My sympathy goes to many on the left.


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2016
For those who will now have to take a piss test before getting a welfare check.

For those who will now have to actually look for a job in order to pay their bills.

For those who have been eating steak, and paying nothing for it.

For those who have been driving nice cars bought with taxpayer money.

For those who have lived for years in public housing, who will now have to give a few hours a week in order to stay there.

For those who want to go to the opposite sexes bathroom, just because they are pedophiles.

For those who want a free ride, for the rest of their life.

And for all those who want someone else to pay their way in this country.

I have no sympathy for you.

But, for the select very few, who actually need help, I pray you are not lost in the shuffle, when the crooks and drug users and lazy ass people are smacked around by our new government.

So for all you folks described above, the free ride is over, time for you to get off your lazy ass, get off the drugs, and get a job. If you can say this sentence, "welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?" and you can make change, then you will always have a place to work.
Yes, all these mythical welfare people the rich have been telling you are out there, so you can feel better someone as your middle class lifestyle shrinks.
Yes, I am talking about you JoeB131

You will no longer be able to sit around and watch Doctor Who all day, and dream you wet dreams of Amy and Rory and you in your fantasy threesome.

You will have to get a job and get off federal assistance, I hope you are educated enough to work at McDonalds, though I'm not sure you can make change for a 20.
Yes, I am talking about you JoeB131

You will no longer be able to sit around and watch Doctor Who all day, and dream you wet dreams of Amy and Rory and you in your fantasy threesome.

You will have to get a job and get off federal assistance, I hope you are educated enough to work at McDonalds, though I'm not sure you can make change for a 20.

My day job involves managing millions of dollars in purchasing.... so not so much. I currently work close to 80 hours a week between my day job and my side business... I wish I had time to watch TV all day.

Besides, I more of an old school DW fan. I thought Sarah Jane was hot!

But to treat your argument as a grown up-

The reality is, even if you factor out "White People Welfare" - (Social Security, Medicare,Unemployment, that all Republicans support enthusiastically in public) the reality is, "Welfare" isn't that big of a slice of the pie. Most people on assistance of some sort or another have jobs. Most of the rest are children or the elderly.

The reason why the welfare rolls have grown is because the 1% have taken increasing amounts of the wealth. I would love for their to be very little welfare because people working at McDonalds and WalMart - the dumb-ass white Trash who voted for Trumpenfuhrer because he promised to bring back the dead jobs - were making a decent paycheck.

Nothing Trump is going to do is going to change that, though.

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