My pick for SB Champion

It's Carroll's and Wilson's fault. They have been spouting off about how EVERY member of the team has improved. They wouldn't say that if it isn't true.

Russell Wilson is a very devout Christian. He does not lie.

They have not been ambivelent on the subject. They have not used words like "possibly improved" or "Maybe better than last year".

I don't know what you expect from a fan that takes the words of his team's head coach and starting quarterback seriously.

Now let's cover the implication that I might not be "enjoying" the game.

Poppycock !!!

The Seahawks just had a 13-3 regular season.. survived the playoffs ... and beat the snot out of the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl.

Compounding and aggravating my "enjoyment" was the fact that Seattle used to be in the AFC West before the realignment. Denver used to beat the crap outta the Hawks regularly. That horsey faced dweeb John Elway was their QB thruout much of that period. PLUS Brock Huard was an up and coming QB for the Seahawks out of the University of Washington and a Denver CB blind sided him and gave him a very serious concussion with a cheap head shot. I personally interviewed Huard after one of the Eastern Washington practices in Cheney..200 miles from Seattle. I asked him about the injury. He had a stiff upper lip about it but it was clear that the concussion lasted long past that season and ended Brock's career.

The victory over Denver and THE WAY the Hawks won with hard hitting was "enjoyable" on more levels than I can tell you.

I am still enjoying the SB and the consequences still lingering on past the actual game.

Maybe I'm just making lemon ade out of spilled lemons but I don't think so.

Well, it's really good if the players have improved, but in the bigger picture, that still doesn't guarantee them another run at the SB. You know there are other good teams out there who have good players and others who have also shown improvement.

For one thing, this is NOT serious. IT is just for fun. It is WAY too soon to predict with any accuracy who even has a CHANCE at the SB yet. We are still only in preseason!!! As we all know, preseason really means nothing except to have the chance to see your newer players capabilities on the field.

Not serious ???? Are you mad ???

It looks like you forgot something...

We are gonna take these bastards just like last season...

:lol: Honestly, I've never seen someone so psyched out and so confident during the preseason.
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either you are being sarcastic and trying to be funny or you are as ignorant as the people last year on this board were picking the donkeys to win the superbowl.:D it just went through one ear and out the other with them when myself and huggy tried to explain to them that the real superbowl was played in the NFC championship game,that they were the two best teams in the league.even sherman said he thought the niners were a tougher test for just went through one ear and out the other with them that Manning had not a faced a defense anything at all physical like the seahawks all year long.

Looks like you are going to have to learn the hard way as well that the pats will win the AFC and go to the superbowl but will also be blown out facing a physical defense that they arent used to not having to face one so physical all year long like the seahawks are.:D

THATS having the same wishful thinking donkey fans had last year.:D so I assume your just trying to be funny and not really serious at all?:D:lol::lol:

Are you for real? Of course the Pats play plenty of physical teams. How about the Steelers?

Also, no team is the same from year to year; there is too much player turn over to predict anything.

Also, as I stated above in my post to Huggy, even if your team is GREAT, it is not a guarantee of a win ever.

LOL! Of COURSE I have to pick the Pats. They are MY team. :lol:

yeah Im for real but you sure arent.:D Their your team but just like those donkey fans back then,you're not objective or logicial.:lol::lol: The chargers are MY team and I will cheer them on every week but im also realistic and know better enough that they will be lucky this year if they make it to the playoffs again.

I dont live in denial knowing that they got to the playoffs on pure luck last year,that it was just a fluke.:D:lol: you dont see me saying they will make the playoffs again though cause I am being realistic and logical.:D

The steelers? you cant be serious?:lol: they are about as much of a challenge to tom brady as the once mighty and fallen ravens are-a team that lost to the bungels at the end of the year..:lol: both those once fearsome teams lost to the bungels towards the end of the year last year,hardly a team thats scary only winning that division because somebody HAD to.:lol::lol: not because they were good but because everybody else in their division was worse.:lol:

the steelers are as scary as the ravens are.:lol: they have a good defense but its on the field all day long which is why they are not near as effective anymore as in years past. That offense sucks because todd haley their offensive coordinater has driven that offense into the ground being mr conservative.He's as bad as brian shittenhiemer who got booed out of new york for being so conservative. Ben Rotheslesberger hates him.He has publicly criticised his play calling.If Haley was playing for any other team he would have been fired after his first season.they wont fire him there because he has pittsburgh roots and has a close friendship with the general manager there. He is taking advantage of friendship.Having the connections he has is the only thing keeping him from getting fired there.

you said PLENTY of physical teams.the steelers isnt plenty and thats pretty much the best defense there is in the weak AFC.:lol::lol:

you dont know and understand the seahawks though.they got a special coach who knows how to get the most out of his players.they already went immediately talking about winning another superbowl just a week or so after it was over already shooting for that goal back then.,they were focused way before the season began last year,they are again now. wilson is only in his third year as a starter.

as much as he grew as a quaterback last year,he is only going to get better this year reading defenses even better. their schedule is even easier this year than last year.Now if they get multiple key injurys,I will be the first to admit they wont make it back to the superbowl this year.

the pats are an elite team in the AFC but they will find out just like the donkeys did that the NFC west has defenses that are far more physical than anything they will face all year long and when they face them in the superbowl-assuming they dont have multiple key injurys,they will pee their pants like the donkey players did at halftime knowing they could not leave at that point like they wanted to and had to go back out there in the second half to face them again.:D:lol::lol:

Sorry, but I cannot take ANY of your posts seriously. For one thing, YOU are a conspiracy theorist. That really hurts your credibility right there. The other thing is that you are incredibly juvenile. I wonder what kind of a man posts SO many smileys in his posts and what might be wrong with him. :cuckoo:
Well, it's really good if the players have improved, but in the bigger picture, that still doesn't guarantee them another run at the SB. You know there are other good teams out there who have good players and others who have also shown improvement.

For one thing, this is NOT serious. IT is just for fun. It is WAY too soon to predict with any accuracy who even has a CHANCE at the SB yet. We are still only in preseason!!! As we all know, preseason really means nothing except to have the chance to see your newer players capabilities on the field.

Not serious ???? Are you mad ???

It looks like you forgot something...

We are gonna take these bastards just like last season...

:lol: Honestly, I've never seen someone so psyched out and so confident during the preseason.

It's risk vs reward.

I'll either look like an over confident fool at the end of the season or if I'm lucky I'll enjoy the reward of backing a winner. The way I see it I've already invested 37 years into this team and have had most of that time returned as crap. I might as well enjoy the good times.

I know this team fairly well.

I know most of their opponents pretty well also.

So far the predictions I have made have come to pass with few exceptions.

