Muslim Woman Teacher Gets Fired for a Haj.

The law says that an employer must make "reasonable accommodations" to someone's religious beliefs as long as it does not negatively impact the business. And also the religious accommodation must be considered an absolute of their belief. Like, you can't make a Jew eat pork on the job. Or you can't make a muslim eat anything during the day during Ramadan.

We've had people applying where I work that say they must have Sundays off because of church. We don't hire them. Why? Because the weekends are our busiest time. And it's not an absolute precondition of the Christian belief that they must attend church all day on Sunday. Thats just what the applicant wants to do.

Actually, the condition is that they cannot work on the last day of the week.

Most Christians know nothing about their own religion.

Remember the Sabbath...

But it's not a condition of being a Christian. Thats the point I'm trying to make. Doesn't matter what day of the week it is.
Actually, it is. It's one of God's commandments.

Unless you think all the OT laws were thrown out, in which case you're left without laws against murder, since I don't recall Jesus ever mentioning that one, either.
This calendar.
Islamic calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The pilgrimage happens every year but on different days because of the calendar.

Which is not every 9 years, which actually makes me right.

By the way, if she had waited a few years she could have gone in the summer, instead of trying to force the district to leave the math lab without proper supervision just before the finals. Does the fact that she is the only teacher qualified for that particular job in that district make her more or less unreasonable in her insistence at talking time off that year?

No, you are not right. If she were to go in the summer for the Hajj, it would take 9 more years for it to be in the summer.

You are only required to go on the hajj once. What is it with you and your fascination with the 9 year cycle of the lunar calendar and solar calendar?
Actually, the condition is that they cannot work on the last day of the week.

Most Christians know nothing about their own religion.

Remember the Sabbath...

But it's not a condition of being a Christian. Thats the point I'm trying to make. Doesn't matter what day of the week it is.
Actually, it is. It's one of God's commandments.

Unless you think all the OT laws were thrown out, in which case you're left without laws against murder, since I don't recall Jesus ever mentioning that one, either.

But it's not a precondition of being a Christian.

If you break one of the commandments, you are not automatically thrown out of the faith.
I think its bullshit. If her vacation time does not cover it then she is no different then any one else. Your job is on the line. And in my opinion she did deserve to be fired.

But i see this crap going to court as religious discrimination. And she will more then likely win.
What if she were fired for refusing to attend a special meeting or class on a Saturday because she was a Seventh Day Adventist?

One day is different then 3 weeks.

Thats where the gray area is.
What if she were fired for refusing to attend a special meeting or class on a Saturday because she was a Seventh Day Adventist?

One day is different then 3 weeks.

Thats where the gray area is.

I highly suggest you read the rules on quoting. Do not take what i say out of context.

I said that if the person did not want to show up for a special meeting for "religious reasons" should also be up for termination.

It is not a gray area.
But it's not a condition of being a Christian. Thats the point I'm trying to make. Doesn't matter what day of the week it is.
Actually, it is. It's one of God's commandments.

Unless you think all the OT laws were thrown out, in which case you're left without laws against murder, since I don't recall Jesus ever mentioning that one, either.

But it's not a precondition of being a Christian.

You said 'condition', not 'precondition'.

The only precondition I know of is being human. There are many conditions.

If you break one of the commandments, you are not automatically thrown out of the faith.
If you knowingly and willfully break it, you are on the path to either the lake of fire or the outer darkness. If you figure 'what the hell, I'll ask for forgiveness later', you're taking to Lord's name in vain
She can, however, do it next year. Or the year after that

Those would also fall during the school year

And Umra taken during the summer does not satisfy the requirement to take the Haj

No they wouldn't. The hajj occurs on a lunar calendar, and falls on a different month every year.
That's where the other poster's getting the nine-year thing, dolt. They're saying it'll be nine years before Haj occurs during the school district's summer recess
Actually, it is. It's one of God's commandments.

Unless you think all the OT laws were thrown out, in which case you're left without laws against murder, since I don't recall Jesus ever mentioning that one, either.

