Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Not just you, but everyone else on that jury too. In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification it would have to be an all muslim jury. Good luck with that.
Just takes one person to cause a hung jury resulting in a mistrial.

So it's up to the DA if he wants to refile the case and try again. :cool:

In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification, there would have to be at least a smidgeon of a doubt of whether he's innocent or not. If a muslim hangs the jury just because he's a sharia lover, the DA will refile FOR SURE and CONVICT the s.o.b.

Which also goes to show: you can't trust muslims to do the right thing.
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Not just you, but everyone else on that jury too. In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification it would have to be an all muslim jury. Good luck with that.
Just takes one person to cause a hung jury resulting in a mistrial.

So it's up to the DA if he wants to refile the case and try again. :cool:

In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification, there would have to be at least a smidgeon of a doubt of whether he's innocent or not. If a muslim hangs the jury just because he's a sharia lover, the DA will refile FOR SURE and CONVICT the s.o.b.

Which also goes to show: you can't trust muslims to do the right thing.
I would just wear normal western style clothes and no one in the court room would know that I was a muslim. :eusa_angel:
Not just you, but everyone else on that jury too. In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification it would have to be an all muslim jury. Good luck with that.
Just takes one person to cause a hung jury resulting in a mistrial.

So it's up to the DA if he wants to refile the case and try again. :cool:

Hung jury is only in a criminal case.
We are back to the stone age if you allow your friends to commit criminal acts because someone spoke a word.
We are a nation OF THE LAW, not men and their varying like the wind religous beliefs.
I am going to worship a chicken and if you kill one and eat it I will burn your house down and rape your children.
And all of my followers will vote NOT GUILTY.
After all, we have your time honored history of jury nullification.
That is what the future holds with your practice.
Just takes one person to cause a hung jury resulting in a mistrial.

So it's up to the DA if he wants to refile the case and try again. :cool:

In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification, there would have to be at least a smidgeon of a doubt of whether he's innocent or not. If a muslim hangs the jury just because he's a sharia lover, the DA will refile FOR SURE and CONVICT the s.o.b.

Which also goes to show: you can't trust muslims to do the right thing.
I would just wear normal western style clothes and no one in the court room would know that I was a muslim. :eusa_angel:

You obviously have never been in a trial or a courtroom for a trial.
Voir dire will show who and what you are.
If you are honest. If you lie then you may be seated on a jury.
Some Christians on the far right stomp on gays, atheists, women, etc.

Most Christians do not.

Run along, Sallow, with your blanket condemnation.

Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.

Don't blame the video; defend free speech -

It's funny that Christians are using the same argument to tromp on the rights of women in this country.
I have done one weeks jury duty 3 different times in my life.

Not once have I ever heard any potential jury member asked what is their religion? :cool:

The question is would your religous beliefs over ride THE LAW.
And yours do.
"If you were to be chosen for the jury would you set aside any and all religous beliefs you may have concerning the guilt or innocence of the accused and strictly go by the facts of the case and the applicable law in your deliberations?"
Fairly typical voir dire question Sunni and you were asked it and if you said NO you would have been excused for prejudicial cause.
Asked in every criminal case voir dire I have ever seen in over 30 years.
I have done one weeks jury duty 3 different times in my life.

Not once have I ever heard any potential jury member asked what is their religion? :cool:

The question is would your religous beliefs over ride THE LAW.
And yours do.
"If you were to be chosen for the jury would you set aside any and all religous beliefs you may have concerning the guilt or innocence of the accused and strictly go by the facts of the case and the applicable law in your deliberations?"
Fairly typical voir dire question Sunni and you were asked it and if you said NO you would have been excused for prejudicial cause.
Asked in every criminal case voir dire I have ever seen in over 30 years.
Same thing if I was seated on a jury for a man that found out that his next door neighbor had molested his daughter. And took his gun over to the neighbors house and killed him.

I would find the shooter Not Guilty no matter how much evidence the DA had against him. And that would even include a written confession. :cool:
I have done one weeks jury duty 3 different times in my life.

Not once have I ever heard any potential jury member asked what is their religion? :cool:

The question is would your religous beliefs over ride THE LAW.
And yours do.
"If you were to be chosen for the jury would you set aside any and all religous beliefs you may have concerning the guilt or innocence of the accused and strictly go by the facts of the case and the applicable law in your deliberations?"
Fairly typical voir dire question Sunni and you were asked it and if you said NO you would have been excused for prejudicial cause.
Asked in every criminal case voir dire I have ever seen in over 30 years.
Same thing if I was seated on a jury for a man that found out that his next door neighbor had molested his daughter. And took his gun over to the neighbors house and killed him.

I would find the shooter Not Guilty no matter how much evidence the DA had against him. And that would even include a written confession. :cool:

If I could ask a question, how long ago did this happen?
Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.
Personally, I would refuse to testify against the muslim in court.

And if I was on the jury; I would vote "Not Guilty", which would end up in a mistrial at a minmum and hopefully him being found to be innocent of all charges. :cool:

Would you find these muslims innocent Sunni Boy?:eusa_whistle:

Iran's Anti-Gay Pogrom
American gay rights groups are ignoring systematic persecution in the Islamic Republic


The Islamic Republic of Iran--under the new government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--is engaged in a major anti-homosexual pogrom targeting gays and gay sex. This campaign includes Internet entrapment, blackmail to force arrested gays to inform on others, torture and executions of those found guilty of engaging in "homosexual acts."

Homosexual acts have been considered a capital crime in Iran since the 1979 revolution that brought the Ayatollah Khomeini to power. Iranians found guilty of gay lovemaking are given a choice of four death styles: being hanged, stoned, halved by a sword or dropped from the highest perch.

Iran Hangs Gays to Please God
See that is not hard, is it?

You support the Muslims.

I always knew it.

Come on, daveman, you can't rewrite it, son.

So you support the Muslim protesters of the film in the ME.

Go ahead, and say yes if it is true.
I support non-violent protests. What part of that is failing to shoehorn its way into your vacuous skull, boy?
So, then you don't support the basic human right of non-violent protest?

Scratch a leftist, find a fascist. Every time.

What is it about them, Fakey, that makes you believe they don't have the same God-given rights that you and I have? They're brown-skinned? They speak funny languages?

Why do you believe they're inferior?
Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.
Personally, I would refuse to testify against the muslim in court.

And if I was on the jury; I would vote "Not Guilty", which would end up in a mistrial at a minmum and hopefully him being found to be innocent of all charges. :cool:
You have a perverted concept of justice.

But what can you expect from someone who thinks being Jewish is a capital crime?
Sunni Man states in defense of his co-religionist who vandalized his neighbor's property because of his neighbor's anti-Muslim belief, that, he, Sunni Man would, "Personally, I would refuse to testify against the muslim in court. // And if I was on the jury; I would vote "Not Guilty", which would end up in a mistrial at a minmum and hopefully him being found to be innocent of all charges."

Such proposed behavior is immoral and criminal and anti-American.

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