My Medications


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Ziprasidone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Citalopram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


According to EOTS mental health drugs don't work and are counter productive.

It took ten years to find this mix ( and Geodon was damn new when I started it) and comparing my condition to before I took it and now is like seeing night and day.

I take these meds for recurring major Depression, continuous low grade depression, delusional paranoia persecutory, Suicidal thoughts, and paranoia personality disorder.

Before we found this mix I had real bad days, days I couldn't get up cause if I did I would likely hurt myself. Daily, hourly thoughts of suicide barely controlled, major depression.

After taking this mix I went from hourly thoughts of suicide I could barely control to background thoughts of suicide easily ignored. My depression still comes and goes in bouts but even when low I am higher then ever before. This is a bad time of year for me but I still function and don't sleep all day. Not as interested in things due to the depre4ssion but it is manageable.

Geodon also appears to have turned off a voice in my head. I always just thought it was me thinking to myself, bad thoughts bad comments generally running me down. After a couple days of Geodon that went completely away.

From 1994 December to April 2004 I tried all kind of medication. Anti depressants and occasionally anti psychotics. Nothing really worked, the anti depressants would sorta help for a couple months then I would have a major episode and they were useless.

I did not like the anti psychotics because they were very unforgiving if you missed a dose and generally made me feel uncomfortable.

The only side effect I have with Geodon is I am now hooked on it and if I don't take it I can not sleep. Celexa if I don't take it when it leaves my system I get shock like attacks to my brain. Both can be removed with a gradual withdrawal from the meds.

If you have clinical depression or other mental health issues talk to a doctor. Medication may be needed but not always. And it works. They just have to find the one that helps you.
This can be a hard time of year for a lot of people. The season is supposed to be festive and happy. And when a person is neither happy or festive they can get more depressed thinking they should be.

Not to mention the stress of shopping and decorations and presents for all.

I had my final breakdown in early December. For 38 years I held it together and then suddenly I couldn't do it anymore. I still don't understand why I can't just go back to before the break and ignore these problems.

I also wasn't the best patient. I do not like taking medication. And so for years I would stop taking the stuff as soon as I perceived it wasn't working. Or the better one, is you feel better so you stop, not remembering or realizing the reason you feel better IS the medication.

I have not stopped taking Geodon. Well I did for a couple months once. But generally since 2004 I have taken my meds and other then thinking sometimes I don't need them anymore ( the I am better thoughts) I have taken them.

I take max dose of Geodon and 40 MGs of celexa.

One of the things they tried on me when we were still testing for tghe right stuff was electro shock treatments. You lose all short term memory around those treatments so I lost 3 months. The Doctors said it didn't help. At the time not being able to remember the time after the shock I was happy not to remember being suicidal and depressed. LOL but I assume I still was since they said it did not work.

Not working helps too, when I worked I had frequent hospital stays, 2 or 3 a year. And then after I got out I was like a zombie for about a month. The people I worked for were great. They never hassled me about my hospital stays and let me work in the after time, I was a stocker in a Wharehouse and then a presser in a dry cleaners. Both places bent over backwards for me. Coming out of the Hospital I was slow as crap.
Ziprasidone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Citalopram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


According to EOTS mental health drugs don't work and are counter productive.

It took ten years to find this mix ( and Geodon was damn new when I started it) and comparing my condition to before I took it and now is like seeing night and day.

I take these meds for recurring major Depression, continuous low grade depression, delusional paranoia persecutory, Suicidal thoughts, and paranoia personality disorder.

Before we found this mix I had real bad days, days I couldn't get up cause if I did I would likely hurt myself. Daily, hourly thoughts of suicide barely controlled, major depression.

After taking this mix I went from hourly thoughts of suicide I could barely control to background thoughts of suicide easily ignored. My depression still comes and goes in bouts but even when low I am higher then ever before. This is a bad time of year for me but I still function and don't sleep all day. Not as interested in things due to the depre4ssion but it is manageable.

Geodon also appears to have turned off a voice in my head. I always just thought it was me thinking to myself, bad thoughts bad comments generally running me down. After a couple days of Geodon that went completely away.

From 1994 December to April 2004 I tried all kind of medication. Anti depressants and occasionally anti psychotics. Nothing really worked, the anti depressants would sorta help for a couple months then I would have a major episode and they were useless.

I did not like the anti psychotics because they were very unforgiving if you missed a dose and generally made me feel uncomfortable.

The only side effect I have with Geodon is I am now hooked on it and if I don't take it I can not sleep. Celexa if I don't take it when it leaves my system I get shock like attacks to my brain. Both can be removed with a gradual withdrawal from the meds.

