‘My co-workers mock me for wearing a mask — is this workplace harassment?’

What if your boss varied a security blanket around all day while sucking his thumb?
I think that would be a little much....still no reason to mock the person, but certainly grounds not to have them working there.

A mask, in most cases, won't keep someone from being able to do their job
Why would anyone care if another person is wearing a mask? I have to think this person is exagerrating or they are working in a vocation populated by young people.
Again, a funny question coming from a Dimmer. All your ilk did was chastise people for not wearing Facebidens
Mocking them is far cry from trying to force them to take it off. Nobody is doing that, whereas those maskers were trying to force others to wear a mask.
Most mask wearers are self righteous demigods who think they are holier than thou. Someone probably was staring at the mask (which probably said ‘Fuck Trump’) and another coworker asked if they could take the mask off so they’d stop mumbling.
Whole lotta factless assumptions there

But that’s how you roll
My only question would be why is the mask even there in the first place?

God bless you always!!!


I asked this question the first time I was stationed in Japan and saw people out in public wearing mask like we now see here.

One of the locals I had become friends with told me it was a common courtesy by people that were not feeling well but still had to be out in public to keep from spreading their germs as much. I was told it was really no different to them than when we cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze. That made a lot of sense to me.

It is why I was not triggered by the sight of mask in the US. The thing the US lacks though is a sense of common courtesy, we as a nation pretty much only give a shit about ourselves.
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I wear a mask in the office and my colleagues are always teasing me. They think it’s funny but it makes me very uncomfortable. I feel this has become a hostile work environment but my boss says to just lighten up — that no one is threatening me, making inappropriate advances or discriminating against me. What should I do?

If someone came to work dressed as a dog or a hooker are comments appropriate?
It is a hostile work environment now.
Your first post was not that far off though.

The same people that spent 2 years whining that wearing a mask should be a personal choice now mock people for making that personal choice.

Thus it the country we live in today
I haven't heard of them demanding masks be banned though. I love that it's now whining to object to loss of freedom. THAT is the country the wokesters want us to live in.

Still I disagree with mocking mask wearers. At this point mask wearing is an indication of a mild Neurosis or a more severe mental disorder. Such people deserve our compassion, not our scorn.

Don't get me started on the negative effects those many months of mask insanity had on school-age children. It's a perfect example of the left's willingness to be ruthless and particular hatred for kids.

Remember that we were told over and over that we should wear a mask to protect other people, not ourselves and that we were horribly selfish people if we did not. So when you see a person in a room with hundreds of people and they are the only ones wearing a mask, do you really think it is because they want to protect the hundred, or they want to protect themselves?
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Still I disagree with mocking mask wearers. At this point mask wearing is an indication of a mild Neurosis or a more severe mental disorder. Such people deserve our compassion, not our scorn.

See post #27
Mocking is useful for needless and socially harmful actions or gestures
Silly ass virtue signaling frightened people have no place in thinkers life. Asians are now wholly embarrassing. Signaling howOK you are with all this mask crap repressive bullshit is for wimps and losers.
A mask requirement to enter a business is no different than a "shirt and shoes" requirement or like one of the courses I sometimes go to which require collared shirt and a belt.
Shirt and shoes is ages old decorum
Masks are inventions of the hoax
Apples to gas cans once again


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Maskers didn't just vilify non-maskers, they demonized them. Called them murderers and said they should be out in concentration camps. I have zero sympathy for maskers who get picked on a little.
Remember all the quaking mask loons who said we were killing them and should be killed for it?
Shirt and shoes is ages old decorum
Masks are inventions of the hoax
Apples to gas cans once again

At one time shirt and shoes was a new thing and people got used to it so now it seems normal.

I noticed you ignored the golf course example, because of course you did.
At one time shirt and shoes was a new thing and people got used to it so now it seems normal.

I noticed you ignored the golf course example, because of course you did.
Yeah none of the other ages old decorum issues is a shit simple reflection of how frightened you are and how you demand others follow suit
At one time shirt and shoes was a new thing and people got used to it so now it seems normal.

I noticed you ignored the golf course example, because of course you did.
Dopey, golf course decorum is for those who CHOOSE and Pay to PLAY golf.

Masks were involuntarily imposed on everyone. You want to keep that position rolling
Once again, you are apples to dog turds

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