My poll. Take it or leave it.


Nov 12, 2013
There are several steps I believe we should take as a nation that can't happen because of the partisan divide created by our two party system. This thread will be my layout of steps to be taken in order to successfully implement what I see as the major issues the People are asking for. (I don't have poll numbers to show that people agree with me, so consider this my poll to you for how close I hit the mark)

Please bear in mind I am trying to stray from linear politics and treat issues simply as issues.

Fiscally conservative, socially liberal.

By this I pose the idea of balancing our budget and returning certain things to the way they once were, while updating our social perspective. America is over regulated (overly bureaucratic) and overly oppressive (social rights).

Yes there are things we have to pay for. But let's look at some of the things we don't need to pay for.

- foreign aid

We send hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid every year. Including developed European nations that should be able to sustain their own countries. This should be drastically cut to if not nothing then as close as we can get. This false diplomacy is only draining our resources for no discernible reason.

- elected officials salary and benefits

Should we take care of our leaders? Yes. Should they make $174,000 a year? No. Public office is a service to the public. A few hundred people making $93 million (collectively) a year is ridiculously astounding. Add in their per diem for trips they make (and how often they take them) and allowances they grant them selves and you reach hundreds of millions in wasted tax dollars. Health care they grant themselves should be comparable to the constituents which they represent.

- budget

How many years since they actually passed a budget? How many of these budgets are discernible anyways after the smoke and mirrors they throw at the public as to what they're paying for. Balance the budget as you would any other. Programs are going to have to be cut. (Where was our office of civil rights when the NDAA was passed or the NSA was caught breaking the 4th amendment) there are plenty of areas we can save money, but I will not lay all of them out here. (Do we need 40 military bases around Iran?)

Socially liberal

Do you enjoy rights? I do. The basis of the liberalist movement is rights for the people. This is arguable but there is a direction that I could walk that would be called liberal.

- gay rights

Move on and give it to them. Such a large percentage of people are oppressed by our current laws. Even if your argument is based on Christianity, Jesus didn't say oppress your neighbor. All sin is equal, so unless you want to get rid of mixed fabrics in clothing and outlaw pork, move aside Christians and stop judging everybody. (Remove the plank from your own eye)

- welfare

Provide for the poor? Yes do it. Responsibly. There is no reason that we can't have one office for the poor to go to and apply for housing, food stamps, health care or job training at the same place. The private sector wouldn't try to over complicate giving out money to help people. That's why they give charity money to their favorite fund. One place. With a fiscally conservative mind set affording the ability to help the less fortunate wood be a cake walk.

-Women's rights

Equal pay is a reasonable thing to ask for, but let's not skew the statistics to make a point. These blankets they throw in their fight for equal pay don't address the fact the women demographics are different from men. To would be easy to form legislation that could give women the ability to hold their employer accountable for paying comparable experience and duties at different rates based on sex. ( I know this issue goes deeper than the workplace, but money talks and it's all I have space for here)

- voter ID

Get on a plane, buy a car, buy cigarettes or alcohol, and you use an ID. Poor people have problems getting an ID? Got to the welfare office where you got your house and your food and your healthcare. With a fiscally conservative approach we can provide IDs and prevent voter fraud at the same time. Giving people access to things like flying, renting a car if theirs is broken, or anything else you need an ID for is an extra benefit of this.

- education

We don't spend enough on education. Simple. But you know who would really know how to spend that money? The people that are involved in running the schools. Take too much of the federal hand out of education and give the states the power to use a set amount of funds that they can receive from the federal government alongside the funds they can raise on their own to improve in the areas that their specific state is failing. And liberals are going to hate me for this, but people in the aviation industry aren't allowed to form unions and strike. That's because of how important they are. How much more important are teachers? No unions that so often misrepresent large majorities of their members, forcing them into paying dues to receive benefits. Teachers should receive all the benefits they deserve, while at the same time giving the seasoned experts of education the ability to hold them accountable for how well they teach.

It's a lot but I'd like to debate something more important than Nancy Pelosi or John Boehner. They and their ilk are unable to govern as I see fit, and as a citizen if rather hear people come up with solutions. I'm tired of sound bytes, so please feel free to comment and dispute my ideas.
What poll?

Poll synonyms: canvass, survey, ask, question.

Sorry if I didn't just give you a button to push. I prefer a thought process.

You might want to focus on a more narrow topic. You op looks like an entire campaign platform for a politician. What exactly do you wish to poll?

Ideas. I don't care about which ones. Any ideas. Just think and respond to any point. How many posts do you see staying even halfway on topic anyways? Look how far off topic this thread already is.

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