The loss in Indyanapolopolis last season came as a surprise. We really should have blown out the Colts and were headed in that direction except as someone noted the football is a funny shape and bounced in unpredictable fashion on that occasion...along with some questionable officiating.. Sometimes that just happens.

Still the Hawks get most of the funny bounces last season as they led the NFL in recoverd fumbles and turnovers. They led in interceptions as well as those bounces are not unpredictable. The Seahawks practice turnovers one day a week. That singular focus on the turnover gives the Seahawks an advantage which was proven out on the field.

I see no reason to believe the coaching style of Pete Carroll will not prevail this season as well.

Take the NFC Championship game... The Seahawks stepped up the preasure on Colin Kaepernick and low and behold the Hawks forced a turnover on the 9ers in every(3) possessions the 9ers tried in the 4th qtr. You mays suggest the Hawks were just lucky. I know the team practices being lucky and more oftten than not they are.

Turnover Thursday has served the Hawks well. You can scoff but the results suggest even on the field of play a team can make their own luck.
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Not serious ???? Are you mad ???

It looks like you forgot something...

We are gonna take these bastards just like last season...

:lol: Honestly, I've never seen someone so psyched out and so confident during the preseason.

It's risk vs reward.

I'll either look like an over confident fool at the end of the season or if I'm lucky I'll enjoy the reward of backing a winner. The way I see it I've already invested 37 years into this team and have had most of that time returned as crap. I might as well enjoy the good times.

I know this team fairly well.

I know most of their opponents pretty well also.

So far the predictions I have made have come to pass with few exceptions.

The loss in Indyanapolopolis last season came as a surprise. We really should have blown out the Colts and were headed in that direction except as someone noted the football is a funny shape and bounced in unpredictable fashion on that occasion...along with some questionable officiating.. Sometimes that just happens.

Still the Hawks get most of the funny bounces last season as they led the NFL in recoverd fumbles and turnovers. They led in interceptions as well as those bounces are not unpredictable. The Seahawks practice turnovers one day a week. That singular focus on the turnover gives the Seahawks an advantage which was proven out on the field.

I see no reason to believe the coaching style of Pete Carroll will not prevail this season as well.

Take the NFC Championship game... The Seahawks stepped up the preasure on Colin Kaepernick and low and behold the Hawks forced a turnover on the 9ers in every(3) possessions the 9ers tried in the 4th qtr. You mays suggest the Hawks were just lucky. I know the team practices being lucky and more oftten than not they are.

Turnover Thursday has served the Hawks well. You can scoff but the results suggest even on the field of play a team can make their own luck.

Oh yeah baby! Football season is going to be a BLAST here! I just know it! :D Can't WAIT!!!
Hell, we have one preseason week under our belt and huggy is in full flame.

Now last season a 3-0 start meant something, this year a 0-1 start means nothing. LOL!

I can't see preseason as an indicator.
God, this guy is making me HOPE the Seahawks have a crappy year. *rolls eyes*

They won't.

This will be their best year ever.

AND I predict next season will be even better than 2014.

I feel for you and McGoo....

It must be especially aggravating knowing we as Hawks fans are so stupid and being SOOOoooo... stupid there is no way we deserve to have the best team in the NFL.

Where is the sports justice ???

We wouldn't even have a team if a rich guy hadn't stepped in and prevented the rightfull transfer of the Hawks to Southern California by Ken Behring.

Even MORE unfair is that Carroll..noteably the biggest cheater EVER in the NCAA was hired by the extremely wealthy Hawks owner before that cheater Carroll ever had to answer for his cheating at Southern California. So the conspiracy goes far beyond the mere stupidity of the fans doesn't it. The fans stole the "12th man" idea making the fans not only stupid but criminals too. THEN the rich guy who can't help himself mopping up after the stupid cheating fans BOUGHT the rights to the "12th man".

Is there NO limit to the outrageous illegal activities of the stupid Seahawks fans and the rich guy that keeps promoting them?

I can see why there is so much hate and venom aimed at Seahawk fans.

Why can't a deserving team like the Browns have a benefactor that makes all their football dreams come true?

If the NFL had any sense like the NBA they would illegally tap Paul Allen's phone or break into his E-Mail account and discover a rascist remark and take away his team.

It worked for the Clippers.

Unfortunately for you guys and how stupid you believe I am I was a fan a very long time before it was popular in Seattle. I was a fan long before the internet.

I don't care if I am stupid. I am content being stupid and just having the best team in the NFL represent my city.

It appears that the Seahawks are in the midst of establishing themselves as one of the best football teams in history.

If that happens I will die with a stupid grin on my face.

Gah!!! Hand over that crystal ball! :lol:

doesnt take a crystal ball or a genius to see that they are a dynasty in the making.:cuckoo:

Back when Tom Brady came into the league,his first year there you knew he was going to be a great quaterback for the future.You could see that he was a special type of rare player that only comes around once in a blue moon.the kind that makes all his players better around him making them better players than they really are. Montana was like that,so was Elway,Marino and farve as well.

well wilson is one of those rare gems as well that has also has that affect on his players and thats why its easy to see they will be a dynasty. You obviously havent been following the mainstream sports magazines because they all have said the same thing.

Last year I remember Huggy saying the seahawks were going to win the superbowl and so were many of the mainstream sports people like ESPN sports predicting it as well but the thing is, I did not start taking Huggy serious about that till AFTER the summertime last year when i heard them say that as well.Huggy was saying that about them WAYYY before those guys even started saying it.

ask rightwinger if you dont believe me,he remembers.:D you obviously havent followed pete carrol closely like i have ever since he became an NFL coach either.If you had,you would have spotted what a great coach he is like i did in his first stint with the jets.

He got mistreated by the jets organization because even though for the first time in SEVERAL years he had them competing for a playoff spot in the final quarter of the season which was a change since for many years before that they were always already out of it with the season over way before midpoint,even though he had them competing for a playoff spot towards the end of the season for the first time in several years,because they finished with another losing season they fired him.:cuckoo:

I knew at that point back then he was an excellent coach and if an owner ever gave him a chance he would be a great coach someday so ever since then i followed him and his coaching career. same thing happeend to him at New england.He had some winning seasons there and won some playoff games there as well but also got mistreated by the owner there because he got the blame for the fact that Bledsoe was washed up playing on his last two legs costing them many games with his bad play.But instead of doing the fair thing which would have been to fire Bledsoe,he fired carrol instead for Bledsoes incompetence.:cuckoo:

I never thought carrol would succeed there in seattle his first couple years because the greatest coach in the world wouldnt be able to have a winning season with tavarious jackson as their starting quarterback.:lol: carrol realised this and was able to get wilson who was the missing piece to his puzzle.finally for the first time in his NFL career,he FINALLY got a good quarterback to work with.that was ALL he needed.

the very first time i ever saw wilson play was in a preseason game against the chiefs his first season.there are some players out there that you can just tell by how they play,they are a rare gem and are going to be a great player.i told my buddy that night after watching him-this guy is an amazing player,he is going to be a hall of famer.Unless he suffers some major injury like RG3,theres no reason yet to believe i didnt call it correctly back then.:D

I knew right then and there wilson was something need to watch this guy in REAL life play sometime,you would understand why i knew back then,he was going to be a great player.

