Muslim Americans Open Up About How Islamophobia Has Affected Their Lives

After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times


After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times


After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

[QUOTE="theHawk, post: 13890181, member: 2921/] Really don't give a shit how they feel. ...[/QUOTE]

Should anyone give a shit how YOU feel?
Muslims don't want to leave here, because their ultimate goal is to change all non-Islamic nations to Islamic nations.
It's only a matter of time before the nation will see a new political party created here called the Islamic Party.

They already have one, the Democratic Party.
My Muslim brother-in-law isn't a terrorist, but he used my sister as a punching bag. He throttled her and rammed her head against the wall, giving her a concussion. He threw a vase at her head, and she had to have stitches. And all of that is not against Islam, it actually makes you a GOOD HUSBAND in the eyes of Muslims if you beat your wife.

After the vase throwing incident, my sister left the apartment without her cell phone. She knocked on the doors of her Muslim neighbors' apartments, so she could call the police, but none of them would let her in.

And the Muslims never accepted my sister as one of them, even though she wore that stupid veil, because she was white they would not accept her as one of them.
Sounds like she was a lot of trouble.

He was lucky to get rid of her. ....... :cool:
Idiot satan worshiper.
Oh, PLEASE; muslims are the world's most perpetually butthurt, grievance-mongering crybabies on this planet! They ALWAYS love to portray themselves as woe-as-me sniveling victims. And they succeed because these dumb, stupid, naive, self-hating liberal cretins fall for it EVERY GODDAMNED TIME! Muslims DESERVE to be marginalized for their abhorrent beliefs and values that would repulse anybody who has a conscience.
So are you "for" or "against" muslims?? ....... :dunno:

Sir, I'm against a praised-by-Hitler hate ideology that has killed 300,000,000 people in total and still counting even as I type this sentence.

You think this country killed 300 million Indians? I didn't think there were that many.

WillMunny will learn, if he hasn't already, that you are far too much of a Dumb-Ass to engage in a discussion with. Hint: He's not talking about Indians. Nobody but you are talking about Indians. Indians haven't done anything. The topic is the danger posed the sick culture coming out of the Middle East.
Pogo can't be truthful about the subject so he deflects
After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times

After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times


He is correct, keep crying retard.
Oh, PLEASE; muslims are the world's most perpetually butthurt, grievance-mongering crybabies on this planet! They ALWAYS love to portray themselves as woe-as-me sniveling victims. And they succeed because these dumb, stupid, naive, self-hating liberal cretins fall for it EVERY GODDAMNED TIME! Muslims DESERVE to be marginalized for their abhorrent beliefs and values that would repulse anybody who has a conscience.
So are you "for" or "against" muslims?? ....... :dunno:

Sir, I'm against a praised-by-Hitler hate ideology that has killed 300,000,000 people in total and still counting even as I type this sentence.

You think this country killed 300 million Indians? I didn't think there were that many.

Why you fucking idiot, I'm referring to ISLAM! It's an historical FACT you can look up online. Which you won't because you know I'm right and you'll have egg on your face. Name me ONE society that has ever benefited from Pisslam; you can't because such a country doesn't exist.
Awww, poor babies! No wonder every Muslim country is a third world toilet.
Impossible.....white people aren't there yet.

There are no majority white third world countries for a
Romania is a white third-world nation. The women were aborting all the kids because no one could afford them, so the Communist government outlawed abortion. People dumped their children off at orphanages and they didn't know what to do with them all, so they handcuffed them to cots.

My glimpse of hell and the pitiful children who have been betrayed

^20 years after the end of Communism, the situation with orphans is just as bad as before.

Romania remains a very poor country, and I know a woman who grew up there. Her entire family owns one motor vehicle, and she keeps it a secret from them that she owns a vehicle all by herself, and her German-American husband owns a vehicle as well. They are both professors, and very well off. The people of Romania aren't stupid, so I have no idea why they are still so poor.

The author of this article can't figure it out either:

Why is Romania so poor?
Awww, poor babies! No wonder every Muslim country is a third world toilet.
Impossible.....white people aren't there yet.

There are no majority white third world countries for a
Romania is a white third-world nation. The women were aborting all the kids because no one could afford them, so the Communist government outlawed abortion. People dumped their children off at orphanages and they didn't know what to do with them all, so they handcuffed them to cots.

My glimpse of hell and the pitiful children who have been betrayed

^20 years after the end of Communism, the situation with orphans is just as bad as before.

Romania remains a very poor country, and I know a woman who grew up there. Her entire family owns one motor vehicle, and she keeps it a secret from them that she owns a vehicle all by herself, and her German-American husband owns a vehicle as well. They are both professors, and very well off. The people of Romania aren't stupid, so I have no idea why they are still so poor.

The author of this article can't figure it out either:

Why is Romania so poor?

Ok. One. You got me.

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