going against the vast majority view of climate scientists, she had suggested to newspapers that most of the recent global warming was not human-caused, and had hinted that IPCC scientists are motivated by "funding" even though they are not paid for their contributions.[24] She consistently presents her view that climate science has much larger uncertainties than those shown by mainstream studies, though she has not shown any previously unconsidered cause for such uncertainty.[25] A 2019 article in Human Ecology Review described her position as a form of climate denialism, criticizing her downplaying of potential future climate change effects and emphasis on the costs of addressing climate change.[4]

That's one lol...
link lol? Wiki...Curry's position on climate change was much criticized by climate scientists,[17][15] and she became known as a contrarian scientist.[3][22][23] A 2013 Media Matters for America study found that Curry was among the "climate doubters" most frequently quoted by the press as spreading public doubts about climate science. Going against the vast majority view of climate scientists, she had suggested to newspapers that most of the recent global warming was not human-caused, and had hinted that IPCC scientists are motivated by "funding" even though they are not paid for their contributions.[24] She consistently presents her view that climate science has much larger uncertainties than those shown by mainstream studies, though she has not shown any previously unconsidered cause for such uncertainty.[25] A 2019 article in Human Ecology Review described her position as a form of climate denialism, criticizing her downplaying of potential future climate change effects and emphasis on the costs of addressing climate change.[4]

That's one lol...

They lie about her a lot which is easy to show when you visit her science blog that is highly respected by many scientists and educated people.

Meanwhile when is your criticism of the 16 year old coming?

I see a profound retreat in debating the AGW stuff in recent months in forums I visit as the evidence that "man made warming" is a crock of shit and unsupported by evidence to the point they avoid the CONTENT of highly damaging articles completely examples below:

Watts Up With That?

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?


Climate Audit



Warmist Gooks completely ignore what Marcott says about hi paper even when his words are posted right in their faces which is why their climate crap is DEAD!

They also ignore or idiotically try to explain away the highly damaging Climate E-mails back in 2009 as well which they never recovered from.

Their continual failures of numerous climate summits is highly obvious,

View attachment 622483

The failure of climate Gookism nation is obvious they should stop eating media fed shit cereals and grow up into reality.
Whenever you try to debate these Moon Bats they post all kinds of charts and graphs and statements. However, when you really take the time to research the data they posted you find out that most of it comes from fraudulent, tampered or cherry picked sources. In some cases from sources where the Scientists have admitted they lied.

I've given up on trying to debate these loons. I just ridicule them.
Whenever you try to debate these Moon Bats they post all kinds of charts and graphs and statements. However, when you really take the time to research the data they posted you find out that most of it comes from fraudulent, tampered or cherry picked sources. In some cases from sources where the Scientists have admitted they lied.

I've given up on trying to debate these loons. I just ridicule them.
indeed, like CO2 choosing selective days to create heat in only specific areas. Cracks me up. Can't argue with bricks, so have fun throwing at them.
No even all the skeptics here knows that CO2 has some warm forcing effect thus you lied.

Meanwhile his post remains unchallenged which is typical because warmist/alarmists normally don't have the answers.
Exactly, all I want is for the characters in here claiming 120 PPM of CO2 is dangerous, to just describe exactly what they are referring to.

All they ever cite is high sea levels, not how the sea levels get higher. The challenge is all theirs. And still I receive crickets.

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