If you have clinical depression or other mental health issues talk to a doctor. Medication may be needed but not always. And it works. They just have to find the one that helps you.

I am happy you found the right mix.
But God forbid it is not available - did you ever try ECTs?
One of the things they tried on me when we were still testing for tghe right stuff was electro shock treatments. You lose all short term memory around those treatments so I lost 3 months. The Doctors said it didn't help. At the time not being able to remember the time after the shock I was happy not to remember being suicidal and depressed. LOL but I assume I still was since they said it did not work.


It was not the right psychiatrist.
There are methods when short term memory is not lost and it works very well.
If you ever need help - contact me. You can now - I will give you the name of the psychiatrist who has the perfect results with ECTs.
I have seen basically miraculous changes.
There is also one caveat - the formula has to be worked out with anesthesiologist involved.
hmmm i am not a supporter of the ect....i am layperson ...but watched a good friend go thru did not help her....her recovery was long and hard....only made harder by the ect's

again i am simply a layperson
and you are right this is an exceptionally hard time of year for many people or most people.....all the happiness is just stomach turning when you are not so happy...

“There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy.” dante

and the spending is just outta control....

i am glad you are doing well and i hope it continues for you
This can be a hard time of year for a lot of people. The season is supposed to be festive and happy. And when a person is neither happy or festive they can get more depressed thinking they should be.

Not to mention the stress of shopping and decorations and presents for all.

I had my final breakdown in early December. For 38 years I held it together and then suddenly I couldn't do it anymore. I still don't understand why I can't just go back to before the break and ignore these problems.

I also wasn't the best patient. I do not like taking medication. And so for years I would stop taking the stuff as soon as I perceived it wasn't working. Or the better one, is you feel better so you stop, not remembering or realizing the reason you feel better IS the medication.

I have not stopped taking Geodon. Well I did for a couple months once. But generally since 2004 I have taken my meds and other then thinking sometimes I don't need them anymore ( the I am better thoughts) I have taken them.

I take max dose of Geodon and 40 MGs of celexa.

One of the things they tried on me when we were still testing for tghe right stuff was electro shock treatments. You lose all short term memory around those treatments so I lost 3 months. The Doctors said it didn't help. At the time not being able to remember the time after the shock I was happy not to remember being suicidal and depressed. LOL but I assume I still was since they said it did not work.

Not working helps too, when I worked I had frequent hospital stays, 2 or 3 a year. And then after I got out I was like a zombie for about a month. The people I worked for were great. They never hassled me about my hospital stays and let me work in the after time, I was a stocker in a Wharehouse and then a presser in a dry cleaners. Both places bent over backwards for me. Coming out of the Hospital I was slow as crap.

I'm glad things are going better for you.

As a relatively menial matter, how do you manage to pay for the health care costs and medication? Are you able to work?
This can be a hard time of year for a lot of people. The season is supposed to be festive and happy. And when a person is neither happy or festive they can get more depressed thinking they should be.

Not to mention the stress of shopping and decorations and presents for all.

I had my final breakdown in early December. For 38 years I held it together and then suddenly I couldn't do it anymore. I still don't understand why I can't just go back to before the break and ignore these problems.

I also wasn't the best patient. I do not like taking medication. And so for years I would stop taking the stuff as soon as I perceived it wasn't working. Or the better one, is you feel better so you stop, not remembering or realizing the reason you feel better IS the medication.

I have not stopped taking Geodon. Well I did for a couple months once. But generally since 2004 I have taken my meds and other then thinking sometimes I don't need them anymore ( the I am better thoughts) I have taken them.

I take max dose of Geodon and 40 MGs of celexa.

One of the things they tried on me when we were still testing for tghe right stuff was electro shock treatments. You lose all short term memory around those treatments so I lost 3 months. The Doctors said it didn't help. At the time not being able to remember the time after the shock I was happy not to remember being suicidal and depressed. LOL but I assume I still was since they said it did not work.

Not working helps too, when I worked I had frequent hospital stays, 2 or 3 a year. And then after I got out I was like a zombie for about a month. The people I worked for were great. They never hassled me about my hospital stays and let me work in the after time, I was a stocker in a Wharehouse and then a presser in a dry cleaners. Both places bent over backwards for me. Coming out of the Hospital I was slow as crap.

I'm glad things are going better for you.

As a relatively menial matter, how do you manage to pay for the health care costs and medication? Are you able to work?

I have Tricare from the military and medicare due to my disability. I receive disability payment from Social Security and VA. Haven't worked since September 1999. If I were to work I would lose my SS and medicare. Also I am paid at the 100 percent rate by VA so if I worked they would only pay me at the 70 percent rate.

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