You also seem ignorant of the fact he has spelled out to you many times that carrol and schneider always have a game plan anticipating months in adavance how to replace players they are going to lose like tate for example.that they have backup plans ready to go. did they suffer the same kind of key multiple defections over the off season that the ravens did? No and thats because they gameplan carefully to prepare for the future.

How many times does this have to be spelled out to you?

you obviously dont watch many seahawks games or follow them much because if you did,you would understand how their general manager john schnieder and pete carrol are the perfect combination for a dynasty.the perfect one two punch and the blueprint for building the dynasty they have.
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They won't.

This will be their best year ever.

AND I predict next season will be even better than 2014.

I feel for you and McGoo....

It must be especially aggravating knowing we as Hawks fans are so stupid and being SOOOoooo... stupid there is no way we deserve to have the best team in the NFL.

Where is the sports justice ???

We wouldn't even have a team if a rich guy hadn't stepped in and prevented the rightfull transfer of the Hawks to Southern California by Ken Behring.

Even MORE unfair is that Carroll..noteably the biggest cheater EVER in the NCAA was hired by the extremely wealthy Hawks owner before that cheater Carroll ever had to answer for his cheating at Southern California. So the conspiracy goes far beyond the mere stupidity of the fans doesn't it. The fans stole the "12th man" idea making the fans not only stupid but criminals too. THEN the rich guy who can't help himself mopping up after the stupid cheating fans BOUGHT the rights to the "12th man".

Is there NO limit to the outrageous illegal activities of the stupid Seahawks fans and the rich guy that keeps promoting them?

I can see why there is so much hate and venom aimed at Seahawk fans.

Why can't a deserving team like the Browns have a benefactor that makes all their football dreams come true?

If the NFL had any sense like the NBA they would illegally tap Paul Allen's phone or break into his E-Mail account and discover a rascist remark and take away his team.

It worked for the Clippers.

Unfortunately for you guys and how stupid you believe I am I was a fan a very long time before it was popular in Seattle. I was a fan long before the internet.

I don't care if I am stupid. I am content being stupid and just having the best team in the NFL represent my city.

It appears that the Seahawks are in the midst of establishing themselves as one of the best football teams in history.

If that happens I will die with a stupid grin on my face.

Gah!!! Hand over that crystal ball! :lol:

doesnt take a crystal ball or a genius to see that they are a dynasty in the making.:cuckoo:

Back when Tom Brady came into the league,his first year there you knew he was going to be a great quaterback for the future.You could see that he was a special type of rare player that only comes around once in a blue moon.the kind that makes all his players better around him making them better players than they really are. Montana was like that,so was Elway,Marino and farve as well.

well wilson is one of those rare gems as well that has also has that affect on his players and thats why its easy to see they will be a dynasty. You obviously havent been following the mainstream sports magazines because they all have said the same thing.

Last year I remember Huggy saying the seahawks were going to win the superbowl and so were many of the mainstream sports people like ESPN sports predicting it as well but the thing is, I did not start taking Huggy serious about that till AFTER the summertime last year when i heard them say that as well.Huggy was saying that about them WAYYY before those guys even started saying it.

ask rightwinger if you dont believe me,he remembers.:D you obviously havent followed pete carrol closely like i have ever since he became an NFL coach either.If you had,you would have spotted what a great coach he is like i did in his first stint with the jets.

He got mistreated by the jets organization because even though for the first time in SEVERAL years he had them competing for a playoff spot in the final quarter of the season which was a change since for many years before that they were always already out of it with the season over way before midpoint,even though he had them competing for a playoff spot towards the end of the season for the first time in several years,because they finished with another losing season they fired him.:cuckoo:

I knew at that point back then he was an excellent coach and if an owner ever gave him a chance he would be a great coach someday so ever since then i followed him and his coaching career. same thing happeend to him at New england.He had some winning seasons there and won some playoff games there as well but also got mistreated by the owner there because he got the blame for the fact that Bledsoe was washed up playing on his last two legs costing them many games with his bad play.But instead of doing the fair thing which would have been to fire Bledsoe,he fired carrol instead for Bledsoes incompetence.:cuckoo:

I never thought carrol would succeed there in seattle his first couple years because the greatest coach in the world wouldnt be able to have a winning season with tavarious jackson as their starting quarterback.:lol: carrol realised this and was able to get wilson who was the missing piece to his puzzle.finally for the first time in his NFL career,he FINALLY got a good quarterback to work with.that was ALL he needed.

the very first time i ever saw wilson play was in a preseason game against the chiefs his first season.there are some players out there that you can just tell by how they play,they are a rare gem and are going to be a great player.i told my buddy that night after watching him-this guy is an amazing player,he is going to be a hall of famer.Unless he suffers some major injury like RG3,theres no reason yet to believe i didnt call it correctly back then.:D

I knew right then and there wilson was something need to watch this guy in REAL life play sometime,you would understand why i knew back then,he was going to be a great player.

You also seem ignorant of the fact he has spelled out to you many times that carrol and schneider always have a game plan anticipating months in adavance how to replace players they are going to lose like tate for example.that they have backup plans ready to go. did they suffer the same kind of key multiple defections over the off season that the ravens did? No and thats because they gameplan carefully to prepare for the future.

How many times does this have to be spelled out to you?

you obviously dont watch many seahawks games or follow them much because if you did,you would understand how their general manager john schnieder and pete carrol are the perfect combination for a dynasty.the perfect one two punch and the blueprint for building the dynasty they have.

Good Lord, when are you going to realize that you can have the BEST players and spend tons of money on them and STILL not win???

You are basically claiming that because you like the players that you can guarantee they are going to win it all? That is just insanity. This :cuckoo: belongs to you. You are completely off your rocker.
You NE fans crack me up.

I predict you will make it to the Super Bowl and you act like somebody left a flaming bag O Dog Shit on your front porch.

Look !!!

The Patriots are still a very good team. Brady managed to hang on through some rough patches and he is smart enough to take every advantage he can with the players he has to work with.