But it's not a precondition of being a Christian.

You said 'condition', not 'precondition'.

The only precondition I know of is being human. There are many conditions.

If you break one of the commandments, you are not automatically thrown out of the faith.
If you knowingly and willfully break it, you are on the path to either the lake of fire or the outer darkness. If you figure 'what the hell, I'll ask for forgiveness later', you're taking to Lord's name in vain

Then it's not a condition to being a Christian. If you break it you are not thrown out of the religion.
Its a little sticky but she asked for 3 weeks unpaid leave and when she couldnt get that she resigned.

This country was made up of "foreign" beliefs, Grace. Youre just used to the ones we have.

This was something she had to do for her religious beliefs. I dont see why you people think shes so evil. Wait, shes Muslim....right.....

I dont even believe in any religious hocus pocus but I sure can see how some of you think you have every right in the world to have it your way. F**k the rest, right?
Guess I spoke too soon about no one defending the idiot....

No. It isn't "Fuck the rest" (don't be afraid to spell it)
I don;t demand Sundays off or Easter or, when I worked where they were open for it, even Christmas.

And no it isn't something she "had" to do for her religious beliefs.
She isn't evil. She's the one feeling entitled. How does that reflect on "some of us"?

You may not demand those days off, thats your prerogative. You do get religious holidays if you are a Christian, or not. Paid too. There would be quite a shit storm if they decided to cancel all the religious holidays in this country.

I dont see how she felt entitled when she offered to take unpaid leave. Yes, all Muslims are required to do this at least once in their lives.

The sticky part is the length of time.
I work in a restaurant. Only because I'm salary do I get any day off with pay.
Holidays are our busiest days so don't expect them off.

She REQUESTED the time off.
Request denied.
I deny time-off requests quite often if they fall on busy days. If the employee winds up calling off they are disciplined. Three write-ups for the same offense within 90 days and you are terminated.
This woman took 3 weeks. That's 21 violations of "no-call no-show".
That equals no job in my book
If you willfully break it, you're not a Christian

One thing you Roman Universals fail to grasp is that there is no organized church on Earth; the only true Church is with God; the body of the Church is all true believers.

Acting as you describe violates the Law of god and means you are taking the Holy Spirit and the Lord's name in vain. Hence, you are not part of the true Church. You are instead a member of a false church walking the broad and winding road to damnation.

This is made clear in the bible.
Muslim Probationary teacher decides to take a three week haj to Mecca during the school year. The school stated that if she did she would lose her job. The Muslim woman goes on her 3 week haj to Mecca during the school year anyway. She gets fired. The Muslim woman sues the school.

Our Dept of Justice Head, the Obamarrhoidal Twit and Ridiculous Nincompoop Erik Holder rises to her defense.

Is Holder a MuslimArseLicking Stooge ?

Waddaya think ?

Holder is a racist idiot. Nothing from the Obama Administration surprises me.
One day is different then 3 weeks.

Thats where the gray area is.

I highly suggest you read the rules on quoting. Do not take what i say out of context.

I said that if the person did not want to show up for a special meeting for "religious reasons" should also be up for termination.

It is not a gray area.

Im sorry, where did I break the rules? I quoted you. I didnt change any words.
Those would also fall during the school year

And Umra taken during the summer does not satisfy the requirement to take the Haj

No they wouldn't. The hajj occurs on a lunar calendar, and falls on a different month every year.

Different day, not month.

Wrong again.

The Islamic calendar is made up of months that start when the sun and moon line up at sundown, and is based solely on observation of the event. Each month is made up of 29 or 30 days, and it does not start if the day when the conjunction occurs is cloudy.

The Islamic year last 12 months, averages 354.37 days, and has no provision for a leap day or month to keep it in sync with the seasons. It drifts 11 days every year, and takes 33 years to fully cycle through and have dates match up with the Gregorian calendar.

Islamic calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Different days, different months, and even different seasons, all on a 33 year cycle.

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