"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

There is a clear and obvious reason why the impulse to perpetuate the species (directly, or as a surrogate) is the strongest impulse in the human condition. Any normally functioning (morally and intellectually) human recognizes this and feels it in the deepest recesses of their heart and soul. Some 'people' are not normally functioning, and/or are so shallow as to have no recesses if they have a heart and soul at all.
Anyone who cannot see that life is most precious of all, really has no business calling themselves human. Of course by their attitudes and behaviors, it is clear that many of these non-humans (also known as democrats) value image, social standing, and material goods more than they ever could value human life even if their moral compass were ever repaired.
And we are NOT going away. .....

Oh yes you are. It's the consequence of your own fucked up ideology.
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.
Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

Oh shut up with your nonsense. You know it's life so stop the fucking charade. Loon

Oh I guess pointing out the constitution to you is a charade.

It's not. It's fact and reality. Which is why you have become vulgar. Do you kiss people you love with that filthy mouth of yours?

I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.
Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

Oh shut up with your nonsense. You know it's life so stop the fucking charade. Loon

Oh I guess pointing out the constitution to you is a charade.

It's not. It's fact and reality. Which is why you have become vulgar. Do you kiss people you love with that filthy mouth of yours?

I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.
Proving the OP once again ... there is not one good argument for slaughtering babies. Thank you.
Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.
Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

Oh shut up with your nonsense. You know it's life so stop the fucking charade. Loon

Oh I guess pointing out the constitution to you is a charade.

It's not. It's fact and reality. Which is why you have become vulgar. Do you kiss people you love with that filthy mouth of yours?

I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.
Proving the OP once again ... there is not one good argument for slaughtering babies. Thank you.
When did the baby in the womb begin life? Answer, you don't know, and neither does anyone else. Including doctors, scientists, and Right-wing fanatics.
Ok, here's my review of this thread.

BWK - Failed 5th grade biology, completely dismissed a LONG list of excerpts/quotes from biology textbooks, scientists and doctors covering decades stating that human life begins at conception. Then posts an opinion piece from an msm site as proof and claims victory. Lots of projecting and living in upside-down land.

C_CLAYTON_JONES - Will ONLY talk about the law, even after it was pointed out that laws are not absolute truths never to be questioned, remember slavery was legal?

Vandalshandle - Snarky one-liners, no actual debating (as far as I saw) and refuses to look at anything that contradicts his view.

NotYourBody - "You can't stop me, you can't stop me la la la la la!!! You can't stop me, you can't stop me la la la la la!!! You can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, la la la la la !!!!!" (with fingers in ears and eyes closed)

Zero debating, zero defending her position, zero engaging in an actual discussion, will not read anything more than 3 sentences, basically just trolling like a rebellious child.

dblack - Little to no debating the actual topic, only emotional, paranoid comments about future enforcement, and other red herrings. He was the only one who answered the question on Scott Peterson, so I do give him credit for that, even though he was wrong.

Did I forget anyone? :D
You still can't deal with reality can you.? Even the Catholic Church, Jews, and Muslims have not claimed they know when life begins, because they aren't so idiotic as to make such an absurd claim. When Does Life Begin? Outside the Christian Right, the Answer Is “Over Time.”

And as you post this, WK - Failed 5th grade biology, completely dismissed a LONG list of excerpts/quotes from biology textbooks, scientists and doctors covering decades stating that human life begins at conception. Then posts an opinion piece from an msm site as proof and claims victory. Lots of projecting and living in upside-down land, there are just as many textbooks, doctors, and scientists who tell us exactly the opposite. Why, because no one really knows when life begins. They will never know unless God tells us. You are trying to push something that is impossible for man to answer. Stop making a fool of yourself.
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Well like you say in effect, that "modern day medicine has finally caught up", so really RvW is outdated and useless these days, and serves no purpose other than an evil one. If a person is raped of course they should report it, and then immediately take the morning day after pill in order to stop a pregnancy from ever getting started. The same goes for incest. Outside of those two, if a woman becomes pregnant due to having consentual sex with the one she loves just as it should be, and it was because neither used protection knowing the consequences of their actions, then both should own up to their responsibility, and do the right thing in life by not aborting the baby.

