"My Brother, He Was a Good Boy"

Trying to break through someone's door after he tells you "Get offa my porch" in a Southern accent, usually means you're about to see Jesus.

And breaking and entering won't look good on your permanent record.

"My Brother, He Was a Good Boy"​

I'm guessing she didn't watch the video before making that statement.
Daddy stood his ground

Well, it has less to do with stand your ground (which we passed last year) than it does our Castle Doctrine. Our castle doctrine permits the use of deadly force and got rid of the duty to retreat. In Ohio, the castle doctrine also extends to your vehicle. Under our laws, breaking into my car is no different than what this kid tried to do to this mans house.

I have no idea what this sister meant when she said there wasn't a full investigation. It's all on video you dope. He had no history of anger or violence? I would say trying to kick open a locked door is anger and violence. So what does she want, this home owner charged for self-defense and protecting his family?

"My Brother, He Was a Good Boy"​

I'm guessing she didn't watch the video before making that statement.

I'm sure she did, but some people can't admit to a loved one breaking the law and paying the consequences. She said they were only there two hours. Two hours was more than enough time to watch the video and make the determination that no laws were broken here.
I give her a beark because she's family.

The guy was the stupid one to actually break down that door.

I don't know where she made this statement, but it seems like she made it to the news station covering the story. No, she doesn't get a break. Right is right and wrong is wrong. When a family member does wrong, you can't stick up for them.
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