My Take On The VP Debate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is a summary of the VP debate:

Ryan was polite and informative. A factchecker site with ties to Obama found fault in some of his "facts" while Biden was rude, obnoxious, yet successfully ramrodded that debate.

Ryan had a choice.......tell Biden to STFU or allow him to continue to be rude and try to put out his views between all of the interruptions from Biden and the moderator. Ether way the MSM would have made political points off of it to help Obiden.

Personally I think if he had told Biden, in so many words, to STFU Biden would have continued his act, maybe even escalated it to another level. Ryan made a choice to keep it reasonably congenial because he knew Biden would have really shown his ass had he told him in more animated terms to knock it off.

Biden showed himself to be the horses' ass he is and he also showed the Democrat voter that there is some life left in the Dem ticket. Ryan missed an opportunity but he didn't have to put his foot down because when your opponent insists on eating himself alive you pass them the salt.

Romney/Ryan feels there are still enough rational people in this country to see Biden's performance for what it was. Most of us are angry and disgusted by it. Dick Cheney said that our allies saw that debate and many are worried about this man being one heart-beat away from being POTUS. Our enemies don't care because they don't respect ether the VP or our current POTUS.

Only time will tell if Biden made a mistake. Already many of Biden's lies have exploded in his face. The way his over the top performance was received will probably be revealed next week, not in time for the Sunday morning talk-shows I'm afraid.

Biden asked America to trust him that even though they had no clue that the Libyan ambassador asked for more security, and that a growing security problem was about to rear it's ugly head, that is was the intelligence community that screwed up, and we're suppose to rely on his judgment when it comes to making sure nukes don't fall into the hands of terrorists or that Iran never builds a nuke. I think the public would be foolish if they bought this nonsense. Actually I think they would be totally switched off from reality if they accepted it.

Ryan called slow Joe on his interuptions once, as did the moderator, both went over his head. People who actuall say the debate were put off by slow Joe's actions. I do however think Ryan held his own and would rate the over all debate a push.
Paul Ryan said that the ambassador in Paris has a Marine detachment.

The State Department claims that's just to protect top secret files.....

I think the Administration needs to rethink their security requirements.
lol... You hate Obama, a turd sandwich would have beat Biden or Obama in any debate because you're a "anyone but Obama." So who honestly who cares what you think?

Ryan failed to answer how he would pay for the 20% increase Mitt and him propose in spending (adding to the deficit) as well as he asked Obama for Obama stimulus money… Ryan and Mitt are a joke and have hurt the Republican party on the long term.
I think Biden could have scored some real points in the debate if not for his over the top antics since the debate the focus has been mainly on how Biden acted not on what he said by his constant laughing and interruptions he undercut his own debate.
lol... You hate Obama, a turd sandwich would have beat Biden or Obama in any debate because you're a "anyone but Obama." So who honestly who cares what you think?

Ryan failed to answer how he would pay for the 20% increase Mitt and him propose in spending (adding to the deficit) as well as he asked Obama for Obama stimulus money… Ryan and Mitt are a joke and have hurt the Republican party on the long term.

There is no 20% increase.

I think what you mean is the 20% reduction across the board in taxes offset by cutting out loopholes that mostly effect the rich. Most poor and Middle-class tax-payers don't take advantage of loopholes because they don't have the income to do so. Most of us use a standard deduction because we don't have enough deductions or loopholes to write off. So when Obama says that they want to take away our mortgage deduction, 1 he was who proposed it, and 2, it doesn't make a bit of difference in our taxes.

When it comes to the Stimulus Ryan had every right to accept it. His problem was with how it was spent. Obama used most of it to bail out unions and get states tied into expensive programs that would only end up costing them more in the long run....sort of like giving them a dime and expecting them to pay a dollar for it.
I think Biden could have scored some real points in the debate if not for his over the top antics since the debate the focus has been mainly on how Biden acted not on what he said by his constant laughing and interruptions he undercut his own debate.

Correct. I don't like Obama or Biden, I don't support them... But he rolled the shit outa Ryan. Ryan could not answer simple questions, he just said the same thing over and over.
I think Biden could have scored some real points in the debate if not for his over the top antics since the debate the focus has been mainly on how Biden acted not on what he said by his constant laughing and interruptions he undercut his own debate.

Correct. I don't like Obama or Biden, I don't support them... But he rolled the shit outa Ryan. Ryan could not answer simple questions, he just said the same thing over and over.

Ryan answered when he was allowed to by that laughing hyena and that moderator.

I wonder why they haven't discussed all of the lawsuits the Obama Administration has started preventing companies from moving freely about the country.

Or how about all of the jobs closing down the Gulf to oil production cost.

How about the Keystone pipeline.

Maybe the new rule to legitimize government lying in response to FOIA requests.

All of the deaths of our troops at the hands of the folks we're training in Afghanistan.

The real situation in Iraq since we left.

Obama's fictional "Shovel Ready jobs plan".

