Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Sunni, aren't you guys just a little bit thin skinned and milk weak for getting all in a hissy fit about what someone else said about your religion?
It is one thing to talk about your mama or kin, those may be fighting words, but a man needs to be calm on other things.
To a muslim Prophet Muhammad is a thousand times more important than any blood relative. :cool:
He sure is a whiny little bitch, isn't he?
But nothing compared to you Davy boy. :lol:
Where are there any protests going on over that film?
I see mass riots with violence but no protests.
Amazing how these folks are protesting Americans and burning their own neighborhoods down and trashing their own property.
Take a good look folks. Not all but most of these Muslims from 3rd world countries are crazy fanatics.
The film is trash, pure filth but WE live in a free country.
Fuck them if they do not like it. They do not have to watch it.
Come on, daveman, you can't rewrite it, son.

So you support the Muslim protesters of the film in the ME.

Go ahead, and say yes if it is true.

Then Thanatos and Daveman support the Moslem protestors in the Middle East.

Oh, I guess it's different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it, huh?

Yes, the Muslims have every right to protest peacefully the film, as you, daveman, have every right to defend it.

If you want to keep embarrassing yourself, go right ahead. I'll keep pointing out your idiocy.
I support non-violent protests. What part of that is failing to shoehorn its way into your vacuous skull, boy?
50 or so muslims died in protests over the movie. So I'd have to say that the movie has had a positive impact. 20 million more movies like this and there won't be any muslims left. ACTION!:D
Sunni, aren't you guys just a little bit thin skinned and milk weak for getting all in a hissy fit about what someone else said about your religion?
It is one thing to talk about your mama or kin, those may be fighting words, but a man needs to be calm on other things.
To a muslim Prophet Muhammad is a thousand times more important than any blood relative. :cool:

Just curious Sun, what's it like to know that when you walk down the street, all non-muslim Americans think that you're scum and would roll you up in a magic carpet and FedEx you back to mecca?

Just curious 2: Is there any toilet paper in all of mecca? Because that's a lot of shit-hands using the same bar of soap.
See that is not hard, is it?

You support the Muslims.

I always knew it.

Come on, daveman, you can't rewrite it, son.

So you support the Muslim protesters of the film in the ME.

Go ahead, and say yes if it is true.

Oh, I guess it's different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it, huh?

If you want to keep embarrassing yourself, go right ahead. I'll keep pointing out your idiocy.
I support non-violent protests. What part of that is failing to shoehorn its way into your vacuous skull, boy?
Sunni, you and Obama are the only ones still pushing the movie excuse. The rest of the world knows it was a 911 anniversary present. Nice try though..........
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:
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Sunni, you and Obama are the only ones still pushing the movie excuse. The rest of the world knows it was a 911 anniversary present. Nice try though..........
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Then how come the Libyan government said it was based on 9/11?
Sunni, you and Obama are the only ones still pushing the movie excuse. The rest of the world knows it was a 911 anniversary present. Nice try though..........
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Sun, if Islam is so fucking great, why are there tons of muslims emigrating to Western countries? And no non-muslims going to other way except to work?
Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.

Don't blame the video; defend free speech -

It's funny that Christians are using the same argument to tromp on the rights of women in this country.
Sunni, you and Obama are the only ones still pushing the movie excuse. The rest of the world knows it was a 911 anniversary present. Nice try though..........
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Sun, if Islam is so fucking great, why are there tons of muslims emigrating to Western countries? And no non-muslims going to other way except to work?

You may want to check on the history of those countries they are leaving. Many of them are in sorry states due to western interference.
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Sun, if Islam is so fucking great, why are there tons of muslims emigrating to Western countries? And no non-muslims going to other way except to work?

You may want to check on the history of those countries they are leaving. Many of them are in sorry states due to western interference.