The Patriots only serious challenges will come from Denver, Indy and the Bungles.

Denver has to play the NFC West this season so they will be behind the 8-ball early on.

Indy has been lucky recently beating the Seahawks in a game that was EXTREMELY fortunate for them and a win against the 9ers in SF. SF just had one of those rare bad games and it was Lucky Lucks fortune. Other than those unusually lucky games what has Indy done. Oh ya..they beat Denver.. Well the Hawks showed how easy that job can be.

Cincy? They play in one of the weakest divisions in football. They have one of the softest schedules in football. Their QB is over rated by the Eastern media. Look who they have to compare to..the fiasco of QBs which is the Jets and Eli Manning a veritable interception machine. He should replace Santa Claus for the ammount of freebies he hands out in one evening of football. ALSO one of the luckiest recipients of SB MVPs that has ever donned a helmet. He is NO threat in the NFC any more. My advice to Eli...quit while you still have a reputation worth protecting.

Andy Dalton ?? Nigga pulleeezz !!!

So who's left ?

NE is the obvious choice to escape the AFC with the most wins. You WILL be in this seasons Super Bowl so quit your pathetic bleating that Seattle will be your exacutioner in SB 49.

The East coast media is so biased STILL that it wouldn't surprise me if Seattle blows the Pats out stronger than they did Denver ..

Yet the Eastern media will somehow give Brady the SB 49 MVP.. :lol:

The Least Coast media has a hard on for Wilson.. I'm not crying about it.. They have been supporting flagrant bad officiating and rediculous travel schedules the Hawks have had to deal with for many years.

I have gotten over all the stupid Least Coast media bias a long time ago.

NOW we have a team that totally butchers Least Coast teams right there in public and no recognition.

Last season Seattle came into Jersey and demolished...totally embarrassed NY 23-0 causing the GREAT Eli Manning to give up 5...count em FIVE interceptions.

The stupid NY media got treated to a preview of what was to come in SB 48 and STILL those morons were all surprised that the hawks caused the Broncos to piss down their legs in front of a national...nay an INTERNATIONAL audience.

Now you all want to come on this MB all ignorant-like acting like the road was not already paved with last years posts on how the Hawks would repeat.

So I am not going to even stop at this one measly season. I'm jumping ahead to SB 50 and claiming a stake in the hearts of the Santa Clara fanz with THIS GAURANTEE

Seahawks win in 2016 Super Bowl in newish Santa Clara Levis Stadium.

How painfull will that be for the 9ers fans?

That is all. Well...almost.

The Seahawks are very comfortable in the AZ stadium this SB #49 will be a vacation compared to playing the Cardinals

The 2015 SB is a GIVEN.
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Gah!!! Hand over that crystal ball! :lol:

doesnt take a crystal ball or a genius to see that they are a dynasty in the making.:cuckoo:

Back when Tom Brady came into the league,his first year there you knew he was going to be a great quaterback for the future.You could see that he was a special type of rare player that only comes around once in a blue moon.the kind that makes all his players better around him making them better players than they really are. Montana was like that,so was Elway,Marino and farve as well.

well wilson is one of those rare gems as well that has also has that affect on his players and thats why its easy to see they will be a dynasty. You obviously havent been following the mainstream sports magazines because they all have said the same thing.

Last year I remember Huggy saying the seahawks were going to win the superbowl and so were many of the mainstream sports people like ESPN sports predicting it as well but the thing is, I did not start taking Huggy serious about that till AFTER the summertime last year when i heard them say that as well.Huggy was saying that about them WAYYY before those guys even started saying it.

ask rightwinger if you dont believe me,he remembers.:D you obviously havent followed pete carrol closely like i have ever since he became an NFL coach either.If you had,you would have spotted what a great coach he is like i did in his first stint with the jets.

He got mistreated by the jets organization because even though for the first time in SEVERAL years he had them competing for a playoff spot in the final quarter of the season which was a change since for many years before that they were always already out of it with the season over way before midpoint,even though he had them competing for a playoff spot towards the end of the season for the first time in several years,because they finished with another losing season they fired him.:cuckoo:

I knew at that point back then he was an excellent coach and if an owner ever gave him a chance he would be a great coach someday so ever since then i followed him and his coaching career. same thing happeend to him at New england.He had some winning seasons there and won some playoff games there as well but also got mistreated by the owner there because he got the blame for the fact that Bledsoe was washed up playing on his last two legs costing them many games with his bad play.But instead of doing the fair thing which would have been to fire Bledsoe,he fired carrol instead for Bledsoes incompetence.:cuckoo:

I never thought carrol would succeed there in seattle his first couple years because the greatest coach in the world wouldnt be able to have a winning season with tavarious jackson as their starting quarterback.:lol: carrol realised this and was able to get wilson who was the missing piece to his puzzle.finally for the first time in his NFL career,he FINALLY got a good quarterback to work with.that was ALL he needed.

the very first time i ever saw wilson play was in a preseason game against the chiefs his first season.there are some players out there that you can just tell by how they play,they are a rare gem and are going to be a great player.i told my buddy that night after watching him-this guy is an amazing player,he is going to be a hall of famer.Unless he suffers some major injury like RG3,theres no reason yet to believe i didnt call it correctly back then.:D

I knew right then and there wilson was something need to watch this guy in REAL life play sometime,you would understand why i knew back then,he was going to be a great player.

You also seem ignorant of the fact he has spelled out to you many times that carrol and schneider always have a game plan anticipating months in adavance how to replace players they are going to lose like tate for example.that they have backup plans ready to go. did they suffer the same kind of key multiple defections over the off season that the ravens did? No and thats because they gameplan carefully to prepare for the future.

How many times does this have to be spelled out to you?

you obviously dont watch many seahawks games or follow them much because if you did,you would understand how their general manager john schnieder and pete carrol are the perfect combination for a dynasty.the perfect one two punch and the blueprint for building the dynasty they have.

Good Lord, when are you going to realize that you can have the BEST players and spend tons of money on them and STILL not win???

You are basically claiming that because you like the players that you can guarantee they are going to win it all? That is just insanity. This :cuckoo: belongs to you. You are completely off your rocker.

You REALLY don't know a thing about the Hawks and the Carroll/Schneider system do you?

Yes Seattle REALLY does have the best players...stop believing all that nonsense about Seattle's "pedestrian" recievers and average team.

Go look at the numbers generated by the Seahawk defense. Check out Wilson's rookie year stats and his improvement thruout his second year. This is from a team that runs first. Wilson had better first two year performance than ANY QB in history. That isn't MY wild eyed is FACT. Ya...I did suggest many times that Wilson would break records ...and he did. I was told BUT HUGGY... "the NFL will have a book on Wilson in year two"... and so they did and so he just kept improving.