Obama's ties to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Why did Obama tap the SPR after gas prices spiked when he claimed he had no control over gas prices?
lol... You hate Obama, a turd sandwich would have beat Biden or Obama in any debate because you're a "anyone but Obama." So who honestly who cares what you think?

Ryan failed to answer how he would pay for the 20% increase Mitt and him propose in spending (adding to the deficit) as well as he asked Obama for Obama stimulus money… Ryan and Mitt are a joke and have hurt the Republican party on the long term.

Biden played to his base.
lol... You hate Obama, a turd sandwich would have beat Biden or Obama in any debate because you're a "anyone but Obama." So who honestly who cares what you think?

Ryan failed to answer how he would pay for the 20% increase Mitt and him propose in spending (adding to the deficit) as well as he asked Obama for Obama stimulus money… Ryan and Mitt are a joke and have hurt the Republican party on the long term.

Biden played to his base.

Exactly, Biden was there to try to ease the panic Obama supporters felt after the first debate, and he apparently did make them feel a little better. Ryan's job was to present Romney-Ryan as a right leaning moderate alternative to Obama, and he did that successfully.
lol... You hate Obama, a turd sandwich would have beat Biden or Obama in any debate because you're a "anyone but Obama." So who honestly who cares what you think?

Ryan failed to answer how he would pay for the 20% increase Mitt and him propose in spending (adding to the deficit) as well as he asked Obama for Obama stimulus money… Ryan and Mitt are a joke and have hurt the Republican party on the long term.

Biden played to his base.

He mirrored his base.

We could do with less of that kind of person.

I think Biden and the rest of their cronies gives people an excuse not to be decent and willing to work along side others.

They've bred this contemptible attitude that leads to contemptuous conduct.

We used to call it bad-manners.
This is a summary of the VP debate:

Ryan was polite and informative. A factchecker site with ties to Obama found fault in some of his "facts" while Biden was rude, obnoxious, yet successfully ramrodded that debate.

Ryan had a choice.......tell Biden to STFU or allow him to continue to be rude and try to put out his views between all of the interruptions from Biden and the moderator. Ether way the MSM would have made political points off of it to help Obiden.

Personally I think if he had told Biden, in so many words, to STFU Biden would have continued his act, maybe even escalated it to another level. Ryan made a choice to keep it reasonably congenial because he knew Biden would have really shown his ass had he told him in more animated terms to knock it off.

Biden showed himself to be the horses' ass he is and he also showed the Democrat voter that there is some life left in the Dem ticket. Ryan missed an opportunity but he didn't have to put his foot down because when your opponent insists on eating himself alive you pass them the salt.

Romney/Ryan feels there are still enough rational people in this country to see Biden's performance for what it was. Most of us are angry and disgusted by it. Dick Cheney said that our allies saw that debate and many are worried about this man being one heart-beat away from being POTUS. Our enemies don't care because they don't respect ether the VP or our current POTUS.

Only time will tell if Biden made a mistake. Already many of Biden's lies have exploded in his face. The way his over the top performance was received will probably be revealed next week, not in time for the Sunday morning talk-shows I'm afraid.

Biden asked America to trust him that even though they had no clue that the Libyan ambassador asked for more security, and that a growing security problem was about to rear it's ugly head, that is was the intelligence community that screwed up, and we're suppose to rely on his judgment when it comes to making sure nukes don't fall into the hands of terrorists or that Iran never builds a nuke. I think the public would be foolish if they bought this nonsense. Actually I think they would be totally switched off from reality if they accepted it.

From the undecided point of view....

would you not think those voters who are still trying to make up their minds would be turned off by the antics of Biden?

would you not think that when you want answers to serious questions, Biden's constant interruptions were a distraction?

you may not agree with much of anything Ryan had to say but I suspect he picked up at least a point or two for not treating this debate as a joke.

If this voter goes into the booth still undecided, s/he may well pull the handle for the lesser of two evils based on this single debate.

I would grade this debate the same as the Gore "sighing" debacle.
This is a summary of the VP debate:

Ryan was polite and informative. A factchecker site with ties to Obama found fault in some of his "facts" while Biden was rude, obnoxious, yet successfully ramrodded that debate.

Ryan had a choice.......tell Biden to STFU or allow him to continue to be rude and try to put out his views between all of the interruptions from Biden and the moderator. Ether way the MSM would have made political points off of it to help Obiden.

Personally I think if he had told Biden, in so many words, to STFU Biden would have continued his act, maybe even escalated it to another level. Ryan made a choice to keep it reasonably congenial because he knew Biden would have really shown his ass had he told him in more animated terms to knock it off.

Biden showed himself to be the horses' ass he is and he also showed the Democrat voter that there is some life left in the Dem ticket. Ryan missed an opportunity but he didn't have to put his foot down because when your opponent insists on eating himself alive you pass them the salt.

Romney/Ryan feels there are still enough rational people in this country to see Biden's performance for what it was. Most of us are angry and disgusted by it. Dick Cheney said that our allies saw that debate and many are worried about this man being one heart-beat away from being POTUS. Our enemies don't care because they don't respect ether the VP or our current POTUS.

