Muslims fear Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a very disturbing video because it shows just how deeply the fear is of Jewish people praying on their own Temple Mount in Israel. I have never seen Jewish people protesting at any mosque - shouting outside of the mosque and causing such disruptions due to their fear of Muslims praying at their place of worship. I believe the Jews have been very respectful and wonder why can that respect not be reciprocated here? It does not make any sense to me. Does it make any sense to you?

Muslim Fear of Jewish Prayer is Causing Uncontrollable Rage on The Temple Mount | Israel Video Network
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It belongs to them. Of course they should pray there. I do not understand why the Muslims fear the Jews praying on their own Temple Mount. This is the most holy place for the Jews. Where is the respect for this holy ground? Out of respect and reverence for G-d the Temple Mount should be respected with proper behavior by everyone. Not this! This is totally unacceptable.
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They should celebrate with the jews, the people of Moses the prophet, on the mount.
They should not fear Judaism, but rather welcome the people of the book to pray with them as brothers.
Muslims attend church in Bethlehem so why not have jews pray on the mount?
It is God's mount and they are all god's people.
Bottom line is the Islamists are jealous of the Jews because the Jews have Abraham's wife as their Matriarch, whereas the Islamists just have their maidservant as theirs.
That maidservant is believed to have been a minor princess from one of the surrounding nations taken during their wars. She was not just some average slave but an honored gift.
Islam does not hold many women such as matriarchs in such high regard. Mohammed's wet nurse has a mosque dedicated to her, in cyprus, that used to be the third most holy site for them originally. The idea of Jerusalem is a modern creation. Al-aqsa was build on the mount because muslims wanted to pray on the holy mount but the basilica, what is now the dome, was for christians, jews and other pilgrims.
They should celebrate with the jews, the people of Moses the prophet, on the mount.
They should not fear Judaism, but rather welcome the people of the book to pray with them as brothers.
Muslims attend church in Bethlehem so why not have jews pray on the mount?
It is God's mount and they are all god's people.

Ditto! I don't understand why prayer by anyone should be barred from any Holy place...I'm a Unitarian, where my congregation was Jewish, Protestant, Catholic and others...

I thank whatever gods maybe! I think its Politics rather than Religious.
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