My Questions for Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Follow-up: The federal government is approaching $27 trillion in debt. Your spending plans have been estimated to add $11 trillion to the debt. Even if your tax increases passed by Congress, it would not be nearly enough to cover what you plan to spend. Where is the money coming from and if from a foreign power, like China, doesn't that put us in hock to a hostile state?

BJ -
Assuming that Biden does show up, not sure that he can answer more than 1 question and a follow up but if so -
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all
Speaking of principles, you have changed positions on a number of bedrock beliefs, including federal funding of abortion. Do you have any principles that to you are inviolate and if so, what are they? How do we know you won't flip on those if it proves politically expedient?
If only you wingers would learn...

Things that are more selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party in America.

Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction. - Caitlin Johnstone
If only you wingers would learn...

Things that are more selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party in America.

Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction. - Caitlin Johnstone

That's nice.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Follow-up: The federal government is approaching $27 trillion in debt. Your spending plans have been estimated to add $11 trillion to the debt. Even if your tax increases passed by Congress, it would not be nearly enough to cover what you plan to spend. Where is the money coming from and if from a foreign power, like China, doesn't that put us in hock to a hostile state?

BJ -
Assuming that Biden does show up, not sure that he can answer more than 1 question and a follow up but if so -

Yeah, I guess Wallace doesn't need any help from you. Because a real moderator wouldn't ask a partisan leaning lead in question. And the follow up just puts Trump in a more lousy light because most of the debt has been accrued in the months of his terrible response to the virus. Trump is the incumbent. It's his policies that he needs to defend. He should get as many questions as Biden. But I like the the fact that you want to give Trump a pass. Because my guess is that Trump will be stumbling, fumbling, bullying, and BS'ing about 15 minutes into the debate. I'm looking forward to the first time he has to actually defend one of his policies or even explain a policy.
You have said that you would shut down the country if scientists say it would help kill off the virus, but as we've seen, even a partial shutdown has harmed the economy, which was growing dramatically before March. Isn't there a better way to fight the virus, as now appears to be happening, rather than the disastrous effect a complete shutdown would have on businesses and employment?
If only you wingers would learn...

Things that are more selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party in America.

Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction. - Caitlin Johnstone
the differences between the two parties are huge
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Because we are nearing 30 trillion in debt. If tax cuts would address the debt it wouldn't still be rising at a record pace. Are we a country that is going to simply ignore it's debt?
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Follow-up: The federal government is approaching $27 trillion in debt. Your spending plans have been estimated to add $11 trillion to the debt. Even if your tax increases passed by Congress, it would not be nearly enough to cover what you plan to spend. Where is the money coming from and if from a foreign power, like China, doesn't that put us in hock to a hostile state?

BJ -
Assuming that Biden does show up, not sure that he can answer more than 1 question and a follow up but if so -

Yeah, I guess Wallace doesn't need any help from you. Because a real moderator wouldn't ask a partisan leaning lead in question. And the follow up just puts Trump in a more lousy light because most of the debt has been accrued in the months of his terrible response to the virus. Trump is the incumbent. It's his policies that he needs to defend. He should get as many questions as Biden. But I like the the fact that you want to give Trump a pass. Because my guess is that Trump will be stumbling, fumbling, bullying, and BS'ing about 15 minutes into the debate. I'm looking forward to the first time he has to actually defend one of his policies or even explain a policy.

If I run into Cal Thomas - I will pass on your concerns.
If only you wingers would learn...

Things that are more selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party in America.

Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction. - Caitlin Johnstone
the differences between the two parties are huge
Lol. No difference on the big issues, plus Joe is more conservative than Don. So, it’s a win-win for you guys, but you don’t know it.
If only you wingers would learn...

Things that are more selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party in America.

Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction. - Caitlin Johnstone
the differences between the two parties are huge

Yep -

Only blind people do not see that.

The only similarity is that they each have some corruption within them
Corruption and consequences may vary.
Consult your parties platform if confusion persists.
Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic
Because those tax cuts overwhelmingly benefitted the wealthy while eliminating funding that can be used for critical functions like healthcare, infrastructure, education

Why give money to those who obviously don’t need it?
Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic
Because those tax cuts overwhelmingly benefitted the wealthy while eliminating funding that can be used for critical functions like healthcare, infrastructure, education

Troll - dismissed.
If elected, would you commit to regular testing to assure the public you do not have any mental acuity problems?
You have said that you would shut down the country if scientists say it would help kill off the virus, but as we've seen, even a partial shutdown has harmed the economy, which was growing dramatically before March. Isn't there a better way to fight the virus, as now appears to be happening, rather than the disastrous effect a complete shutdown would have on businesses and employment?

Uhh. We've already had almost a complete shutdown with disastrous effects. Almost 20% unemployment at its peak. All necessary because the incumbent decided to downplay the virus and do next to nothing. Listen to the Woodward tapes if you don't believe me. March 13th was the first day he actually had to start taking things seriously..and that was just because he was forced to.

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