My State joins the Tide of Bending the Republic over and Fucking it...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Colorado to issue driver's licenses to immigrants

So much for those who obeyed the Law, spent the money, and waited to do this legally like generations and generations before them. At this point, there will be no borders in the next 5 to 10 years. See how you all enjoy Mexico, Central America and South America unloading their problem citizens and criminals on our society without restriction. And I don't want to hear one complaint from those that support this about how "there aren't any jobs available" in the coming years.



Smoking narcotics is behind the passage of that law. When a GOP president is elected, hopefully he will shut that Colorado marijuana law down. now illegals can legally kill Americans on the road.

As opposed to illegally? At least you have some kind of record of who is illegal.

I havent thought through all the policy issues on this one. Yeah, viscerally it's stupid. Someone declares their illegal, throw their ass in jail and deport them. But its more complicated than that.
Smoking narcotics is behind the passage of that law. When a GOP president is elected, hopefully he will shut that Colorado marijuana law down.

So now you guys don't believe in the Tenth Amendment?
This has nothing to do with the Tenth, marijuana has been proven to be a dangerous narcotic. The science is closed.

I would like to see some of this real science which proves that MJ is a narcotic substance...
Typical Stupid American: "Oh were a Nation of Laws! Those Illegals won't vote! Our Elected Leaders with "mark" their Drivers Licenses so they can't vote! Derp!" :cuckoo:

GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states | TheHill
Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, a Republican, told the panel that his department’s study identified nearly 12,000 people who were not citizens but were still registered to vote in Colorado.
Of those non-citizen registered voters, nearly 5,000 took part in the 2010 general election in which Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet narrowly defeated Republican Ken Buck.
Smoking narcotics is behind the passage of that law. When a GOP president is elected, hopefully he will shut that Colorado marijuana law down.

So now you guys don't believe in the Tenth Amendment?
This has nothing to do with the Tenth, marijuana has been proven to be a dangerous narcotic. The science is closed.

False, no such thing has been proven. Second, it has everything to do with the Tenth Amendment. What part of the Constitution gives the federal government the authority to ban it? Funny how you "Constitutionalists" love to pick and choose what parts you want to follow.

Colorado and Washington have legalized it and more states are in the process of doing so. The American people have wised up on this issue. The politics on this is what is closed. It's another issue you folks are losing.
Typical Stupid American: "Oh were a Nation of Laws! Those Illegals won't vote! Our Elected Leaders with "mark" their Drivers Licenses so they can't vote! Derp!" :cuckoo:

GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states | TheHill
Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, a Republican, told the panel that his department’s study identified nearly 12,000 people who were not citizens but were still registered to vote in Colorado.
Of those non-citizen registered voters, nearly 5,000 took part in the 2010 general election in which Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet narrowly defeated Republican Ken Buck.

Where are all the prosecutions and convictions?

Lone prosecutor in Gessler anti-vote-fraud campaign drops first case | The Colorado Independent

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