Only time will tell if Biden made a mistake. Already many of Biden's lies have exploded in his face. The way his over the top performance was received will probably be revealed next week, not in time for the Sunday morning talk-shows I'm afraid.

Biden asked America to trust him that even though they had no clue that the Libyan ambassador asked for more security, and that a growing security problem was about to rear it's ugly head, that is was the intelligence community that screwed up, and we're suppose to rely on his judgment when it comes to making sure nukes don't fall into the hands of terrorists or that Iran never builds a nuke. I think the public would be foolish if they bought this nonsense. Actually I think they would be totally switched off from reality if they accepted it.

From the undecided point of view....

would you not think those voters who are still trying to make up their minds would be turned off by the antics of Biden?

would you not think that when you want answers to serious questions, Biden's constant interruptions were a distraction?

you may not agree with much of anything Ryan had to say but I suspect he picked up at least a point or two for not treating this debate as a joke.

If this voter goes into the booth still undecided, s/he may well pull the handle for the lesser of two evils based on this single debate.

I would grade this debate the same as the Gore "sighing" debacle.

I think it will be remembered for a long time.

At the time it seemed like a victory, but I seriously doubt that will stand up after the polls come out.
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This is a summary of the VP debate:

Ryan was polite and informative. A factchecker site with ties to Obama found fault in some of his "facts" while Biden was rude, obnoxious, yet successfully ramrodded that debate.

Ryan had a choice.......tell Biden to STFU or allow him to continue to be rude and try to put out his views between all of the interruptions from Biden and the moderator. Ether way the MSM would have made political points off of it to help Obiden.

Personally I think if he had told Biden, in so many words, to STFU Biden would have continued his act, maybe even escalated it to another level. Ryan made a choice to keep it reasonably congenial because he knew Biden would have really shown his ass had he told him in more animated terms to knock it off.

Biden showed himself to be the horses' ass he is and he also showed the Democrat voter that there is some life left in the Dem ticket. Ryan missed an opportunity but he didn't have to put his foot down because when your opponent insists on eating himself alive you pass them the salt.

Romney/Ryan feels there are still enough rational people in this country to see Biden's performance for what it was. Most of us are angry and disgusted by it. Dick Cheney said that our allies saw that debate and many are worried about this man being one heart-beat away from being POTUS. Our enemies don't care because they don't respect ether the VP or our current POTUS.

Only time will tell if Biden made a mistake. Already many of Biden's lies have exploded in his face. The way his over the top performance was received will probably be revealed next week, not in time for the Sunday morning talk-shows I'm afraid.

Biden asked America to trust him that even though they had no clue that the Libyan ambassador asked for more security, and that a growing security problem was about to rear it's ugly head, that is was the intelligence community that screwed up, and we're suppose to rely on his judgment when it comes to making sure nukes don't fall into the hands of terrorists or that Iran never builds a nuke. I think the public would be foolish if they bought this nonsense. Actually I think they would be totally switched off from reality if they accepted it.


Partisan analysis.
This is a summary of the VP debate:

Ryan was polite and informative. A factchecker site with ties to Obama found fault in some of his "facts" while Biden was rude, obnoxious, yet successfully ramrodded that debate.

Ryan had a choice.......tell Biden to STFU or allow him to continue to be rude and try to put out his views between all of the interruptions from Biden and the moderator. Ether way the MSM would have made political points off of it to help Obiden.

Personally I think if he had told Biden, in so many words, to STFU Biden would have continued his act, maybe even escalated it to another level. Ryan made a choice to keep it reasonably congenial because he knew Biden would have really shown his ass had he told him in more animated terms to knock it off.

Biden showed himself to be the horses' ass he is and he also showed the Democrat voter that there is some life left in the Dem ticket. Ryan missed an opportunity but he didn't have to put his foot down because when your opponent insists on eating himself alive you pass them the salt.

Romney/Ryan feels there are still enough rational people in this country to see Biden's performance for what it was. Most of us are angry and disgusted by it. Dick Cheney said that our allies saw that debate and many are worried about this man being one heart-beat away from being POTUS. Our enemies don't care because they don't respect ether the VP or our current POTUS.

Only time will tell if Biden made a mistake. Already many of Biden's lies have exploded in his face. The way his over the top performance was received will probably be revealed next week, not in time for the Sunday morning talk-shows I'm afraid.

Biden asked America to trust him that even though they had no clue that the Libyan ambassador asked for more security, and that a growing security problem was about to rear it's ugly head, that is was the intelligence community that screwed up, and we're suppose to rely on his judgment when it comes to making sure nukes don't fall into the hands of terrorists or that Iran never builds a nuke. I think the public would be foolish if they bought this nonsense. Actually I think they would be totally switched off from reality if they accepted it.


Partisan analysis.

Even Tom Brokaw thought the VP was acting inappropriately.

Trust me, they will talk about this for years, every time debate time rolls around.

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