"My head hangs bloody but unbowed"....

There's no doubt that its gonna be bad for most Americans and it shows that there really is a strong fascist element in the US. My sincere hope is that the bedrock of the US will survive so we can rebuild after its over.

Stop using the word fascist to label people you disagree with politically.

No one is trying to shut up Progressives, or convict them for political disagreements.

That is coming from the left side of the aisle these days.
I agree. Same goes for the Rep that refer to all Dems as socialists... right?

Actually referring to them as Communists is more applicable.

Dems almost had an actual socialist as their candidate, that name sticks no matter how much they try to wash it off.
Sanders is not an actual socialist, he is a democratic socialist which supports government programs within a capitalistic system. Real socialism has no capitalism, all programs and wealth distribution is controlled by the government. If you support Medicare, the military, public schools, roads and bridges etc. you are supporting socialistic policy. So can we at last speak honestly about it?

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