My growing disdain for W. Bush!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


Can't agree on you assessment of DJT, but do agree on "W". His father was a much better President and statesman.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


George Bush 43 was the typical establishment progressive Republican, just like his daddy, who both took US to wars, that they needed. I know for a fact that when the USSR was no longer a threat, 41 needed a new enemy so instigated Saddam into attacking Kuwait.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being



You have gone from one extreme to another.
George Bush 43 was the typical establishment progressive Republican, just like his daddy, who both took US to wars, that they needed. I know for a fact that when the USSR was no longer a threat, 41 needed a new enemy so instigated Saddam into attacking Kuwait.
Saddam was not instigated into attacking Kuwait by anyone in the US
George Bush 43 was the typical establishment progressive Republican, just like his daddy, who both took US to wars, that they needed. I know for a fact that when the USSR was no longer a threat, 41 needed a new enemy so instigated Saddam into attacking Kuwait.

Stop and think. Shooing Saddam out of Kuwait was legit.. Invading Iraq was not.

Read Clean Break Strategy. Dubya surrounded himself with signatories from the PNAC.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


Trump and Bush were both truly despicable human beings.

Both were wrong on the issues, both utterly incompetent, both did irreparable damage to America.
From an email, which I agree with!

Years ago my young son demonstrated against the war in Iraq. At the time my wife and I were horrified. We are both veterans and patriots. One of my sons is a veteran of those 9-11 conflicts. But as time has passed and I have become more informed it seems my young son had the right idea. President Bush instigated a war in Iraq under false pretenses that killed and maimed many, many people on both sides. I don't know how he can sleep at night. So yesterday I see him speaking in Shanksville. He had some good things to say to the veterans who fought that no doubt others had written. But now each time I see him a kind of disdain rises up in me. Who is he to lecture the rest of us! Unlike him, our 'exiled' former president doesn't have to wash the blood of so many off his hands.


Everyone now realizes what an empty suit the SOB was.

Compared to Trump, he did nothing. Nothing.

Israel, NATO, energy, borders....yeah remember how he did nothing?

Trump was a whirl wind of action.

We’ve had mediocrity in the WH ever since Reagan died. Pure and simple. Trump restored it, and did so quickly.

Bush has done nada to help.. A truly despicable human being


He lost any respect I had for him when he started spewing lefty talking points and throwing his constituents under the bus (he did it again on Saturday.)

He was a spineless leader that never stood up to the left when he held office which was annoying enough. Now he sucks their dicks.

GWB has proven himself to be an empty suit over and over again.
No one cared, It was not our fight or duty, so no we should never have invaded Iraq
saddam gassed his own people [ with WMDs ] --so did hitler
sdadam started TWO wars-hitler one
saddam violated the cease fire--do did hitler
saddam is a THREAT--undeniable
....hitler was done with on 22 June 1941....the world did not have a world economy as we did in the 90s = hitler and Japan could not affect the US as Saddam could--with the oil region right there ....
..AND= should we or not have invaded is a different question--we had every legal right to....they hindered WMD inspections ...the OP said ''under false pretenses''' -- that's not entirely tru

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