My First Environmentalist Witness!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Why the heck would 'environmentalism' belong in Science???
Almost astounding the frequency with which one finds seemingly intelligent adults who have accepted the indoctrination of the bogus 'science' of environmentalism.
It's Politics.... a flimsily disguised totalitarian scheme.....

Professor Wallace Kaufman, former president of several environmental groups, verifies all the things that those of us who laugh at the whacko warmists have been saying for years.
Check out some of the truths he acknowledges in his book "No Turning Back."

Here, the professor discusses the modern environmental movement as a cautionary tale.

1. He explains the environmental movement's antipathy to capitalism....the same view that Marxism has: "Their solutions [are to] increase regulation and government control, consume less, slow down technology, less, drive less, eat little or no meat, live colder in the winter and hotter in the summer, have fewer children, decrease competition..."

2. Get the idea about these folks? They are out of touch with modernity.

"After thirty years in the environmental movement, I am worried athat as it gains power,it cares less and less about reason and science. Its influence on movies, academia, and literature has already turned history into fiction and has started to exercise power in ways that may do more harm to nature than good."

This is a guy who has his head screwed on right!

3. And, as one form of Liberalism, it exhibits the same quasi-religious characteristics as Liberalism does.
" Over the past twenty years the environmental meetings I attend as a journalist have seemed more and more like church meetings....a little like having a single religious sect write student textbooks. In our meetings, they talk about 'converting' America and not letting science interfere with a 'spiritual understanding' of nature. They talk about creatures being 'sacred....The pulpit rhetoric has become the standard in environmental writing and teaching.

A certain angry and violent language accompanies the religious language....said that the only way to get the public's attention is to 'hit them with a two-by-four.

No on expects to see environmentalist sin the streets with two-by-fours, sort of a fascist Green Shirt movement, but their language is not the language of reason..."

Perhaps some of the indoctrinated can begin to see themselves as normal folks see them.

4. Then there is the extremism that accompanies the religious fervor! There can be no limits, no ability to prioritize!
"...simple-minded thinking can lead to expensive mistakes ....Few public campaigns have cost more money than those against toxic chemicals....Dr. Bruce Ames, a biochemiset and inventor of many tests for cancer-causing chemicals, has said, "When looking as caused of cancer...pollution is almost irrelevant."
"Misconceptions about environmental pollution, pesticides and the causes of cancer (NCPA policy report)," Dr. Bruce Ames, p. 34.

a. "E. Donald Elliott, a Yale law professor and former EPA general counsel, said "I have never seen a single rule where we weren't paying at least $100 million per life [saved] for some portion of the rule."
Forbes, "You Can't Get There From Here," July 6, 1992, Brimelow and Spencer.

b. "Some rules, he said, cost more than $30 billion. EPA rules passed in 1990 about wood preservatives have cost $5.7 trillion for each life they were estimated to save. according to John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas.

Does more harm than good, costs outrageous amounts, increases the size of government, and de facto steals private property via regulation.

Who are the morons who support this????
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????

You haven't made an argument.
I gave 1.8 TRILLION single dollar arguments already.
No you didn't. Your point seems to be to many regulations impact our lives and cost to much money to enforce. You appear to be including all regulations regarding all aspects of government control and regulation on all subjects. To make a valid point we need to know what regulations in regards to environmental issues you claim are useless, obsolete or unworthy. For example, is the regulation that prevents you from dumping used oil obtained from changing the oil in your vehicle into the local water reservoir or trout stream a useless regulation? Are the regulations that specify how you must dispose of that oil useless and unfair?
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?

Are you afraid to debate your topic? Is that why you immediately default to namecalling?
What are you high? This is a typical PC Saturday morning distorted thread that misleads and misinforms through the use of various writing methods of fraudulent disinformation technique's. SOP
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????
Not really, a true researcher would not present a one sided thesis..
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????
Not really, a true researcher would not present a one sided thesis..

Unless there is only one side, and you have simply accepted the totalitarian propaganda.

Since none of you simpletons have denied a single fact presented, clearly you have no other side.

Case closed.....or, as your icon, Al Gore likes to say, 'the debate is over.'
I gave 1.8 TRILLION single dollar arguments already.
No you didn't. Your point seems to be to many regulations impact our lives and cost to much money to enforce. You appear to be including all regulations regarding all aspects of government control and regulation on all subjects. To make a valid point we need to know what regulations in regards to environmental issues you claim are useless, obsolete or unworthy. For example, is the regulation that prevents you from dumping used oil obtained from changing the oil in your vehicle into the local water reservoir or trout stream a useless regulation? Are the regulations that specify how you must dispose of that oil useless and unfair?

5. The flaw in the Liberal thinking that causes these problems is a lack of understanding of human nature.

Former Senator James Buckley notes "... more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law!

Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

a. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions."
Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????
Not really, a true researcher would not present a one sided thesis..

So......this is pretty much your version of the white flag?

Now show us the way that industrialization does pollute and damage nature...

So.....I wrote "Who are the morons who support this????"

Is that what brought you scurrying out to support it?
No I just want to see you balancing your diet of propaganda...



What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles....we work hard so you don't have to"????
What is this, public school???

Look, you dunce.....if there is another side to the argument, how about you find and post it.

I put up the correct respond and I rip you a new one......haven't you noticed that that's how it works????
Not really, a true researcher would not present a one sided thesis..

Unless there is only one side, and you have simply accepted the totalitarian propaganda.

Since none of you simpletons have denied a single fact presented, clearly you have no other side.

Case closed.....or, as your icon, Al Gore likes to say, 'the debate is over.'
Hardly, but if you have a limited or closed mind, I can see your position....I am a land owner..I do not mar or destroy living things..There is no raping of the land here....I do not want every square inch destroyed by greedy profiteers that don't give damn about anything but lining their pockets with gold and silver...
You my dear, must enjoy a sterile environment with no natural beauty... Like the place where you live...

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