Killing a baby/life forming in the womb is the wrong thing to do, where as these things shouldn't be happening in 2019. Are the citizens getting dumber or smarter in life ??

Hard to tell anymore.

I'm STILL waiting for anyone who has a plan to FORCE a man to take responsibility for ALL of his unwanted children. A plan that hasn't already failed.

That would do your side a world of good convincing those who are willing to be convinced. I'm not sure why you aren't willing to concentrate your efforts in that area instead of demanding a women undergo lifetime changes to her physical body because you want a child in the world nobody is willing to care for. But that's just me....

Some of us are no longer willing to consider your arguments under any circumstances and you'll have to deal with it. We are absolutely not willing to let you have any say about the internal functions of our bodies.

Even the mere idea that you think you have the right to do that makes you as evil and vile as any slave owner in history. And just as worthless.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.
You all are still having trouble aren't you? Lol! Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about "when is the beginning of life", and how is it "killing" if they can't answer? Let me help you all out with that one. Because your religion/emotions/ ignorance tells you so. Thank goodness there is a separation of Church and State.

You have to wonder if the anti-abortion crowd tunes their brains out when the brain is trying to tell them that they have no answer for when life begins, and so therefore, how is it killing "human life', when that very question has not been answered? It's called willful idiocy.

Princeton good enough for ya? Now shut up loudmouth

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

He ignored the other 10,000 quotes from medical textbooks and scientists, so I'm sure he'll ignore that too. In other words, we could post 100,000 statements from scientists, and he would STILL claim "Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about when is the beginning of life"?" lolololol Ohhh, my word.

He's being flat out dishonest, at this point.
You could post a million, and there will be a million others telling us something different. Get your head out of the sand.
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.

And the man doesn't right? What a pussy and a coward to put it all off on the woman.
What cowards republicans are for not putting this on their 2020 platform. Or how stupid democrats are for not rallying women. Republicans war on women and freedom
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!
I'm STILL waiting for anyone who has a plan to FORCE a man to take responsibility for ALL of his unwanted children. A plan that hasn't already failed.

That would do your side a world of good convincing those who are willing to be convinced. I'm not sure why you aren't willing to concentrate your efforts in that area instead of demanding a women undergo lifetime changes to her physical body because you want a child in the world nobody is willing to care for. But that's just me....

Some of us are no longer willing to consider your arguments under any circumstances and you'll have to deal with it. We are absolutely not willing to let you have any say about the internal functions of our bodies.

Even the mere idea that you think you have the right to do that makes you as evil and vile as any slave owner in history. And just as worthless.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.
You all are still having trouble aren't you? Lol! Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about "when is the beginning of life", and how is it "killing" if they can't answer? Let me help you all out with that one. Because your religion/emotions/ ignorance tells you so. Thank goodness there is a separation of Church and State.

You have to wonder if the anti-abortion crowd tunes their brains out when the brain is trying to tell them that they have no answer for when life begins, and so therefore, how is it killing "human life', when that very question has not been answered? It's called willful idiocy.
So you look at something that might appear to be dead to you, so you go ahead and thrust in the spike as so to ensure it's death although it may have been alive to begin with ??? You take chances like that in life do you ??? It's great you are not looked to in order to give life a chance, because it's obvious which way you would go.
The question has been asked and asked again, and we get no answer. Folks, like it or not, the argument goes to pro-choice for the absence of intelligent debate with not answering the scientific and religious questions. The posters on the Right are not God, so they can't answer it that way, nor were they able to answer the questions scientifically with conclusive evidence. You lose. Game over.

Its been answered numerous times you befuddled dumb fuck
It's no where to be found. You're a liar. If it were true, you would have posted it.
And the man doesn't right? What a pussy and a coward to put it all off on the woman.
What cowards republicans are for not putting this on their 2020 platform. Or how stupid democrats are for not rallying women. Republicans war on women and freedom
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

Only in your ignorant, stubborn little mind. Science already established LONG ago when human life begins. You just don't want to hear it, because it goes against your strange obsession with promoting abortion.
If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.
Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

Oh shut up with your nonsense. You know it's life so stop the fucking charade. Loon

Oh I guess pointing out the constitution to you is a charade.

It's not. It's fact and reality. Which is why you have become vulgar. Do you kiss people you love with that filthy mouth of yours?