Go look at the average field position the Seahawks get on punts and returns. Seahawks Special teams ARE really special. One of the most dependable FG kickers in the NFL of the most accurate punters in the NFL. Almost set the record for lowest returns in NFL History.

Remember the KO return in the opening play of the second half of SB 48?

Percy Harvin for a TD.. GAME OVER !!!

AND the defense... fuggeddaboudit. They held the most prolific scoring and yardage machine in NFL history to zero points until the very last play of the third qtr in SB 48.

AND NOW you are all in amazement how I have confidense in the Seahawks chances?

CHRIST SAKES ON A CRACKER !!!! Do you know ANYTHING about football ????
doesnt take a crystal ball or a genius to see that they are a dynasty in the making.:cuckoo:

Back when Tom Brady came into the league,his first year there you knew he was going to be a great quaterback for the future.You could see that he was a special type of rare player that only comes around once in a blue moon.the kind that makes all his players better around him making them better players than they really are. Montana was like that,so was Elway,Marino and farve as well.

well wilson is one of those rare gems as well that has also has that affect on his players and thats why its easy to see they will be a dynasty. You obviously havent been following the mainstream sports magazines because they all have said the same thing.

Last year I remember Huggy saying the seahawks were going to win the superbowl and so were many of the mainstream sports people like ESPN sports predicting it as well but the thing is, I did not start taking Huggy serious about that till AFTER the summertime last year when i heard them say that as well.Huggy was saying that about them WAYYY before those guys even started saying it.

ask rightwinger if you dont believe me,he remembers.:D you obviously havent followed pete carrol closely like i have ever since he became an NFL coach either.If you had,you would have spotted what a great coach he is like i did in his first stint with the jets.

He got mistreated by the jets organization because even though for the first time in SEVERAL years he had them competing for a playoff spot in the final quarter of the season which was a change since for many years before that they were always already out of it with the season over way before midpoint,even though he had them competing for a playoff spot towards the end of the season for the first time in several years,because they finished with another losing season they fired him.:cuckoo:

I knew at that point back then he was an excellent coach and if an owner ever gave him a chance he would be a great coach someday so ever since then i followed him and his coaching career. same thing happeend to him at New england.He had some winning seasons there and won some playoff games there as well but also got mistreated by the owner there because he got the blame for the fact that Bledsoe was washed up playing on his last two legs costing them many games with his bad play.But instead of doing the fair thing which would have been to fire Bledsoe,he fired carrol instead for Bledsoes incompetence.:cuckoo:

I never thought carrol would succeed there in seattle his first couple years because the greatest coach in the world wouldnt be able to have a winning season with tavarious jackson as their starting quarterback.:lol: carrol realised this and was able to get wilson who was the missing piece to his puzzle.finally for the first time in his NFL career,he FINALLY got a good quarterback to work with.that was ALL he needed.

the very first time i ever saw wilson play was in a preseason game against the chiefs his first season.there are some players out there that you can just tell by how they play,they are a rare gem and are going to be a great player.i told my buddy that night after watching him-this guy is an amazing player,he is going to be a hall of famer.Unless he suffers some major injury like RG3,theres no reason yet to believe i didnt call it correctly back then.:D

I knew right then and there wilson was something need to watch this guy in REAL life play sometime,you would understand why i knew back then,he was going to be a great player.

You also seem ignorant of the fact he has spelled out to you many times that carrol and schneider always have a game plan anticipating months in adavance how to replace players they are going to lose like tate for example.that they have backup plans ready to go. did they suffer the same kind of key multiple defections over the off season that the ravens did? No and thats because they gameplan carefully to prepare for the future.

How many times does this have to be spelled out to you?

you obviously dont watch many seahawks games or follow them much because if you did,you would understand how their general manager john schnieder and pete carrol are the perfect combination for a dynasty.the perfect one two punch and the blueprint for building the dynasty they have.

Good Lord, when are you going to realize that you can have the BEST players and spend tons of money on them and STILL not win???

You are basically claiming that because you like the players that you can guarantee they are going to win it all? That is just insanity. This :cuckoo: belongs to you. You are completely off your rocker.

You REALLY don't know a thing about the Hawks and the Carroll/Schneider system do you?

Yes Seattle REALLY does have the best players...stop believing all that nonsense about Seattle's "pedestrian" recievers and average team.

Go look at the numbers generated by the Seahawk defense. Check out Wilson's rookie year stats and his improvement thruout his second year. This is from a team that runs first. Wilson had better first two year performance than ANY QB in history. That isn't MY wild eyed is FACT. Ya...I did suggest many times that Wilson would break records ...and he did. I was told BUT HUGGY... "the NFL will have a book on Wilson in year two"... and so they did and so he just kept improving.

Go look at the average field position the Seahawks get on punts and returns. Seahawks Special teams ARE really special. One of the most dependable FG kickers in the NFL of the most accurate punters in the NFL. Almost set the record for lowest returns in NFL History.

Remember the KO return in the opening play of the second half of SB 48?

Percy Harvin for a TD.. GAME OVER !!!

AND the defense... fuggeddaboudit. They held the most prolific scoring and yardage machine in NFL history to zero points until the very last play of the third qtr in SB 48.

AND NOW you are all in amazement how I have confidense in the Seahawks chances?

CHRIST SAKES ON A CRACKER !!!! Do you know ANYTHING about football ????

Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.
Good Lord, when are you going to realize that you can have the BEST players and spend tons of money on them and STILL not win???

You are basically claiming that because you like the players that you can guarantee they are going to win it all? That is just insanity. This :cuckoo: belongs to you. You are completely off your rocker.

You REALLY don't know a thing about the Hawks and the Carroll/Schneider system do you?

Yes Seattle REALLY does have the best players...stop believing all that nonsense about Seattle's "pedestrian" recievers and average team.

Go look at the numbers generated by the Seahawk defense. Check out Wilson's rookie year stats and his improvement thruout his second year. This is from a team that runs first. Wilson had better first two year performance than ANY QB in history. That isn't MY wild eyed is FACT. Ya...I did suggest many times that Wilson would break records ...and he did. I was told BUT HUGGY... "the NFL will have a book on Wilson in year two"... and so they did and so he just kept improving.

Go look at the average field position the Seahawks get on punts and returns. Seahawks Special teams ARE really special. One of the most dependable FG kickers in the NFL of the most accurate punters in the NFL. Almost set the record for lowest returns in NFL History.

Remember the KO return in the opening play of the second half of SB 48?

Percy Harvin for a TD.. GAME OVER !!!