It's sad that liberal idiots have sympathies toward radical islam although it actually makes sense as both ideologies are totalitarian in nature and practice
Whether it's Asians, Africans. Hispanics, or any other ethnicity.

They come to the U.S. for economic reasons more than anything else.

True story...............

Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
I would never say that and do not condone that as I respect the religion of others. Add in one of my best clients who is about to get married is Muslim and good friend of mine who is a jeweler in town is a Muslim.
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.
Whether it's Asians, Africans. Hispanics, or any other ethnicity.

They come to the U.S. for economic reasons more than anything else.

True story...............

Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
I would never say that and do not condone that as I respect the religion of others. Add in one of my best clients who is about to get married is Muslim and good friend of mine who is a jeweler in town is a Muslim.
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.

Nobody of any character or of a civil temperament goes out of their way to insult the religion of their friends, family, neighbors, colleagues. No Americans have any problem with law abiding Muslims who just go about the task of living their lives like everybody else. Most of us simply don't say and do things that taunt or create a toxic atmosphere among the people you live amongst.

But then, even if it hurts us or angers us, most of us don't react violently when we are insulted or somebody makes fun of us or something that is important to us. I believe that is true of most Muslims as well.

That does not change the fact that there is also an angry Muslim world out there who will react violently if provoked with insults or ridicule. And to deny that simply stretches anybody's credibility on this topic.

Our dilemma is whether we are going to defend free speech and the right of cartoonists and pundits or even malicious idiots to poke fun at whomever they choose? Or do we defer to the angry militant Islam who demand the right to not be insulted and who punish anybody who would dare insult them? For that matter do we defend the right of say the owner of Chick-fil-a to speak his opinions without retaliation against his business? Or do we defend those who would organize to punish him for his opinions? The consequences for that aren't deadly, of course, but the principle is the same.

There is an important principle at stake here. We were attempting to discuss it in the CDZ before the trolls had that thread shut down. Maybe some will be allowed to consider it here. We are either free to speak out against a murderous side of militant Islam who would attack people innocent of any crime just because somebody insulted them. Or we aren't.
Whether it's Asians, Africans. Hispanics, or any other ethnicity.

They come to the U.S. for economic reasons more than anything else.

True story...............

Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
I would never say that and do not condone that as I respect the religion of others. Add in one of my best clients who is about to get married is Muslim and good friend of mine who is a jeweler in town is a Muslim.
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.

Nobody of any character or of a civil temperament goes out of their way to insult the religion of their friends, family, neighbors, colleagues. No Americans have any problem with law abiding Muslims who just go about the task of living their lives like everybody else. Most of us simply don't say and do things that taunt or create a toxic atmosphere among the people you live amongst.

But then, even if it hurts us or angers us, most of us don't react violently when we are insulted or somebody makes fun of us or something that is important to us. I believe that is true of most Muslims as well.

That does not change the fact that there is also an angry Muslim world out there who will react violently if provoked with insults or ridicule. And to deny that simply stretches anybody's credibility on this topic.

Our dilemma is whether we are going to defend free speech and the right of cartoonists and pundits or even malicious idiots to poke fun at whomever they choose? Or do we defer to the angry militant Islam who demand the right to not be insulted and who punish anybody who would dare insult them? For that matter do we defend the right of say the owner of Chick-fil-a to speak his opinions without retaliation against his business? Or do we defend those who would organize to punish him for his opinions? The consequences for that aren't deadly, of course, but the principle is the same.

There is an important principle at stake here. We were attempting to discuss it in the CDZ before the trolls had that thread shut down. Maybe some will be allowed to consider it here. We are either free to speak out against a murderous side of militant Islam who would attack people innocent of any crime just because somebody insulted them. Or we aren't.

I agree. All of the Muslims I know, not many, are good folks around this small town. They work hard and cause no problems. Their kids are just like the other kids.
My question is who do they support not only in thought but in ACTION?
Talk is cheap. I go out of my way to protect the rights of everyone.

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