I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.
Proving the OP once again ... there is not one good argument for slaughtering babies. Thank you.
When did the baby in the womb begin life? Answer, you don't know, and neither does anyone else. Including doctors, scientists, and Right-wing fanatics.
So your story remains babies aren't alive so it;s OK to slaughter them, eh?

Brain-deaf leftard. Very sad.
Premie born at 24 weeks. Pro-aborts say this CHILD should be perfectly legal to kill. Sadistic fucks.

Speaking of premies, does anyone remember this video, that went viral back in 2013?

This beautiful little boy was born at 25 weeks. Let it sink in that the some here believe that babies this age, or even farther along than him, are disposable, worthless non-humans who can be dismembered and killed, simply because of where they are located.

This video is a must-see.

Ok, here's my review of this thread.

BWK - Failed 5th grade biology, completely dismissed a LONG list of excerpts/quotes from biology textbooks, scientists and doctors covering decades stating that human life begins at conception. Then posts an opinion piece from an msm site as proof and claims victory. Lots of projecting and living in upside-down land.

C_CLAYTON_JONES - Will ONLY talk about the law, even after it was pointed out that laws are not absolute truths never to be questioned, remember slavery was legal?

Vandalshandle - Snarky one-liners, no actual debating (as far as I saw) and refuses to look at anything that contradicts his view.

NotYourBody - "You can't stop me, you can't stop me la la la la la!!! You can't stop me, you can't stop me la la la la la!!! You can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice my body my choice you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, you can't stop me you can't stop me, la la la la la !!!!!" (with fingers in ears and eyes closed)

Zero debating, zero defending her position, zero engaging in an actual discussion, will not read anything more than 3 sentences, basically just trolling like a rebellious child.

dblack - Little to no debating the actual topic, only emotional, paranoid comments about future enforcement, and other red herrings. He was the only one who answered the question on Scott Peterson, so I do give him credit for that, even though he was wrong.

Did I forget anyone? :D

I think that's an excellent recap and it's why abortion defenders are losing the debate. Thanks!
Look at this ghoul, pounding her hairy chest and insisting on her intention to kill others.
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.

Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

No it's not, actually. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that states lawmakers cannot vote on laws based on their religious convictions so long as they do not break the tenets of the Constitution. There IS no "separation of Church and State" in the Constitution and so, as you well know, lawmakers are ABSOLUTELY allowed to oppose ANYTHING or endorse ANYTHING based on religious belief. The people ELECT them. If the people don't like it, kick them out of office and they won't make laws. That's how it works.
I'm STILL waiting for anyone who has a plan to FORCE a man to take responsibility for ALL of his unwanted children. A plan that hasn't already failed.

That would do your side a world of good convincing those who are willing to be convinced. I'm not sure why you aren't willing to concentrate your efforts in that area instead of demanding a women undergo lifetime changes to her physical body because you want a child in the world nobody is willing to care for. But that's just me....

Some of us are no longer willing to consider your arguments under any circumstances and you'll have to deal with it. We are absolutely not willing to let you have any say about the internal functions of our bodies.

Even the mere idea that you think you have the right to do that makes you as evil and vile as any slave owner in history. And just as worthless.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.
You all are still having trouble aren't you? Lol! Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about "when is the beginning of life", and how is it "killing" if they can't answer? Let me help you all out with that one. Because your religion/emotions/ ignorance tells you so. Thank goodness there is a separation of Church and State.

You have to wonder if the anti-abortion crowd tunes their brains out when the brain is trying to tell them that they have no answer for when life begins, and so therefore, how is it killing "human life', when that very question has not been answered? It's called willful idiocy.

Princeton good enough for ya? Now shut up loudmouth

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

He ignored the other 10,000 quotes from medical textbooks and scientists, so I'm sure he'll ignore that too. In other words, we could post 100,000 statements from scientists, and he would STILL claim "Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about when is the beginning of life"?" lolololol Ohhh, my word.

He's being flat out dishonest, at this point.

They all are in their zeal to kill innocents. Evil bastards

I'm no longer responding to any of those posters in this thread. Buttercup gave us an excellent recap; they have nothing more to say. For my part I'm wiping the dust from my sandals and moving on.

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