AND the defense... fuggeddaboudit. They held the most prolific scoring and yardage machine in NFL history to zero points until the very last play of the third qtr in SB 48.

AND NOW you are all in amazement how I have confidense in the Seahawks chances?

CHRIST SAKES ON A CRACKER !!!! Do you know ANYTHING about football ????

Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.

Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?
You REALLY don't know a thing about the Hawks and the Carroll/Schneider system do you?

Yes Seattle REALLY does have the best players...stop believing all that nonsense about Seattle's "pedestrian" recievers and average team.

Go look at the numbers generated by the Seahawk defense. Check out Wilson's rookie year stats and his improvement thruout his second year. This is from a team that runs first. Wilson had better first two year performance than ANY QB in history. That isn't MY wild eyed is FACT. Ya...I did suggest many times that Wilson would break records ...and he did. I was told BUT HUGGY... "the NFL will have a book on Wilson in year two"... and so they did and so he just kept improving.

Go look at the average field position the Seahawks get on punts and returns. Seahawks Special teams ARE really special. One of the most dependable FG kickers in the NFL of the most accurate punters in the NFL. Almost set the record for lowest returns in NFL History.

Remember the KO return in the opening play of the second half of SB 48?

Percy Harvin for a TD.. GAME OVER !!!

AND the defense... fuggeddaboudit. They held the most prolific scoring and yardage machine in NFL history to zero points until the very last play of the third qtr in SB 48.

AND NOW you are all in amazement how I have confidense in the Seahawks chances?

CHRIST SAKES ON A CRACKER !!!! Do you know ANYTHING about football ????

Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.

Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

ALL the teams are preparing!! WTH? Do you think some teams are NOT preparing to win? Good God.

Nope, I still say that is nothing but sheer arrogance. :D As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if I've ever SEEN someone behave in such a manner about their team. It is almost shameful actually.
Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.

Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

ALL the teams are preparing!! WTH? Do you think some teams are NOT preparing to win? Good God.

Nope, I still say that is nothing but sheer arrogance. :D As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if I've ever SEEN someone behave in such a manner about their team. It is almost shameful actually.

I see your point. In a way... What you gloss over as "They all prepare" denies the truth that some coaches and GMs are more talented than others.

Not all systems and team plans are the same. In fact contrarily they are all different. The NFL and some affiliations give out awards based on perceived differences for coaches and general managers.

Carroll and Schneider have been snubbed by these awards recently which only displays the true arrogance you keep bringing up.

The Lombardi is the only real true award that proves who put together and directed the most talented path to success in the NFL.

Calling my recognition of the excellence the Seahawks have displayed and the reasons why it will continue is cetainly not a personal failing. Just because you wish it were not true does not make it so.

Ya I play around with my posts and goof with it but that is only because I am having fun with the reality that the Seahawks have put together a formula for success that is proven.

True it is only one Lombardi in a row.. :lol:

The pitfalls that most SB winners have had to deal with has not occured with the Seahawks. This team is set for success for at least two more years.

That is a fact whether I am a goofball or not.

It is even less a threat after the Hawks win it all THIS season. The attrition that usually affects a SB winner starts on the first winning season and is compounded during the second season as the players "see the writing on the wall" and the money offered during free agency is just too hard to ignore. The Hawks have done something very unusual and prepared for this moment like no other team has.

Like 9/11 said Carroll just needed that one big key element to fall into place which was Russell Wilson coming along later in the draft. His placement at the 76th position gauranteed the Hawks a special QB..a FRANCHISE QB for an annual half a million compared to say an RGIII or a Luck taken at the cost of several high picks and 10's of millions of dollars over several years while the Hawks could invest around 30 million over the three years of Schneider's plan to mature. What the Hawks did was not pocket the profit like most owners would have. They signed the right superstars on the team to long term contracts and let the players they could replace from within go and get all they could get in free agency. They chose wisely. They weathered the storm of injuries last season and now they have 2nds and 3rds that are more talented and experienced than most teams number ones.

Getting back to Wilson ... He knows that he will be taken care of after this season. He understands that paying him the 3rd round minimum for three years was the smartest thing he could do as the management kept their word and reinvested the savings back into the elements that insure Wilson will have weapons on offense and the defense to keep every game within reach. Aquiring Lynch and Harvin was pure genius. Turning the O-Line from one riddled by injury to one very deep with talent and experience by going a harder path with patience and not spending money foolishly upsetting the overall plan.

Gotta go ...dogs freaking out..

More later..
You NE fans crack me up.

I predict you will make it to the Super Bowl and you act like somebody left a flaming bag O Dog Shit on your front porch.

Look !!!

The Patriots are still a very good team. Brady managed to hang on through some rough patches and he is smart enough to take every advantage he can with the players he has to work with.

The Patriots only serious challenges will come from Denver, Indy and the Bungles.

Denver has to play the NFC West this season so they will be behind the 8-ball early on.

Indy has been lucky recently beating the Seahawks in a game that was EXTREMELY fortunate for them and a win against the 9ers in SF. SF just had one of those rare bad games and it was Lucky Lucks fortune. Other than those unusually lucky games what has Indy done. Oh ya..they beat Denver.. Well the Hawks showed how easy that job can be.

Cincy? They play in one of the weakest divisions in football. They have one of the softest schedules in football. Their QB is over rated by the Eastern media. Look who they have to compare to..the fiasco of QBs which is the Jets and Eli Manning a veritable interception machine. He should replace Santa Claus for the ammount of freebies he hands out in one evening of football. ALSO one of the luckiest recipients of SB MVPs that has ever donned a helmet. He is NO threat in the NFC any more. My advice to Eli...quit while you still have a reputation worth protecting.

Andy Dalton ?? Nigga pulleeezz !!!

So who's left ?

NE is the obvious choice to escape the AFC with the most wins. You WILL be in this seasons Super Bowl so quit your pathetic bleating that Seattle will be your exacutioner in SB 49.

The East coast media is so biased STILL that it wouldn't surprise me if Seattle blows the Pats out stronger than they did Denver ..

Yet the Eastern media will somehow give Brady the SB 49 MVP.. :lol:

The Least Coast media has a hard on for Wilson.. I'm not crying about it.. They have been supporting flagrant bad officiating and rediculous travel schedules the Hawks have had to deal with for many years.

I have gotten over all the stupid Least Coast media bias a long time ago.

NOW we have a team that totally butchers Least Coast teams right there in public and no recognition.

Last season Seattle came into Jersey and demolished...totally embarrassed NY 23-0 causing the GREAT Eli Manning to give up 5...count em FIVE interceptions.

The stupid NY media got treated to a preview of what was to come in SB 48 and STILL those morons were all surprised that the hawks caused the Broncos to piss down their legs in front of a national...nay an INTERNATIONAL audience.

Now you all want to come on this MB all ignorant-like acting like the road was not already paved with last years posts on how the Hawks would repeat.

So I am not going to even stop at this one measly season. I'm jumping ahead to SB 50 and claiming a stake in the hearts of the Santa Clara fanz with THIS GAURANTEE

Seahawks win in 2016 Super Bowl in newish Santa Clara Levis Stadium.

How painfull will that be for the 9ers fans?

That is all. Well...almost.

The Seahawks are very comfortable in the AZ stadium this SB #49 will be a vacation compared to playing the Cardinals

The 2015 SB is a GIVEN.

amen to that.:udaman: I end up repeating the same thing all the time since it constantly gets ignored that the pats fans are just as much in denial about how they dont match up well with the hawks just like donkey fans were last year:cuckoo: they are so much in denial that the hawks are going to be a dynasty for years to come to be reckoned with.

They must be denying that reality because the truth hurts them that the coach of the pats is someone their owner fired and he has created a team far superiour than their team is.thats it obviously why they live so much in denial about it.:D:lol::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

thats why they are not objective at all and why its butthurt for them just like it was for donkey fans back then to admit they didnt have a prayer against the Hawks.:lol: same thing happening all over again.they never learn.:D:lol::rofl::lmao:

Its obvious what you said is true about the donkeys,colts and bungles being the only teams in the weak AFC that can pose any kind of challenge for them.I agree with all of that except for the bungels.because the AFC is so weak and everybody in their conference is worse than they are,thats the only reason they will win the division again but just like last year,they will be one and done in their first playoff game because dalton gets scared and goes into meltdown mode worse than Manning does.

Manning only does when he is on the road where with dalton,it doesnt matter if the playoff games are at home,he STILL goes into meltdown panick mode so they wont be no challenge either.:D also the colts may not even be a serious challenge to them either.this is a team that gave up like 30 points plus in the first half to the kansas city CLOWNS!!!! how bad can you get? they dont have a defense at all.:D

and unless UNLUCKY in the playoffs doest go into meltdown mode as he did in the playoffs last year,i dont see the colts being a challenge for them either.Now if he has finally learned to stay poised in the playoffs and reverses that trend this year,different story.otherwise the donkeys are still their ONLY challenge to them in the AFC and like you said.they will have to play the NFC west thsi year so they wont have home fieild advantage against them this time having to travel up there to play them and the home team always wins the matchups betwen Brady and Manning.

so the pat fans in denial will just have to learn the hard way this year same as donkey fans did last year who actually thought their team had a prayer against them.:D:lol::rofl::lmao:
You REALLY don't know a thing about the Hawks and the Carroll/Schneider system do you?

Yes Seattle REALLY does have the best players...stop believing all that nonsense about Seattle's "pedestrian" recievers and average team.

Go look at the numbers generated by the Seahawk defense. Check out Wilson's rookie year stats and his improvement thruout his second year. This is from a team that runs first. Wilson had better first two year performance than ANY QB in history. That isn't MY wild eyed is FACT. Ya...I did suggest many times that Wilson would break records ...and he did. I was told BUT HUGGY... "the NFL will have a book on Wilson in year two"... and so they did and so he just kept improving.

Go look at the average field position the Seahawks get on punts and returns. Seahawks Special teams ARE really special. One of the most dependable FG kickers in the NFL of the most accurate punters in the NFL. Almost set the record for lowest returns in NFL History.

Remember the KO return in the opening play of the second half of SB 48?

Percy Harvin for a TD.. GAME OVER !!!

AND the defense... fuggeddaboudit. They held the most prolific scoring and yardage machine in NFL history to zero points until the very last play of the third qtr in SB 48.

AND NOW you are all in amazement how I have confidense in the Seahawks chances?

CHRIST SAKES ON A CRACKER !!!! Do you know ANYTHING about football ????

Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.

Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

Love how they call you arrogant when all your doing is unlike them,being objective and logical not ignoring facts like the AFC is an extremely weak conference with the donkeys,colts,and bungels being their only serious challenge to them in that conference which is why they will easily win the division.:D:lol::lol:

somehow they think you were being arrogant last year as well instead of realistic and objective pointing out how the donkeys hadnt faced a defense anything physical like the hawks all year long so like any logical person would,you knew they would win.:D somehow thats being arrogant instead of confidant and logical according to their warped logic they have.comedy gold.:D:lol::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Last edited:
Do you know that none of those things guarantees a Super Bowl win? Good Lord, how arrogant.

Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

Love how they call you arrogant when all your doing is unlike them,being objective and logical not ignoring facts like the AFC is an extremely weak conference with the donkeys,colts,and bungels being their only serious challenge to them in that conference which is why they will easily win the division.:D:lol::lol:

somehow they think you were being arrogant last year as well instead of realistic and objective pointing out how the donkeys hadnt faced a defense anything physical like the hawks all year long so like any logical person would,you knew they would win.:D somehow thats being arrogant instead of confidant and logical according to their warped logic they have.comedy gold.:D:lol::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

A lot of what these Least Coasters believe in is old historic performances of teams.

To be logical one must look at the Seahawks as if Pete Carroll and John Schneider's hiring might as well be day one of the teams history.

What happened before that doesn't make a bit of hoo haa on the track of building this current team.

You can tell a football fan is an idiot when he/she claims stats older than 4-5 years.

The only valid comparisons older than that are like what did an older veteran QB like Pedro Manning or Ricky Brady do in his rookie and soph seasons compared to what a more modern class QB has done recently in his first two seasons.
Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

Love how they call you arrogant when all your doing is unlike them,being objective and logical not ignoring facts like the AFC is an extremely weak conference with the donkeys,colts,and bungels being their only serious challenge to them in that conference which is why they will easily win the division.:D:lol::lol:

somehow they think you were being arrogant last year as well instead of realistic and objective pointing out how the donkeys hadnt faced a defense anything physical like the hawks all year long so like any logical person would,you knew they would win.:D somehow thats being arrogant instead of confidant and logical according to their warped logic they have.comedy gold.:D:lol::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

A lot of what these Least Coasters believe in is old historic performances of teams.

To be logical one must look at the Seahawks as if Pete Carroll and John Schneider's hiring might as well be day one of the teams history.

What happened before that doesn't make a bit of hoo haa on the track of building this current team.

You can tell a football fan is an idiot when he/she claims stats older than 4-5 years.

The only valid comparisons older than that are like what did an older veteran QB like Pedro Manning or Ricky Brady do in his rookie and soph seasons compared to what a more modern class QB has done recently in his first two seasons.

Well, for one thing, I haven't mentioned any stats, so you mustn't be talking about me. Lol! Secondly, like you've been told numerous times now, none of that matters when it comes to the Super Bowl. Anything can happen. You cannot possibly say that the Seahawks are going to win it all. :lol: You are going to look SO foolish come football season I hope. When it happens, I'm going to be here to rub it in too! :D THAT is going to be very enjoyable I must say, given what an arrogant . . . . you are.
Arrogant.. ??? Confident.. ??? Realistic... ???

The Hawks probably won't win every game.

Feel better.. ???

Carroll has proven a genius at winning games he has extra time to prepare for.

The regular season is a grind with little opportunity to prep for the injuries and other pitfalls every team must endure.

If the Hawks get HFA they will have the upper hand in prep time in the playoffs and a couple of weeks to get ready for the Patriots.

Weather will be no factor in AZ. Seattle is and will be a far superior team to NE. That isn't just my is a fact.

I apologise for supporting a better team than the one you root as much as THAT reality hurts your feelings. It was handed to a long time supporter on a silver platter. Why should I deny the truth?

ALL the teams are preparing!! WTH? Do you think some teams are NOT preparing to win? Good God.

Nope, I still say that is nothing but sheer arrogance. :D As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if I've ever SEEN someone behave in such a manner about their team. It is almost shameful actually.

I see your point. In a way... What you gloss over as "They all prepare" denies the truth that some coaches and GMs are more talented than others.

Not all systems and team plans are the same. In fact contrarily they are all different. The NFL and some affiliations give out awards based on perceived differences for coaches and general managers.

Carroll and Schneider have been snubbed by these awards recently which only displays the true arrogance you keep bringing up.

The Lombardi is the only real true award that proves who put together and directed the most talented path to success in the NFL.

Calling my recognition of the excellence the Seahawks have displayed and the reasons why it will continue is cetainly not a personal failing. Just because you wish it were not true does not make it so.

Ya I play around with my posts and goof with it but that is only because I am having fun with the reality that the Seahawks have put together a formula for success that is proven.

True it is only one Lombardi in a row.. :lol:

The pitfalls that most SB winners have had to deal with has not occured with the Seahawks. This team is set for success for at least two more years.

That is a fact whether I am a goofball or not.

It is even less a threat after the Hawks win it all THIS season. The attrition that usually affects a SB winner starts on the first winning season and is compounded during the second season as the players "see the writing on the wall" and the money offered during free agency is just too hard to ignore. The Hawks have done something very unusual and prepared for this moment like no other team has.

Like 9/11 said Carroll just needed that one big key element to fall into place which was Russell Wilson coming along later in the draft. His placement at the 76th position gauranteed the Hawks a special QB..a FRANCHISE QB for an annual half a million compared to say an RGIII or a Luck taken at the cost of several high picks and 10's of millions of dollars over several years while the Hawks could invest around 30 million over the three years of Schneider's plan to mature. What the Hawks did was not pocket the profit like most owners would have. They signed the right superstars on the team to long term contracts and let the players they could replace from within go and get all they could get in free agency. They chose wisely. They weathered the storm of injuries last season and now they have 2nds and 3rds that are more talented and experienced than most teams number ones.

Getting back to Wilson ... He knows that he will be taken care of after this season. He understands that paying him the 3rd round minimum for three years was the smartest thing he could do as the management kept their word and reinvested the savings back into the elements that insure Wilson will have weapons on offense and the defense to keep every game within reach. Aquiring Lynch and Harvin was pure genius. Turning the O-Line from one riddled by injury to one very deep with talent and experience by going a harder path with patience and not spending money foolishly upsetting the overall plan.

Gotta go ...dogs freaking out..

More later..

All I have to say is :lol: Someone should do a caricature of you (crazy loon football fan) on Youtube or something!
Love how they call you arrogant when all your doing is unlike them,being objective and logical not ignoring facts like the AFC is an extremely weak conference with the donkeys,colts,and bungels being their only serious challenge to them in that conference which is why they will easily win the division.:D:lol::lol:

somehow they think you were being arrogant last year as well instead of realistic and objective pointing out how the donkeys hadnt faced a defense anything physical like the hawks all year long so like any logical person would,you knew they would win.:D somehow thats being arrogant instead of confidant and logical according to their warped logic they have.comedy gold.:D:lol::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

A lot of what these Least Coasters believe in is old historic performances of teams.

To be logical one must look at the Seahawks as if Pete Carroll and John Schneider's hiring might as well be day one of the teams history.

What happened before that doesn't make a bit of hoo haa on the track of building this current team.

You can tell a football fan is an idiot when he/she claims stats older than 4-5 years.

The only valid comparisons older than that are like what did an older veteran QB like Pedro Manning or Ricky Brady do in his rookie and soph seasons compared to what a more modern class QB has done recently in his first two seasons.

Well, for one thing, I haven't mentioned any stats, so you mustn't be talking about me. Lol! Secondly, like you've been told numerous times now, none of that matters when it comes to the Super Bowl. Anything can happen. You cannot possibly say that the Seahawks are going to win it all. :lol: You are going to look SO foolish come football season I hope. When it happens, I'm going to be here to rub it in too! :D THAT is going to be very enjoyable I must say, given what an arrogant . . . . you are.

From: ". . . ."

To: ChrisL

You are 100% correct and 100% incorrect all at the same time.

I was responding to 9/11.

You were not among those that have used old history as a basis for your argument that anything can happen in a SB game...that I am aware of.

It is early in the season. Many others will come on board to this obscure sports site.

They(admins) were considering dropping the sports forum a couple of years ago to save space.

I and a few others started giving more attention to posting here and coincidentally the Seahawks started doing better than expected by many and Russell Wilson came on to the scene so I brought my special brand of fan support here rather than in the usual places which are too PC for my tastes. Here you can say just about anything you want without a heavy handed mod squad looking down your throat.

I chose this as my venue to support the Seahawks because what you or I say has to be valid or it won't fly. Most other sports sites and especially the teams sites are lame bully moderated pussy homers. Almost every other sports forum has rules against insulting the regulars by outsiders. Here you can call somebody an asshole and don't have to resort to chickenshit "....'s".

SOOoooo... Stick around. When the season gets going there is plenty of interest and the insults start flying and it's a hoot.

I know it seems like the Seahawks are over represented here but many teams fans come to speak their truth. As soon as the season gets rolling there will be plenty of posts representing just about every team in the NFL.

Many will find my posts over the top "homer" slop. I am just one of many that support the Hawks. The main difference is that I have supported them from day one. Now that they are SB Champs there are many that want to try to tear them down. There are many that just want to support their home team. There are many that just want to trade insults.

It's all good...

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